are systems described more by degradation or production
kermack and mckendrick model?
how is Ro defined in the infection spread lecture
basic reproduction number — number of people infected by an individual while they’re infectious
why are natural models typically non-linear?
what does doubling time of the infection spread depend on and why
NOT on n, but on t — exponential growth
no matter how big n is, Tdouble is the same
what is herd immunity?
number of immune people which stops the infection spread
how is thermodynamic equilibrium different from
non-equilibrium processes?
what did Michalis-Menten discover in early 1900s?
measured kinetics of enzymatic reactions, did initial rate measurements
S+E = C = E + P
in their model the substrate is in surplus and slowly gets converted into product
what did christian bohr did?
measured oxygen partial pressure in the air
what happens when we’re exposed to less pO2 (oxygen pressure)?
the difference of Hb (haemoglobin) loading with O2 increases
what did Hill think about oxygen binding to Hg in 1910?
the data can be fitted with a very simple mathematical expression:
what was Hill wrong about?
he only found out that Hb has 4 independent O2 binding sites, each with affinity K
no clue about cooperativity
who discovered cooperativity in 1935?
provided an excellent fit for the data:
O2 bidning to one of the hemes increases affinity if other hemes
who thought that hemes interacted amongst themselves?
Punling in 1935
obviously wrong
when was it proven that hemes do not interact? and how
in 1959 by Perun, he discovered the first Hb structure, proved that hemes are far from each other
who suggested (finally) the mechanistic explanation to the Hb oxygen binding?
Monod Wyman and Changeux in 1965
what are the main assumptions in the MWC model about Hb?
1) Hb subunits are identical
2) each subunit can exist in 4 confirmations : tense and relaxed
3) the Hb tetramer can exist in either all-tense or all-relaxed confirmation — the two states are in equilibtrium
4) both tense and relaxed conformations bind O2 just with different affinities
what is the conformational equilibrium of tense and relaxed states?
L = T/R
how is the O2 occupancy of Hb calculated?
y = number of bound states / total concentration of binding sites
how are affinities and dissosiation constants connected?
high affinity - low dissosiation constant Kr (Kon/Koff) and high Kt (Koff/Kon)
what are some examples in biology where kinetic proofreading would make sense?
protein translation, DNA replication, DNA repair, immune system
how to calculate error rate by translation?
error rate = rate of incorporation of a wrong AA / rate of incorporation of a correct AA
what can reduce error rate by translation?
energy consumption in the process
what is hysteresis good for in a cell?
it allows the cell to encode memory of past events
what is hysteresis?
dependence of the final state on the initial condition (or the system in general)
what makes a thermodyn Eq non-thermodynamical?
metabolic energy input - ATP or GDP
how is bistability defined?
ability of a system or circuit to exist in two distinct stable states
what does having intermediate signal mean for the system?
when x is intermediate (CDK), the system will have 3 steady states, two of which will be stable
what do stable and unstable steady states mean for the system?
stable - attract the system’s dynamics for a long time
unstable - serve as boundaries for dynamics
what is the condition for the bistability of the system?
positive feedback & ultrasensitivity
how can we determine the fix points of stability, regardless of how high-dimensional the system is?
by linearisation
by which parameter is the stability of a fixed point determined?
eigenvalues of the Jacobian evaluated at the fixed point
for fixed point to be stable, both EV must be negative, have a negative real part
what is ultrasensitivity?
n > 1
in the Hill’s equation
this way the system can become multistable
how can we characterise a fixed point?
when the time derivative vanishes, dx/dt = 0; and the degradation rate is equal to production rate
how do we determine stable & unstable fixed points?
when the system near a fixed point mover towards this fixed point, from any direction - stable FP
otherwise - unstable FP
what happens if the system is intially in one of the unstable fixed points?
over time it will converge to one of the stable pointd
a quantitative change in the behaviour of the system (parameter) leads to a drastic change in the system — like, switching from bistable to monostable
what is bistability’s function in the cell?
it supports multiple phenotypically-distinct cell states
and enables irreversible responses to transient input signals (hysteresis)
how about an example of when a transient signal leads to a permanent stability change?
Consider the postive autoregulation circuit in its bistable regime, with xx at the upper stable fixed point. Now, suppose some transient perturbation occurs. Perhaps the value of γγ is suddenly increased because the cell has begun dividing at a much faster rate. If this perturbation is large enough to cross the bifurcation boundary, then the system becomes monostable, and xx will be driven to the only stable fixed point, at a value closer to what was previously the lower fixed point in the bistable regime. Once the perturbation ends, γγ returns to its original value, and the system regains bistability. But, if the perturbed value of xx lies within the basin of attraction of the lower bistable state, then the system will remain in the lower state. In this scenario, a transient perturbation will have led to a permanent state switch. In this sense the system has a “memory” of the transient event.
what is the main idea behind the linear stability analysis?
locally approximate a nonlinear dynamical system by its Taylor series to first order near the fixed point & examine the behaviour of the resulting simpler linear system
what happens with the system and its stability according to Jacobi matrix eigenvalues?
if all real EV < 0 the fixed point is linearly stable
if all real EV > 0 the fixed point is linearly unstable
if imaginary EV != 0 for unstable fixed point, the trajectories spiral out, potentially leading to oscillatory dynamics
if real EV = 0 for one or more EV, with the rest of EV < 0, the fixed point lies at a bifurcation
ahem how is Jacobi connected to stability?
for f(x) we consider u = x - x*
dx/dt = du/dt = f(x) + J * vector u
du/dt = J*u
u(t) = c * e^ (lambda*t)
c - some vector, lambda - some constant
why do eigenvalues have to be negative tho?
at e^(lambda*t)
if lambda > 0, we will have exponential growth in this point, so the point will be considered unstable
BUT if lambda < 0, the system will condense in this point
what are the three types of local bifurcations?
saddle-node (fold)
pitchfork (super- and subcritical)
how is flow defined?
value of dx/dt == in other words a change of function
example of a saddle-node bifurcation?
at p=pc two fixed points merge
example: ultrasensitive auto-activator
transcritical bifurcation?
stable & unstable FP collide at p=pc and exchange stabilities
example: positive feedback regulation
look at this beautiful diagram of system stability & eigenvalues
how are bioscience and ML connected?
what is reinforcement learning?
devise a strategy to maximise reward
(chess games, self-driving cars)
learning diagram example?
what are some linear models?
what are some reasons for poor model generalisation?
global minimum is hard to find
data: sampled from a different distribution
overfitting: flexible model, few noisy training data
biased training data, not representative for validation data
lack of statistical associations
what is regularisation in ML?
umbrella term for techniques to prevent overfitting of models while allowing sufficient flexibility to avoit overfitting
Which two factors that counteract overfitting do you know?
Few model parameters
At least 10 times more training data than model parameters
fundamental balance equation in the presence of spatial transport?
how are diffusion & drift are defined in the morphogen gradient lecture, and how can we describe them mathematically?
diffusion - movement of molecules along the concentration gradient
Fick’s law: j = -D*(delta c / delta t)
delta - partial der in this case
drift - directed motion through molecular motors j = v * c
velocity v (usually due to a force)
how can we incroporate diffusion into the fundemental balance equation?
what 2 things do we need to solve the balance equation (ft. diffusion)? (which is very much non-linear)
intial condition
c(x, t = 0)
boundary condition (what happend at the end of the spatial domain)
how do we know we have reached a boundary?
nothing goes beyond it -> the flux outside the boundary is 0, gradient is 0 too
what is the solution to pure diffusion problem (release of Q molecules at a point t=0)?
normal distribution
how is distance that a molecule travels in time t defined?
r = sqrt(2sDt)
what do morphogen gradients depend on?
gradients established by a localised source depend on both diffusion and degradation of the morphogen
what is the charasteristic length scale of the SS gradient?
how can a question from stochastic modeling sound?
what’s the probability of finding n molecules in a cell?
what is stochastic modeling busy with?
presenting data and predicting outcomes that account for certain levels of unpredictability or randomness
how do we know the solution is going to be determined?
when we know parameters & initial condition, solution will be determined
how can we define a master equation of probability of n change over time?
in the state Pn we can generate or lose 1 molecule of mRNA, so the dPn/dt = probability of loosing this state - probability of coming to this state
what’s the typical unit of loss & gain in transcription?
how can we solve the master equation?
analytical solution: P~e^At
in SOOOME cases we can get a distribution out of it (a steady state distribution)
but we can solve it numerically by assuming an upper bound for n
or simulate stochastic realisation (gillespie algorithm)
or generate mean, variance, skewness of Pn(t) and derive ODEs for them via moments of the distribution
how to master equation for the steady state in the mRNA stochastic model?
plug “n” into the master equation
n = 0, n = 1, n = 2 usw
how does the expression of master equation and solution changes for 2 dimention state space?
detailed balance - system’s ss can evolve, the cyclic fluxes transition rates are 0 between any pair of states
the Pn for all n follows a Taylor’s series of e^v/delta and still includes Po
steady state distribution of mRNA molecules follows a poisson distribution
what are the features of poisson distribution?
for large n looks like normal
mean = variation = lambda
relative deviation decreases with number of molecules
coefficient of variation is independent of how data is measured = st. dev / mean
list homologov’s axioms of probability theory:
range of values
p is a non-negative real number
degree if belief 1 is assigned to outcomes that are certain
the degree of belief that one of several alternatives is true shall be the sum over alternatives pi or pj or pk = pi + pj + pk
joint and conditional probability?
joint: p(A and B) = sum of A and B p(i) / p(all i)
conditional: p(A|B) = sum of A and B p(i) / A true p(i) = p(A and B) / p(A)
how can we define independence in terms of probabilities?
p(A and B) = p(A|B)p(B) = p(A)p(B)
define a quantile:
the quantile ar probability of q is the value of xq so that x is below xq with probability q
bayesian perspective on probabilities?
probabilities are degrees of belief
we can assign probabilities to anything, including non-repeatable events & parameter values
probabilities are correct if they reflect the knowledge of a rational unbiased observer
what is the frequentist perspective?
probabilities are limits of frequencies after many repeats
only reproducible experimental outcomes have probabilities
which belief do bayesian and frequentist perspectives have in common?
probabilities are correct if many repetitions of an experiment give h~p
h - frequency
what does the usual model in probability lecture tell us?
the p of measurement to give data D under the parameter a and background knowledge
observational data
it quantifies the strength of support the observed data lends to posible values for the unknown parameters
a -> p(D|a,B)
probability of D to arise at all?
Bayes rule pls
p(a|D,B) = p(a|B)p(D|a,B) / p(D|B) ~~~ p(a|B)p(D|a,B)
p(A|B) = p(A^B) / p(B) = p(B|A)p(A) / p(B) ~~~ p(B|A)p(A)
where p(A|B) is prior
p(B|A) probability of data gived the model parameter
p(A) likelihood
p(B) normalising factor, can be dropped
posterior distribution
background+observational data
can be used to make predictions about future events
what does statistical inference do
aims at learning the characteristics of a population from sample: parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, confidence interval construction, presiction
what is parameter estimation
way of learning and determining the population’s parameter based on model fitted to the data
what is hypothesis testing in inference?
determining the likelihood of observing this sample data under different assumptions
aka which hypothesis is more consistent with observed data
when does Bayes rule make sense?
when new inpedendent experiments can ge incorporated in any order at once
Bayes rule follows immediately from the definition of a conditional probability
parameter distributions as states of knowledge must be updated in this way to be consistent
how to check the model?
split the data and see if one half predicts the other
re-generate predicted mRNA counts
how does model depend on the prior?
large prior -> more flexible model
what does gillespie algorithm do?
models dynamics described by a master equation
why doesn’t deterministic modeling work for chemical reactions system and what would?
DM overlook a lot or microscopic interactions and details
way to go: do a stochastic “discrete event” model instead
individual reactions are modeled separately as discrete events happening in time
for a reaction to happen, reactants need to bump into each other in a certain correct way
so we can model probabilities that these bumps will occur
describe what random variables are
mathematical function which describe either possible outcomes of a sample space or range of the measurable space
eg: sample space (heads/tails) RV (+1/-1) probability (1/2)
what exactly is overfitting?
when model gives good predictions for training data but not for new data
it happens when model can’t generalise well and fits too closely to training data, for example.
what is gradient descent in ML?
optimisation algorithm that finds local minima of differebt functions
gradient - slope of function. the higher it is, the faster will the model learn. zero slope - model stops learning.
what can you tell about logistic regression
supervised ML algorithm that is good for binary classification problems (sigmoidal curve)
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