Name ten things to know about transposable elements (TE).
Different forms and shapes
not randomly distributed
Source of mutations
Genome rearrangements
Expression vs repression
Affects germline & some
Not just transposition -> immune system
Creates genes & RNAs
Modifiy GRNs
Require specialized tools to analyze
DNA methylation & motifs
identification of DNA motifs for methylation
De novo assembly and annotations of the Drosophila nasuta nasuta genome
Species: Drosophila nasuta nasuta, found in South-East Asia and Southern Africa.
Genome Sequencing: Draft genome of 145.64 Mb sequenced, retrieving 93.6% conserved BUSCO orthologs.
Comparison: 85% of proteins similar to D. albomicans, aiding genetic and evolutionary research.
Why do we need pan-genomes?
pan-genome: unified genome of species variants
individual genomes do not represent variation in a species
Are pseudogenes non-functional?
per definition, yes
growing numbers of pseudogenes are being found to play important biological roles
What are the two major types of machine learning prediction model used for alternative splicing prediction?
Prediction of inclusion and frequency of an exon
Distinguishing between constitutive exons and alternatively spliced exons
Is there a connection between codon bias and tRNA?
Frequency bias: High-abundance tRNAs often correspond to frequently used codon
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