What do we use Molecular Dynamics for?
scenario: we have a structure / multiple structures of different points of a mechanism and we want to find out what happens in between
we calculate the force acting on every atom depending on the position of all other atoms in the protein
Which concept do we primarily use in Molecular Dynamics?
Statistical mechanics
we calculate microscopic simulations and try to get macroscopic properties out of it
What is a Boltzmann distribution?
Probability distribution, describes how likely it is to find your system in a certain state.
What is an ensemble?
What is a canonical ensemble?
What is a non-canonical ensemble?
Ensemble: Collection of all microscopic systems that belong to the same macroscopic state
Canonical ensemble: thermodynamic state with fixed N, V and E
Non-canonical ensemble: thermodynamic state with fixed N, V and T
N: number of electrons
V: volume
E: energy
T: temperature
What is a potential energy function and how is it determined?
describes the interaction potential between the atoms of the molecules
does not include motion
Determination of the potential energy function
quantum chemical calculations (Hartree-Fock/DFT)
refinement with experimental data
In very short terms - how does Molecular Dynamic calculations work?
You calculate positions of atoms and their velocity. You devide the time span you are interested in in small δt and recalculate positions and velocities.
The smaller δt, the better - but you are limited by your computational power: The smaller δt, the longer it takes.
What are the main limitations of molecular dynamics?
we cannot see H-bonds
we cannot see bond formation and cleavage
QM/MM would be possible
we cannot see excited states
force-field inaccuracies
Generally, the accuracy/resolution is limited by the computational power. Calculating the potential energy function for each atom is very time-consuming.
How can you reduce the required computational power to produce a model?
calculate for longer time steps
SHAKE algorithm: constraint bond lengths
coarse-grained models (instead of individual atoms)
reduce number of interactions
What are periodic boundary conditions?
- to avoid just looking at a constrained volume (to avoid interactions/”bumps” of molecules with the borders), we use periodic cells – when one molecule exits on one side on the cell, it enters at the other side
What does a coarse-grained simulation do?
Instead of calculating the force field for every individual atom, we summarize multiple atoms to one “grain” (ball).
This is faster
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