breakdown of rocks throug:
water, rain, ice
temperature shifts
Removal of rocks by:
reduction of exposed landforms
Physical/mechanical weathering
breaking up and destruction of chunks into smaller chunks
FE: Mountains in hot, dry desserts
Chemical weathering
decomposition of rocks by surface processes that change the chemical composition of the original material
FE: warm, damp climates
Mechanisms of physical/mechanical weathering
thermal expansion
increases rock surface
Frost wedging
Salt wedging
What type of chemical reactions cause weathering?
Reduction/mineral dissolution
How do biota add to weathering
Physical mechanical:
Applied pressure
Crack widening
Rock exposure
Removal of grains
Providing water for chemical reaction
Altering the atmospheric environment
Excretion of reactive substances
Oxidation reactions
Examples for animal-assisted rock weathering
Examples for plant-assisted rock weathering
growth in joints/cracks
excretion of (in)organic compounds
Examples for lichen-assisted rock weathering
excrete acids and chelators
What is a todays use of microbially assisted rock weathering?
carbon trapping (MgCO3, FeCO3…)
Als Anabolismus bezeichnet man die Reaktionen des Stoffwechsels, die dem Aufbau von chemischen Verbindungen dienen; im Zuge der anabolen Reaktionen werden über die Nahrung aufgenommene Fremdstoffe abgebaut und ihre Bestandteile zum Aufbau körpereigener Substanzen benutzt.
Catabolism (/kəˈtæbəlɪzəm/) is the set of metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller units that are either oxidized to release energy or used in other anabolic reactions
Slime mold
Slime mold or slime mould is an informal name given to a polyphyletic assemblage of unrelated eukaryotic organisms in the Stramenopiles, Rhizaria, Discoba, Amoebozoa and Holomycota clades. Most are microscopic; those in the Myxogastria form larger plasmodial slime molds visible to the naked eye.
What is the function of a cell wall?
• protecting the cell from osmotic and mechanical stress
• gives rigidity / defines the cellular structure
• high plasticity and permeable
• mediates relationships with environment (adhesins and receptors)
Animalia and protozoa do not have cell walls
Cell wall of bacteria
Cell wall of Archeae
• wide variety of cell wall types
• adapted to hostile environment
• Some archaea lack a cell wall
Cell wall: S-layer
surface layer
Found in most archeae
• part of cell wall
• Achored to cell membrane
• made of protein / glycoprotein
Cell wall: protein sheath
lattice structure similar to S layer
Cell wall: pseudomurein
Das Pseudopeptidoglycan oder Pseudomurein ist eine Substanz, die bei Archaeen als Zellwand auftritt. Es handelt sich um ein Polysaccharid, an das kurze Aminosäureketten gebunden sind.
Cell wall: fungi
Cell wall: fungi (Proteins)
• Most glycoproteins (associated with polysaccharides)
• maintenance of shape
• adhesion processes
• absorption of molecules
• signal transmission…
Cell wall: fungi (glucan)
• most important structural component
• Provide rigidity
• Link proteins and chitin
Cell wall: fungi (Chitin)
• polymers in the extracellular space
• Structure and anchor
Cell membranes: Phospholipid bilayer
• All eukaryotes
• Most prokaryotes
Cell membranes: phospholipid monolayers
• Archeae
• Some anaerobic bacteria
Membrane transport systems
Active movement of Microbes: Flagellum
Active movement of Microbes: pili
Active movement of Microbes: cilia
Active movement of Microbes: Pseudopod
Microbial navigation systems
Classification: O2 requirement/ tolerance
Energy gain through light
Energy gain through chemicals
Inorganic C source
Organic C gain
An organism that lives in nutrient-rich environments (especially carbon)
• Nutrient rich environments with fluctuations
• Heavily fertilized soils
• Bacteria
• r strategists
An organism that live in nutrient poor environments
• Nutrient poor environments
• Access recalcitrant SOM
• Fungi
• K strategists
C-cycle:abiotic factors
C-cycle budget
C-cycle methane
Microbial N-processes
Microbial N cycle: loss from soil
What is the effect of sparce vegetation on topography?
Sparse vegetation is unable to protect surface from erosion
Even though less rainfall, it is easier to erode the hill slopes
Only small river valleys form
Dense network of rivers form
Eroded material accumulates in valleys
What is the effect of abundant vegetation on topography?
Vegetation intercepts rainfall
Limits rainfall‘s ability to erode Earth‘s surface
Vegetation protects slopes from erosion
Vegetation concentrates water runoff and eroded material in valleys
Large, deep river valleys
Eroded material is transported in valleys
What is the effect of abundant vegetation on weathering?
deep weathering
thick soils
What is the effect of sparce vegetation on weathering?
shallow weathering
thinner soils
Distribution of Photosynthesis (Map)
Describe the developement of the rise of O2-levels in the anmosphere.
How did the production of O2 affect the geosphere?
oxidation of minerals (banded iron formation)
oxidization of CH4 (slowed global warming)
ice ages
formation of ozone layer
carbon cycling: organic matter oxidation and bury
How did the production of O2 affect the biosphere?
ozone layer-> UV protection
mass extinction of obligate anaerobes
more complex metabolisms
more energy gain from respiration
evolution of larger life-forms
regulation of earths climate through CO2 sequestration in sea
Rhizosphere priming
Rhizosphere priming is the change in soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition caused by plant root activity that is often associated with rhizodeposition (Kuzyakov, 2002). A substantial fraction of net carbon assimilation goes into the soil as rhizodeposition.
Decribe carbon storages
What kind of vegetation types store the most carbon (above and below ground)?
What are the benefists for mycorrhizal partners?
Plant benefits
• Plant access to water and mineral nutrients (esp.N and P)
• Increased protection against abiotic and biotic stresses
Fungus benefits
• Access to fresh photosynthate (labile C)
What is an Exploitative mycorrhizal symbiosis?
Parasitic plants - no benefit to fungus
Mycorrhizae classification: Colonisation type
2-5% of plants, 60% of trees
Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Mucoromycota
fruiting bodies, gastronomy
??% occurrence
Pine / spruce, Forest, understory, Ericaceae (arbutoid)
Fungi same as Ecto
78% of plants
Everything…Except brassica
NB. Agriculture/crops
<2% of plants
Ericaceae, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota
cranberry, blueberry
10% of plants
Orchidaceae, Basidiomycota
Ornamental flowers, Vanilla pod
Ectomycorrhiza – life cycle
Arbuscular mycorrhiza – life cycle
Arbuscular mycorrhiza - spread
Arum type
Paris type
Ericoid mycorrhiza
• Less than 2% of plants (Ericaceae)
• Heathland ecosystems and understory of forests
• Inhabit very acidic, raw humus soils
• Poorly researched & understood
• High elevation ecosystems and high latitude
• eg heather in the Scottish highlands
• Fynbos (heather-like shrubs)
• Endemic to Western Cape (South Africa)
• Coastal/mountainous
Extensive saprotrophic capabilities!!
Orchid mycorrhiza
Special: Monotropoid mycorrhiza
• subfamily Monotropoideae (now Ericaceae)
• Non photosynthetic - lack chlorophyll
• C from the fungus partner (non-mutualistic/ parasitic)
• Myco-heterotroph – C from fungus
• Fungus as linkage to autotrophic plants
• decomposition
Special type of mycorrhiza
• Mantle sheath around root
• Hartig net confined to the epidermis
• invasion of epidermal cells by short hypha (pegs)
• variable classification
Which Mycorrhiza is most common in which ecosystem?
Mycorrhiza: Fungal contribution
1. Nutrient scavenging
• High surface area: mass ratio
• Penetrate small micropores
• AMF specialist
2. Decomposition
• Ericoid and ECF
3. weathering
• mineral
4. Protection/assembly of microbiome
• ECF also mantle!
Plant role in biological weathering
• Root activity (physical burrowing)
• Production of acidifying substances (H+, organic acids)
• Provide C - fuel for weathering activity of microbes
Mycorrhizal C budget: drawdown
AM more C in biomass but EcM more C in soil
Common Mycorrhizal Network (CMN)
The common mycorrhizal network (CMN) is conceptualized as any linkage formed by the mycelium of a mycorrhizal fungus among two (or more) host plants (a), irrespective of whether hyphal continuity is present or not
Evolution of plants in respect of mycorrhiza
What maintained the mycorrhizal relationship over billions of years of evolution?
Non-nutritional benefits to their host:
protection against pathogens
Sheath (ECM) = physical barrier
Metabolites = biochemical defense
Warning through CMN
improved resistance abiotic stressors (high temperatures, drought, salinity, and flooding)
Biological Bet-hedging:
• organisms suffer decreased fitness in their typical conditions
• but increased fitness in stressful conditions
• Single generation time scale
• Multiple generations time scale (Evolutionary Bet-hedging)
Why does the longterm evolution of mycorrhizal relationships seem unlikely?
1. Plants have evolved: sophisticated root systems:
• can take up inorganic and even organic N
• produce phosphatases → can take up P
• suppress the AM colonization when nutrients are readily available
2. Co-operations intrinsically unstable in evolutionary timescales
• C fixation is expensive
• Mutations leading to fitness with lower costs favored
• cheating
• destabilise the cooperation
Free air carbon enrichment (FACE)
Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment oder kurz FACE ist eine technische Versuchsanordnung, die es ermöglicht, höhere Konzentration von Kohlenstoffdioxid in der Erdatmosphäre im Freiland zu simulieren und ihren Einfluss auf Pflanzen und Ökosysteme zu untersuchen. Bis 2006 gab es 32 FACE-Anlagen weltweit, die sich zu gleichen Teilen auf natürliche und künstliche Ökosysteme verteilten. Die meisten FACE-Anlagen beruhen auf einer am Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) entwickelten Technik: Auf den Probeflächen werden in ringförmiger Anordnung senkrecht stehende Rohre mit Düsen angebracht, aus denen Kohlenstoffdioxid abgegeben werden kann. Diese Vorrichtungen sind kleine Kunststoffrohre bis höhere Türme, da sie stets um einiges höher als die Vegetation sind. Sie nehmen wenig Raum ein, sodass das Mikroklima (Wind, Sonnenstrahlung, Verdunstung) nicht beeinflusst wird. Aus den Röhren wird je nach Windrichtung und -stärke Kohlenstoffdioxid geblasen. Innerhalb der Versuchsfläche ergibt sich so eine vordefinierte Kohlenstoffdioxidkonzentration. Dies kann ein Fixbetrag über der Normalkonzentration (meist + 200 ppm) sein, meist ist es jedoch ein festgelegter Wert, der je nach Versuch zwischen 475 und 660 ppm liegt. Dies sind Werte, die zum Beispiel am Ende des Karbonzeitalters vor rund 300 Millionen Jahren herrschten und nach einigen Berechnungen auch für Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts erwartet werden. Die Versuchsflächen haben einen Durchmesser von 1 bis 30 Meter, meist jedoch über 10 m. Bei einigen Anlagen wird als weitere Komponente die Ozonkonzentration erhöht.
The Eddy-Covariance Method
The eddy covariance (also known as eddy correlation and eddy flux) is a key atmospheric measurement technique to measure and calculate vertical turbulent fluxes within atmospheric boundary layers. The method analyses high-frequency wind and scalar atmospheric data series, gas, energy, and momentum,[1] which yields values of fluxesof these properties. It is a statistical method used in meteorology and other applications (micrometeorology, oceanography, hydrology, agricultural sciences, industrial and regulatory applications, etc.) to determine exchange rates of trace gases over natural ecosystems and agricultural fields, and to quantify gas emissions rates from other land and water areas. It is frequently used to estimate momentum, heat, water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane fluxes
Dynamic chamber method
The static chamber method
Positive function of Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soils
nutrient source for microorganisms
Direct nutrient source for plants-or compounds supporting mobilization of nutrients for plants
Puffer of the soil acidity
Pedogenetic functions (contributions to weathering, pozolation, etc.)
Detoxification of heavy metals and contaminants
Negative function of Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) after leaching
nutrient source for microbes -> Eutrophication of water bodies
Co-allocation of nutrients into ecosystem compartments, where it causes eutrophication-> nutrient loss from the ecosystem
Transport of heavy metals and pollutants into the water body
What are the major components of cells?
Cell wall:
hemicelluloses and pectins
Cell contents:
sugars and starch
Nucleic acids
Minor constitutents
lipid monomers
Lipid polymers
What is Cell wall component: cellulose?
partially cristallinr polymer consisting soley of glucose monomers
Linked via beta 1,4 glycosidic bonds
>10.000 units build one cellulose strand
Often closely associated with hemicellulose and lignin
Also eucaryotic single-cell organisms can synthetize
What is Cell wall component: Hemicellulose?
non cellulose polysaccharides
Different sugar monomers, linked with glycosidic bonding
More branched, hydrolyzable with classic acids
Build many pro- and eucaryotes
What types of hemicelluloses are there?
main unit: xylose
<200 components
Links cellulose to lignin
main unit mannose
Linear polymer with storage function
Galaktanes and Arabanes
main unit: galactose and arabinose
Strongly branched
Structural function
Primarily in hard plant components
In middle lamella: stability and control of water flux
What is Biogel: root mucilage?
a gel produced by most plants in their root tips
Can absorb large volumes of water
What is Cell wall component: Lignin?
second most abundant biopolymer in nature
Complex polymer
In cell walls of vascular plants (espc. Woody tissue)
Function: stability, cell linkage, protection from pathogens
What is Cell component: starch?
primarily as storage compound
Linear, unbranched
What is Cell component: proteins?
polypeptides of many aminoacids
Functions: enzymes, structural proteins, transport proteins
Peptide bond is hydrolyzable
Easy to decompose in environment
What is Cell component: Nucleic acids?
DNA Information memory
RNA Information carrier
Monomer: one base, linked via ribose monomer, phospho-ester strand
What is Cell component: Proteids?
proteins that are covalently linked to further compounds: glucose, lipids, acids
What is Cell component: Lipids?
cannot be dissolved in water
Very heterogenous group
Membrane phospho-lipids
What is Cell component: Tannins?
hydrolyzable tannins=gallotannins
condensed tannins=catechin tannins
What is Cell component: Pigments?
main function: photosynthetic active pigments
Chlorophyll: porphyrin ring with Mg core
What is Cell component: what is cutin and suberin?
What is Soil organic matter? (SOM)
all organic compounds in the soil including roots, fauna, microorganisms and former plant residues
overall of dead organic compounds in the soil
Labile pool: easy to mineralize (contains structural material and defined chemical compounds)
Stable pool: amorphous, newly formed organic matter with high proportion of macromolecules
What are the five phases of litter decomposition?
Prephase of decomposition
Initial Phase
Fragmentation phase
Degradation and transformation phase
What happens in the prephase of decomposition?
biochemical reactions in the organism itself (with its own hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes)
degradation of chlorophyll: autumn colors of leaves
Starch: gaining sugar (tissue gets sweeter)
Proteins: gaining amino acids
generally the cell itself stays intact
What happens in the initial phase of decomposition?
hydrolysis and oxidation of easily decomposable polymers
Monomers get leached with the water (sugar, amino acids, organic acids)
Strong increase of microorganisms who live based on the monomeric compounds
What happens in the fragmentation phase of decomposition?
Complex cell wall compounds are fragmented by the macrofauna, or partially eaten and digested
Mixing of fragmented cell wall compounds by earthworms, enchytraida and arthropods->provides access for mesofauna such as collembols, mites, nematodes)
What happens during the degradation and transformation phase of decomposition?
enzymatic cleavage of remaining polymers and of the monomers
Transformation of organic monomers into inorganic compounds
Relative accumulation of recalcitrant compounds
What happens during the mineralization of decomposition?
under aerobic conditions the organic matter will be converted in a partially incomplete oxidation via enzymatic systems
Decomposition of lignin
only few microbial groups can decompose
Peroxidases and catalases (white rot fungi)
Speciality: is co-metabolic therefore other nutrient source is needed
Complete decomposition under aerobic conditions
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