Welche Konzepte gibt es
Architeture VIew
architecurte viewpoints
Architecture Model
Model kind
Building Blocks
packeges of funtionality
has corresponds to the enterprise met mdoeld
difend boundary and is gerelly
Good building blocks
implementation and usage
exploit technology and standards
assembled from other building blocks
subassembly of other building blocks
reusable and replaceable and well specified
Building Blocks - Principles
loosely coupled to its implementation
arrangement of building blocks works best for it
to improvements in legacy system
building blocks have to interoperate with other building
be defined at various levels of detail, depending on what stage of architecture development
developed a standard for Re-usable Asset Specification
Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs)
describe required capability and shape the specification of Solution Building Blocks
Solution Building Blocks (SBBs
represent components that will be used to implement the required capability
Architecture Contract
Joint agreements between development partners and sponsors
Fitness-for-purpose of an architecture
Architecture Definition Document
container for the core architectural artifacts
Spans all architecture domains
Examines all relevant states of the arch
Architecture Requirements specification
Architecture Definition Document: Content
Goals, objectives, and constraints
Architecture Principles
Baseline Architecture
Architecture models
Architecture Principles: Purpose
facilitate efficient decision making
General rules and guidelines
Inform and support the way
one element in a structured set of ideas
Architecture Requirements Specification: Purpose
A set of quantitative statements that outline what an implementation project must
forms a major component of an implementation contract or contract for more detailed
provides a qualitative view of the solution and aims to communicate the intent of the architect
Architecture Requirements Specification
provides a quantitative view of the solution, stating measurable criteria that must be met during the implementation of the architecture
Architecture Roadmap: Purpose
List pf all WP for the Target architekur
a timeline to show progression from the Baseline Architecture
Transition Architectures necessary to effectively realize the Target Architecture are identified as intermediate steps
Architecture Roadmap is incrementally developed throughout Phases E and F
by readily identifiable roadmap components from Phase B, C, and D within the ADM
Architecture Vision
Provides a summary of changes
Provide key stakeholders with a formally agreed outcome
Early agreement on the outcome
Supports stakeholder communication
Capability Assessment: Purpose
capability level of the enterprise as a whole
maturity level of the IT function within the enterprise
capability and maturity of the architecture function within the enterprise
Where capability gaps exist, to what extent is the business ready to transform
Communications Plan: Purpose
contain large volumes of complex and inter-dependent information
to the right stakeholders at the right time
Compliance Assessment: Purpose
Architecture Vision is appropriately realized
learnings are fed back into the architecture process
Periodic compliance reviews
Implementation and Migration Plan: Purpose
Provides a schedule of the projects
executable projects grouped into managed portfolios
Implementation and Migration Strategy, identifying the approach to change —>KEY
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