How we land on buckling equations
Calculate equilibrium forces and Moment on a deformed laminate element under inplane loads along with transverse shear forces and moments substitute them in ABD matrix we get coupled equations for unsymmetric laminate but for symmetric laminate we get uncoupled equation
What exactly is considered for symetric laminate in buckling equation
3rd equation which deals with deflection in z axis or Wo or plate behaviour is considered in symmetric laminate buckling eq
Which is typically considered theory in buckling compressive load
Navier plate with basic Boundary conditions
why do we use buckling mode of Wo=Wmn sin(mxpie/a)sin(nypie/b)
Because it fulfills all given boundary conditions
Buckling diagram explination
Buckling load vs length
the higher m becomes the more the curves shift they open up more as m gets higher
the relevant value is the lowest one - Garland curve the lower Boundary curve is the relevant one
how are the buckling for web and flanges solved
In local buckling of web is considered as Navier plate as Moment free support on all edges
for Flanges local buckling it is considered that the boundary conditions are quite different, the flanges are moment free in 3 edges and free support in one edge which uses rayleigh theory to solve the buckling differential equation
Whhy didnt u consider D16 and D26 in buckling mode equations whcih are concluded as bending twisting coupling
However, the D16 and D26 are considered in the formation of the buckling equation those are neglected because they provide weakening in regards to plate buckling, and also they are neglected in theta=0 and 90 and cross-ply laminates Bending-twisting coupling has a weakening effect on laminates under compressive load and must not be neglected in a buckling analysishowever to make the solution more conservative we need to consider eliminatoing them
How do u consider bucjkling ewuation for unsymmetric cross ply laminates where uo and v0 are not zero and how does unsymmeric plates accts
we consider the wave equation which considers both u0,v0, and w0 as a boundary condition
A higher degree of unsymmetry leads to a decreasing buckling loadshould be avoided as far as possible, Strong influence of degree of unsymmetry and layer angles
For FSDT how do u consider BC and Wave equation
Here along with Wo we also consider rotation along x and Y axis so 2 more equations arise which are then substituted in buckling equation and trivial soloutin is obtained For thick laminates a weakening effect of transverse shear deformations occurs
thermal strain formula, which material is influenced by high temp & Consequences?
Et=alphaT(T-T0); Alpha t is thermal expansion
for indeterminate support (e=sigma/E+alphaT(deltaT))
Matrix material is influenced by HT
Consequences of high temperatures: − Stiffnesses, Strength properties decrease − Especially dangerous: hot + humid conditions − Compressive strength // especially affected − Creep and relaxation Increases − Moisture absorption, thermal conductivity increases − Chemicals react more aggressive − Electr. resistance decreases
constituitive law for thermal loads
does shear coupling act due to thermal loads.
How does ABD matrix looks like for thermal loads
sigma=Ce-AlphaTDeltaT, e=Ssigma+alphaTdeltaT
If we consider thermal coefficcient of matrix is far higher thanthermal coefficient of fiber and delta Tis less than 0 then what happens to the material
we have compressve load on fiber and tensile stress on matrix parallel to thermal expansion or load however the strsses differ like sigma mAm= Sigma f * Af
but strains remains same for matrix and fibers and we know that Alpha T= e11-/dELTA T
Coefficient of thermal expansion depends on thermal properties of fiber and matrix and the respective stiffness properties. (The stiff fiber enforces its thermal strain onto the matrix material) - in longitudinal direction: close to . - Important factor: fiber volume fraction vf - Unfavorable thermal longitudinal eigenstresses: - Tensile eigenstresses in the matrix - Compressive eigenstresses in the fiber
moisture absorption
fiber volume fraction and thermal expansion coefficient of matrix n fiber. Avoid large discrepancies in the orientation angles of adjacent layers.
Many materials are not impermeable → Moisture absorption − Water absorption primarily concerns the matrix −
Glass- and C-fibers do not absorb moisture −
Aramid- and bio-fibers absorb moisture − Moisture distribution strongly time-dependentt
Two kinds of moisture storage:
Between the molecule chains
in pores, cracks → condenses away
consequences of moisture absorption
and constitutive law and conclusion
Mass increase
Dimensions increase
Electrical resistance decreases
Thermal conductivity increases
Elongation at break increases
Results in stress states
Influences the elasticity constants
Conclusion: Clear influence of temperature and moisture on stiffness and strength properties of laminates. Often neglected in practice, requires non-linear analysis. Considered in experiments by application of different environmental conditions
General remarks of loop connections and stress analysis
Obvious joint solution 2. Uses high fiber tensile strength properties 3. Punctual introduction of high stresses 4. Expensive manufacturing (requires manual work) 5. Requires tight laying of the fibers 6. Disadvantage: Inhomogeneous state of stress, fibers are not exploited evenly
basic assumptions Stresses evenly distributed over width - Rotational symmetry: No shear stresses, no variation of the state variables in the tangential direction - Friction between loop connector and bolt is neglected - No thermal of swelling stresses
2 different types of cases one with lateral support to hold th efibers and other without
Results of the stress cocentration and strength analysis and design
Stress conc at inner radius Uneven utilization of fibers
Secondary bending stresses to be taken into account (requires numerical analysis) because of the bending of the fibers inside the loop
Sigma T leads to fiber failure but Sigma R leads to matrix failure
design: Series connection for avoidance of high ratios ra / ri
Multilayered loop connections:
Use of hybrid loops
Application of crack stoppers
Adhesive joints
adv and Disadv
structural bonding - structural adhesives (epoxies) strength highest
elastic bonding - Elastic adhesives strength med
sealing - sealants strength low
Different materials can be joined - No heat influence on the parts to be joined - No notch effect as with bolt connections - Additional sealing effect - Rough tolerances possible - High damping and energy absorption
Disadv: Non-uniform stress profile, stress peaks in the adhesive - Sensitive to peel stress - Adhesives generally polymers: limitations due to temperature and humidity - Complex pretreatment of the parts to be bonded - Strong influence of production - Quality assurance is difficult - Additional weight due to overlaps
Mech models of bonding and single lap joints adv
Shafting, Double lap joints, single lap joining, Doubler
as shafting angle increases relative adhesive stressess Sigma alpha/sigma x decreases and tow alpha/sigma x increases untill 45 increases and decreasses
adv-Transformation of normale stresses into tolerable shear stresses - Enlargement of the adhesive surface - No stress peaks at shafting endes - No bending moments - No doublers, optimal for lightweight design - No steps, smooth surface
disadv- complex and expensive production
Overlap joints the Volkersen model
Joining parts only transfer normal forces
Adhesive layer only transfers shear.
Shear flow is constant over thickness of the adhesive layer.
Ideal adhesion between joining parts and adhesive layer.
Planar joining parts and adhesive layer with constant thicknesses.
Linear elasticity, geometrical linearity. Only plane deformations, no strains in thickness direction.
Joining parts orthotropic, adhesive layer isotropic.
Bending is not considered.
Overlap joints adhesion in between
and design measeures for optimization of adhesive joints
Stress peak for equal joining part stiffnesses Et
Improvement: increase b
Stress distribution in the adhesive layer for different overlap lengths
shear stresses leads to peeling stresses
Joining of parts of different thickness. - Leads to unsymmetric stress distributionsStress distributions in adhesive layers of doublers:
Increase shear strength by simulataneous transverse compression
graded wedge shape, wedge shaped adhesion, use surplus adhesive
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