When can you consider to make default profit center to GL Accounts interval? FAGL3KEH
When you make Profit Center as mandatory entry in “Define Document splitting Characteristics for General Ledger Accounting”.
When is a profit center derived?
No Profit center is specified in the posting
pc cannot be derived from the cost element
Only useful in cases, where pc cannot be derived or specified
How can I create profit center in SAP Fiori?
Check if you have a role which allows you to create a profit center
Search profit center app
App: Manage Profit Centers
What is the difference between Segment and profit center groups?
What is a cost center?
Organizational unit
within a controlling area
represents the location where the cost inside organization incurred
What is the purpose of the cost centers?
company management uses cost centers for a process-oriented view of financial data
How are revenues postings handled in cost centers?
always statistical
What does a cost center provide?
a clear and precise view of the activities provided in an organization and its related costs
How many company codes can be assigned to a cost center?
There is a one to one relationship between cost center and company code. Despite a profit center. You can assign multiple company codes to one profit center
When will the standard hierarchy of the cost centers be created?
When the controlling area is defined
What is the order to create cost center?
I think it is:
Standard Hierarchy
Cost Center Group
individual processing - create cost center
What are typical Cost Centers? Very important if the client asks:
imagine Tesla as company. Where can costs occur? And what locations should be made?
Research & Development
What can be a good naming convetion for the cost center?
controlling area 1
company code TUK1
cost center group U
cost center name EN
Number 01
What is a functional area?
classifies the expenses of an organization by functions
How can I activate Functional Areas?
By activating cost of sales accounting.
What is the chain=
G/L Account
Cost Center
Profit Center
What can you do if you want to change a whole bunch of cost centers?
Mass deletion of cost centers
Collective processing
How can I create master data for cost center in fiori?
search bar
cost centers
App: manage cost centers
What are cost elements?
cost carrier from financial accounting to controlling
59 What kind of cost elements exist?
Primary costs
secondary costs
primar costs
material cost, energy cost, personell costs
internal activity allocation
Welche Kostenstellen kann es geben? Am Beispiel Tesla:
Autos werden verkauft. Hieraus kann ich die Kostenstellen ableiten
Das Auto muss produziert werden: Fertigung, Montage und Beschaffung
Das Auto muss verkauft werden: Verkauf, Marketing, Vertrieb, Werbung
Das muss Auto muss gelagert werden: Lagerhaus
Die Werteströme im Unternehmen müssen korrekt sein und ausgewertet werden: Finanzbuchhaltung
Die internen Lagerungsprozesse müssen stimmen: Logistik
For which GL accounts do i create cost elements only?
Only for profit and loss accounts
What is a condition to record cost element in gl account?
defining a controlling area
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