What is particular about the “Grammar Translation Method”?
Name typical exercises.
much vocabulary
difficult classical texts
Texts as exercise in translating
occassional drills
Translating of literary passages in one exercise such as reading comprehension questions
Why is the “Grammar Translation Method” criticized?
This method is not sustainable for teaching a spoken language
What is particular about the “Direct Method”?
Name typical exercises
classroom instructions only in L2
Everyday / concrete vocabulary
Inductive grammar teaching
Vocabulary in connection with visual aids
Worksheet with pictures and blanks
Word-for-word translation
What is particular about the “Audiolingual Approach”?
Drills: repetition, transformation, single-slot substitution
Focus listening, speaking
Classroom instructions excluesively in L2
Deductive grammar teaching
Emphasis correct pronounciation and grammar
dialog memorization
grammar games
Repetition drill: teacher says smth. pupils repeat it
Transformation drill: pupil transform a given sentence into another tense
Single-slot substitution: everything is given, the pupil has then to substitute words and forms a sentence
Why is the “Audiolingual Approach” criticized?
mechanical and formalistic exercises
may kill learning motivation
Lack of cultural context
Avoidance of new forms
What is the meaning of CLT?
Communicative language teaching is about learing and using language.
Communication is key
Meaningful topics
Fluency over accuracy
Learing is a creative “trail and error” process
What means strong and weak/balanced CLT?
“Using English to learn it”
task-based language teaching
“Learning to use English”
Focus on form
What is the “Post-Method Era”?
Also called “Toolbox Approach”, teahcers use lots of different methods or approaches
Context-sensitive language teaching (COLT)
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