What is the difference between implicit and explicit knowlegde?
implicit: learnt language, learnt rules and convert the learnt stuff (declarative)
explicit: intuitively create sentences, I don´t have rules in mind (tactic)
Difference between the input and output hypothesis?
input: learners get to know/educated about certain rules
output: learners use this newly achieved knowlegde (production level)
The non-inferface position and the weak interface position, what is the difference?
non-interface: may know the language but can not communicate
weak-interface: explicit knowledge facilicates implicit learning
knowledge about langauge features: own norms vs. target norms
prepares learner fo noticing
The non interface position belongs to the implicit or explicit knowledge?
The weak-interface position belongs to the implicit or explicit knowledge?
What is the Noticing Hypothesis?
features of the input appear in the output, provides tools , so leaner can recognise features.
example: Richards language learing diary, he shows learnt knowledge, input, a new rule, output, applying the new rule
What is the Strong Interface Position?
nteractive postion between implicit and explicit knwoledge!!!
explicit knwoledge can convert into implicit knowledge through practice (communicative drills, sloth and frame patterns,…
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