What is organizational culture
“The pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration and that have worked well enough to be considered valid, and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”
- Organization culture rises from dealing with problems → coping mechanism
- pattern of behaviours and assumptions that a group has invented when dealing with problems what is taught to other people
—> coping mechanism to problems and teach it to other members
How organizational culture emerges
The 5 monkeys’s experiment
- monkey example leader bananas, cold water, exchange monkeys, in the end no from beginning
What is organizational culture?
- Artifacts: dresscode,….
- Espoused values: code of conduct, values on wall
- Basic assumptions: unconscious beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings how things are done → much more complicated to surface
Strong vs weak organizational cultures
Ethical culture: Multisystem framework
Formal Systems
Policies and codes
Performance management
Authority structure
Decision processes
Whistleblowing processes
Informal systems
Role models
Myths and stories
—> Alignment among systems is crucial to support
How infuse ethical culture:
- formal and informal systems
- formal: selection processes (e.g. recruiting) —> some take ethics into account
- performance management (-performance review)
Performance management for integrity - Examples
Formal process of articulating employee goals, identifying performance metrics, and then providing a compensation structure that rewards individual effort
Examples of integrity indicators in performance management
Treats others with respect at all times
Is fair and objective
Actively listens and incorporates input from others
Acts with integrity
Inspires the trust of the team
Talks openly and honestly
The disclosure by organization members (current or former) of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action
Agents: employees, former members, applicants, suppliers, or auditors “with privileged access to an organization’s data or information” gained due to his official relationship with the organization
Locus: inside or outside the organization
Anonymous and deliberate
Type of transgression: Substantial, not minor
Characteristic of a self-correcting organizations
Why should we care about whistleblowing?
- Whistleblowing procedures —> measures important: procedures important to keep conflicts internal / to keep it in the company
- Should be anonymous
- Action should be taken (difficult, he saids / she said). —> investigate and collect evidence first
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