16SrDNA marker features
ubiquitously distributed
high copy number
up t0 20.000 ribosomes per cell
length 16S-RNA 1.500 bp
eukaryotes (80S) & prokaryotes (70S)
16SrDNA advantages
selection pressure independent from enviromental conditions (constant)
secondary structure is highly conserved
enables easy comparison of homologous sequence stretch
rarely cases of horizontal gene transfer (HGT)
changes in sequences develop with constant speed and slow enough to reflect the time of bacterial evolution
in different regions of the 16S rRNA the “molecular clock” changes with different speed
mutations in conserved parts are evolutionary older
composed of fragments of different 16S rRNA genes
sheared DNA increase in amount of chimera
1-10% of 16S rDNA clones in enviromental libraries
deletion mutants
point mutants
problems of artefacts
diferences in lysis efficiency
different GC-content of templates
different binfing efficiency of degenerated primers
secondary structure of templates
cloning problems
prevention of DNA-isolation and PCR bias
use of different DNA extraction techniques
utilization of different “universal primers” (ideally non-degenerated)
use of small number of PCR cycles, relativly high amounts of template DNA
pooling of replicate PCRs
single cell isolation technques
mechanical micromanipulation
microcapillary glass of the micromanipulators is connected to syringe pump: controlled ejection
microfluidics = sample fluids containing multiple cells is divided into single plugs that are stochastically encapsuled
clonal cells can be further used for cultivation, cryopreservation, culture-independent analysis…
multi-Displacemnet amplification (MDA)
enables single-cell genomics
Phi29 DNA-Polymerase elongates DNA strands starting with random primers (Hexamers)
if a double strand is reached it will be displaced and further amplified with random primers
FISH method
typically based on 16S-RNA (18S-RNA)
good stability, large database, high copy number
fixation and permeabilization of samples
washing steps to remove unbound probe
detection via microscopy and flow cytometry
in situ-detection of non-cultivable microorganisms, quantification in enviromental samples
in situ-relation of metabolic processes with certain groups of microbes
in situ-identification of symbiotic microbes in plants and animals
Q-PCR = real-time PCR
is a technique used to amplify and simultaneously quantify a targeted DNA molecule
this method allows for both detection and quantification of one or more specific sequences in a DNA sample
sample preparation: extract DNA/RNA, convert RNA to cDNA if needed
reaction setup: mix DNA/cDNA template with primer, DNA polymerase, dNTPs, buffer, and fluorescent dye
PCR ampification: denaturation (heat to seperate strands), annealing (cooling for primer binding), extension (synthesize new DNA strands and measure fluoresence)
data analysis: determine cycle threshold values for quantification
high sensitivity
high specificity
rapid results compared to traditional PCR methods
dynamic range of quantification
gene expression analysis: measure expression levels of specific genes
pathogen detection: identify and quanttify pathogens in clinical, food and envirmental samples
genetic variation analysis: detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and mutations
copy number variation (CNV) Analysis: quantify the number of copies of a particular gene in a sample
DNA methylation analysis: assess methylation stats of specific DNA regions
Sanger sequencing
DNA Denaturation: heat DNA samples to seperate
primer binding: add primer that bind to single-stranded template
extension with DNA polymerase: DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing DNA strand
incorporation of ddNTPs: add mixture of normal dNTPs and fluorescently labled ddNTPs -> terminate extension
DNA strands of various length are created
fragment separation: ge electrophoresis to separate frgments by size
detectio with laser
+ high accuracy
- only one single DNA molecule
- low thoughput
Illumina sequencing (sequencing by synthesis)
sample preparation (fragment DNA and add adapters)
cluster generation (bind to flow cell, bridge amplification)
sequencing by synthesis (add fluorescent lable reversible)
detection (remove terminator group)
data analysis (align signals)
+ high throughput
low cost
- short reads
- expensive instrument
sample preparation (extraction)
library prep (add sequencing adapters)
loading (introduce library into flow cell)
sequencing ( apply electrical current across membrane, DNA pass through nanopore -> change in current)
real time data (monitor current, use algorithm to translate signal)
+ no amplification or labeling
+ DNA, RDNA and protein sequencing
+ portable
+ real-time sequencing
+ unrestricted length
- high error rate
bioinformatics (sequencing cluster)
genome size large
huge amount of data
requires clever algorithm and find patterns
visualize collection of data
overview of algorithm used for OUT analysis
sequencing similarity-based clustering
model based clustering based on statistical models
density based clustering
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