AWS Ec2 can be categorized as..
PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, FaaS?
When your run an AThena CTAS(Create Table as Select) query, you’ll get
a new table definition, backed by new data stores on S3
Data linage means…
tracking the source an evolution of data over multiple steps
Slect the mechanism that cannot be used to run ETL Jobs
Ray Jobs
Jobs on EMR Clusters
Athena CTAS
EC2 secruity groups
Application service provieder loophole” means
with certain licenses, cloud providers dont need to publish their changes
You have an ORC file stores on S3, S3 allows you to grant read access to only certain columns, but not all data
THE ORC file format already uses compression internally. There is no need to additionally compress ORC FIles yourself.
Plattform as a services can roughly be described as …
You just bring your code, the cloud service provider runs it.
the term column4 in the following SQL query is a
Athena can only be used to query data that is stored in S3
If you have your own property file format stored on S3 and want to analyze it using hive, you …
can implement your own SerDe
Schema on read means that …
the defined table structureis only applied when actually reading data
Data locality means to …
process data close to where it is stored
A serde is …
an implemntation how to read ajd interpret a dataformat
Select all columnar file formats:
AWS can be categorized as…
Select the srervice that cannot be used as a stream processing solution:
Azure EventHubs
Google Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis
In stream processing, the data volume processed is unkown and potentially infinite
Richtig oder falsch
If a Lambda function stores the data in “/tmp”, this data is available to all currently existing copies of the function.
Processing a given file once per hour is consieded to be …
WIndow processing
Stream processing
Batch processing
Pipeline processing
When multiple client applications read data from a stream processing solution …
the client reading first wins and takes away stream item.
qou require an additional data store, such as RDS or S3
they block each other and can only be serviced sequentially
every client sees all stream items.
The azure offering for serverless functions is called …
Azure Go
Azure Lambda
Azure CloudRUn
Azure FUnctions
You have a task that only requires little CPU&RAM resources and runs one a week for 60 Minutes. Lambda is good fit here.
Select those statements about serverless functions that are wrong:
They are frozen again after they finished processing an event.
They offer built-in persistant storage
They only charge when they actually execute.
They are executing 24/7
They require an event to trigger execution.
They scalre automatically when more events come in.
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