
Statistik 3

von 12DayFIsh

Why should we formalize theories as statistical computational models?

  • Models clarify the understanding of complex phenomena

    • Theories can be vague an imprecise

    • Models translate those conceptual frameworks into mathematical or computational form, forcing

      • precision

      • clarity

    • Benefit

      • clarifies assumptions

      • allows objective scrutiny

      • Helps identify which parts of a theory are supported by data

  • Models facilitate iterative theory development

    • Models serve as a tool to

      • test theories

      • explore theories

      • Refine theories

    • When model predictions diverge from empirical results, it drives the refinement/rejection of theoretical assumptions

    • Benefit: promotes continuous improvement and understanding of the world

  • Models make testable predictions

    • Theories are generalized statements about relationships

    • Models allow us to make quantitative predictions

      • This offers testable and falsifiable predictions

      • Models quantify how much one variable affects another

    • Benefits: offer a framework to test hypotheses and validated theoretical claims with empirical data

  • Models allow generalization and prediction of future outcomes

    • Models use historical data to predict future observations

    • Benefit: useful for forecasting inboth research and applied settings

  • Models inform intervention and policy decisions

    • Theorie suggest how variables should be related

    • Models can simulate the effects of interventions and predict how those changes will affect outcomes

    • Benefit: help policymakers, clinicians or researchers evaluate the impact of interventions before implementing them -> better informed decisions

Looking at this output, anwer the following questions:

  • are there obvious patterns in the data that the model is not capturing? What are these patterns, and what might they represent conceptually, i.e., with respect to the subjects and the research questions?

  • What aspect/s could we include in our model to represent the idea that initial perfor mance after coma is (possibly) related to the duration of the coma? And what if the recovery rate was related to the duration of the coma?

  • If such a feature were important, and we included it in the model, what would you expect to see happen with the residual correlations?

  • are there obvious patterns in the data that the model is not capturing? What are these patterns, and what might they represent conceptually, i.e., with respect to the subjects and the research questions?

    • Covariance between observed variables is not being captured by model

    • They might reptesent that a better performance at point 1 will go hand in hand with better performance at point 2

  • What aspect/s could we include in our model to represent the idea that initial perfor mance after coma is (possibly) related to the duration of the coma? And what if the recovery rate was related to the duration of the coma?

    • we would need to include the duration variable, and model an effect from it the latent intercept

    • This path would allow the initial performance IQ to be influenced by the duration of the coma

    • We would do similar for the latent slope– make it depend on the duration of the coma.

      • i ~ imean * 1 + duration

        -> Introduces a relationship between the intercept and the durationdurationduration, meaning changes in durationdurationduration affect the initial level

      • s ~ smean * 1 + duration

      • duration ~ durationmean * 1

      • # Residual variances

        • piq_1 ~~ residualVar *piq_1

        • piq_2 ~~ residualVar *piq_2

        • piq_3 ~~ residualVar *piq_3

        • duration ~~ durationVar * duration

  • If such a feature were important, and we included it in the model, what would you expect to see happen with the residual correlations?

    • Residual correlatoins would decrease since explained variance (by the latent factor.s) would increase




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