What is ionizing radiation?
Subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that have sufficient energy to ionize atoms or molecules by detaching electrons from them
Particles generally travel at > 1% of light speed
Alpha particles (α): Helium nuclei (2 protons, 2 neutrons). Heavy, low penetration.
Beta particles (β): High-speed electrons (β⁻) or positrons (β⁺). Medium penetration.
Gamma rays (γ): High-energy electromagnetic radiation. Deep penetration.
X-rays: Electromagnetic radiation, similar to gamma but lower energy. Deep penetration.
What is U-235?
U = Uran (symbol)
235 = mass number (number of proton and neutrons in nucleus)
What type of shielding is effective against different types of ionizing radiation?
Alpha -> Paper
Beta -> Thin plates (wood, aluminum etc)
Neutron -> Water, concrete
X-ray -> Lead, Iron or other thick metal plates
Gamma-ray -> Lead, Iron or other thick metal plates
What are the risk vectors for different radiation types?
Alpha radiation is mainly an incorporation risk.
Beta radiation is mainly a contamination risk.
X-rays are a risk for external exposure.
Gamma radiation is mainly a risk for external exposure.
Neutron radiation is a risk for external exposure.
What is exposure and what unit is used to describe it?
The Exposure X is a measure for the ability of the radiation to ionize the surrounding air.
X = Q / m³ of air
produced charge per unit mass of the air
What is the absorbed dose and what unit is used to describe it?
D is a dose quantity which is the measure of the energy deposited in matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass.
1 J/kg = 1 Gy (Gray)
Absorbed dose D depends on material composition for silicon:
D = 2.5 Gy(Si) for human tissue:
D = DT = 12.5 mGy(TE) = 12.5 mGy
What is the equivalent dose and what unit is used to describe it?
H measures the stochastic health effects of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body which represents the probability of radiation-induced cancer and genetic damage.
It is derived from the physical quantity absorbed dose, but also takes into account the (long term) biological effectiveness of the radiation, which is dependent on the radiation type.
[H] = 1 J/kg = 1 Sv (Sievert)
Weigthing factor used in formula dependent on energy and range of radiation type.
What is the effective dose and what unit is used to describe it?
E is the tissue-weighted sum of the equivalent doses in all specified tissues and organs of the human body and represents the stochastic health risk to the whole body.
[E] = 1 Sv (Sievert)
Takes into account what organs/tissue or similar are affected (Tissue weighting factor).
What dose quantity concepts do you know?
Physical quantities (gray, Fluence)
Operational quatities (Ambient dose equivalent, Personal dose equivalent):
These are measurable and used for practical eval. of dose for regulation and assessment. Are calculated with the absorbed dose of simple phantoms (spheres or slabs).
Protection quantities (Organd absorbed dose, Effective dose):
Not measurable, calculated using observed health effects. Used to set exposure limits.
Protection and operational quantities are linked.
Physical quantities are the basis for the other two.
What different exposure types do you know?
External exposure:
Radiation sources (radioactive material) outside the body.
Subtype: Body surface contamination
Often whole-body exposure.
Internal exposure:
From a wound.
Inhalation or ingestion of radioactive materials.
Tends to be localized (at least initially).
What is the committed effective dose for intake?
Long-term internal radiation dose from internal contamination (ingestion/inhalation of radioactive material).
For adults calculated over 50 years.
For children calculated over 70 years.
Unit: Sieverts
Accounts for different orangs/tissue by integrating the effective dose over time. Also considers where the radioactive materials accumulate.
Give examples of radiation exposure in our daily life.
Aircraft travel:
Flying at high altitudes:
0.005–0.01 millisieverts (mSv) per hour.
A typical chest X-ray:
0.1 mSv.
A dental X-ray :
0.005 mSv.
Eating a single banana:
0.0001 mSv
Nuclear tests
Deterministic vs. Stochastic effects? Explain.
Deterministic Effects:
- Effects that occur after reaching a threshold dose.
- Severity increases with dose.
- Predictable, immediate effects (e.g., burns, sickness).
Stochastic Effects:
- Random effects that can occur after any radiation dose.
- Risk increases with dose but not predictable.
- Long-term effects (e.g., cancer, genetic mutations).
What types of radiological or nuclear weapons do you know?
Nuclear Device
Regular Nuclear warhead
Improvised Nuclear Device
Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)
explosive RDD
non-explosive RDD
Radiological Exposure Device
Sealed Radioactive Source
Non-Sealed Radioactive Source
(similar to neRDD)
Examples of radioactive sources suitable for radiological weapons. No pictures (see slide 7 RNP2)
2,000 Ci of Sr-90 in ceramic form (one pellet is about the size of an ice cube)
A radium needle was found in a Prague playground in 2011, radiating 500 µSv/h @ 1m
A bunch of radiotherapy sources for brachytherapy (e.g. Ra-226 up to about 1 Ci)
What attack vectors does an explosive radiological dispersal device have?
Aerosol Deposition
Debris Deposition
Inhalation (including from resuspension)
(alpha, beta)
Skin (beta)
Ground/Cloud shine (gamma)
What is the dispersal model “Gaussian Plume Model“? What input data is needed? What does it specifically describe and how high is the accuracy?
Gaussian Plume Model (widely used):
Type: Combined meteorology and diffusion model
Input Data Needed: Wind speed, direction, emission rate, cloud cover
Application: Point, area, volume source
Accuracy: Gives concentration estimates within an order of magnitude for continous release over homogenous terrain.
What is the dispersal model “Gaussian Pluff Model“? What input data is needed? What does it specifically describe and how high is the accuracy?
Gaussian Puff Model:
Type: Dispersion model
Application: Dispersion under time varying meteorological conditions, continous short term releases under emergency situations
Accuracy: Better than Gaussian Plume model for time varying meteorology. Not satisfactory under strong wind shear.
What is the dispersal model “Particle trajectory model“? What input data is needed? What does it specifically describe and how high is the accuracy?
Particle Model:
Type: Particle trajectory model, Lagrangian model (follows air parcels).
Input Data Needed: Atmospheric stability, wind velocity, turbulence.
Application: Best for complex terrain and non-homogeneous environments.
Accuracy: Good for complex terrain and long-range dispersion.
On what factors does the final size distribution of a dispersed radioactive material (of an explosive RDD) depend?
Stress and initial Particle size.
Also type of radioactive substance:
Powders: 20-80% aerosolised
Ceramics: 2-40% aerosolised
Metals(Cobalt): <0.2% aerosolised
Liquids: almost full aerosolisation possible
Graph RNP2 slide 18
Are Radiological Weapons WMD?
Explain the cannon type of nuclear weapons.
A simple design where two sub-critical masses of fissile material are brought together by firing one mass into the other using conventional explosives, forming a supercritical mass. This initiates a nuclear chain reaction (nuclear chain reaction should be clear).
Is the critical mass of fissile material set?
No. Its dependent on factors like form, neutron shielding and volume. Also consider enrichment %.
What is boosting in nuclear weapons?
Boosting increases a nuclear weapon's power by adding tritium and deuterium (fusion fuel) to the core. The fusion reaction releases extra neutrons, making the fission reaction more efficient and powerful.
What are direct effects of nuclear weapons?
Direct Effects
• Nuclear Blast
• Thermal Radiation or Heat Flash
- UV light
- visible light
- IR light
• (Ionizing) Initial Radiation
- Neutrons
- Gamma Radiation
What are indirect effects of nuclear weapons?
Indirect Effects
• (Ionizing) Residual Radiation or Fallout Radiation
- Alpha Radiation
- Beta Radiation
• Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP)
• Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (TREE)
• Disruption in the electromagnetic spectrum (radio propagation)
What types of nuclear detonation do you know (location dependent) and what effect does it have?
Here’s a breakdown of the types of nuclear detonations based on their location and effects:
1. High Altitude Burst:
- Location: Above 60 km in the atmosphere.
- Effects: Strong EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) effect, minimal blast and thermal damage on the ground.
2. High Air Burst:
- Location: < 60 but above 10 km.
- Effects: Larger blast radius, reduced fallout, but less damage on the ground compared to lower altitude bursts.
3. Air Burst:
- Location: Detonated within a few kilometers of the surface.
- Effects: Maximizes blast and thermal damage over a large area, limited fallout due to no ground contact.
4. Low Air Burst:
- Location: Very close to the surface, but not touching it.
- Effects: Increased localized blast damage, moderate fallout due to some ground contact.
5. Surface Burst:
- Location: On or near the ground.
- Effects: Severe local damage, high levels of radioactive fallout as debris is drawn into the explosion.
6. Underground Burst:
- Location: Below the surface.
- Effects: Limited surface damage but creates significant underground shockwaves, causing earthquakes or craters, and potential release of radioactive material depending on depth.
What is the yield?
The Yield is the total spontaneously released energy of a nuclear explosion, not only the kinetic energy. For nuclear explosions the kinetic energy can – in contrast to conventional explosions – be significantly smaller than the total energy.
What does HEMP stand for?
High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
What 3 distinct phases of a HEMP event do you know?
HEMP consists of 3 components
1. Early-Time Pulse (TREE)
most interesting for military equipment
2. Subsequent Pulse
mainly covered by lightning protection measures
3. Continuing Pulse
EMP coupling to long overhead power lines with the danger of damaging power stations and substations
How is the radiation dose measured in personal dosimetry?
In personal dosimetry, the radiation dose is measured at a representative position on the surface of the human body for the present radiation field.
The measured operational quantity is a good estimate for the effective dose the person was exposed in the radiation field.
Usually not available for alpha-radiation because it doesnt penetrate. Ingested or otherwise incooperated radionuclides can also not be measured.
What is the Personal Deep Dose Equivalent Hp(10)?
Definition: Dose equivalent H in tissue in 10mm depth in the person at the location where the dosimeter is worn
• 10mm is minimal depth of most of the organs Hp(10) ≥ E (for homogeneous irradiation)
• The person is part of definition and required for measurement
What kind of detectors are needed when searching for radioactive sources?
In this application high-volume detectors with a large efficiency are needed to get the necessary time resolution, especially when the detectors are used in fast vehicles or helicopters.
We are talking more about quantitative detection and not about a proper metrological measurement of the gamma- or neutron dose rate.
Why are surface contamination measuremnts carried out?
To detect radioactive particles on surfaces of for example vehicles, equipment, clothing and personnel.
Generally two-dimensional probes with a large active probe area of about 100 to 300 cm2 are used for this purpose.
The measured value is basically displayed as a simple count rate.
How can radio nuclides be identfied after a source has been found?
The simplest way is to analyze the gamma radiation of a radionuclide. This identification by photons is called gamma spectroscopy.
There are already hand-held gamma spectrometers available (less accurate than lab testing).
Because of the broad energy distribution of beta radiation a classical beta spectroscopy is not possible. Rough nuclide identification sometimes is achieved by determining the so called end point energy of the broad beta spectrum.
How does gamma spectroscopy wotk and what additional effects can be observed?
When a gamma photon completely transfers its energy to an electron in the detector, the photon is absorbed. This produces a photopeak in the spectrum, which represents the specific energy of the gamma ray and is crucial for identifying the isotope.
Additionally we have to look out for:
Compton Effect (Compton Scattering):
In this interaction, the gamma photon transfers only part of its energy to an electron and is scattered. This creates a range of lower-energy signals, known as the Compton continuum in the spectrum, which can complicate analysis but provides insights into photon interactions within the detector.
Pair Production:
When gamma rays have very high energy (over 1.02 MeV), they may create an electron-positron pair upon interacting with the detector material. When the positron eventually annihilates, it produces two 0.511 MeV photons, which can also appear as signals in the spectrum.
This means that energy calibration is necessary for clear results!
What is NaI and HPGe in this context?
Hand-held gamma spectrometers are generally equipped with NaI(Tl)-detectors (energy resolution not smaller than 6%). Laboratory gamma spectroscopy systems mainly use high resolution HPGe (high purity germanium) - detectors (energy resolution about 0.15%)
Gamma Spectroscopy vs Gamma Spectrometry?
Gamma Spectroscopy = Nuclide Identification
Gamma Spectrometry = Activity Measurement (nuclide specific)
What are the primary detector categories?
gas-filled detectors
semi conductors
scintillators and light conversion devices
miscellaneous detectors
Explain how a gas-filled detector works.
Depending on supplied voltage -> 3 different modes:
Ionization chamber (lowest voltage)
The voltage on ionization chambers is just sufficient to separate the positive (ions) and negative charges (electrons) produced in the consequence of the interaction of the radiation particles with the detector gas and to avoid their recombination.
Used for accurate dosimetry measurements (e.g. for calibrating radiation fields) and for the measurement of pulsed radiation
Proportional counters
The voltage applied to a proportional counter is of that magnitude that the produced charged particles get accelerated towards the anode and the cathode respectively. On their way through the counting gas of the tube, the primary charged particles are able to ionize further gas atoms or molecules which results in an amplification of the separated charge
Therefore proportional counters are well suited for the discrimination between alpha- and beta particles for example in contamination monitors.
Geiger-Müller tube (highest supply voltage) (most common):
Independent from energy of the penetrating radiation particle a charge avalanche is generated in the tube because of the high voltage conditions. Therefore amplification factors in the range of 106 to 108 are possible
! Dead time of the GM-counter: This dead time usually is in the range of 10 to 100 µs and describes the time period the detector is not able to process another radiation event after a successful avalanche generation.
Name two types of semiconductor radiation detectors and their advantages and drawbacks.
-> proportionality
-> passive measurements
-> degrades over time (permanent radiation damage)
Whats the difficulty with neutron detectors?
Because neutrons do not possess any electrical charge, they cannot be detected directly on the basis of electrical methods. So in an electrically working neutron detector, the neutrons must interact with the detector material to produce charged particles in a first step, which are electrically detected in the end.
(Detector types for fast neutrons:
• Ionization chambers
• bubble detectors
• special Si-PIN Diodes)
What are the 3 reasons for TREE?
3 reasons of TREE:
• Total Dose Effect (neutron + gamma)
• Dose Rate Effect (prompt gamma)
• Neutron Fluence Effect
ISO-Damage Curves Diagram
RN-Protection Slide 17
What is the definition of the (Ionizing Radiation) Protection-Factor?
Free Field Dose
divided by
Dose inside equipment
Whats the differnce between BC and RN contamination?
Radioactive particles can not be destroyed or transformed into less harmfull products by means of mechanical or chemical decontamination measures.
Radioactive contamination can only be removed from a surface and at the best collected together with the decontamination solution as radioactive waste
Whats the goal of RN-decontamination? And what factors does it depend on?
The aim of RN-decontamination for military and first responder issues is to reduce radioactivity from surfaces for- reducing external irradiation- minimizing contact hazard and spreading- preventing re-aerosolization
The effectivness of RN-decontamination depends on the interaction with the surface structure: nuclide type, chemical compounds, particle size, solubility, humidity, temperature, structure, mechanical and chemical properties of the surface
What should be noted about the development of the dose rate in the vicinity of a nuclear detonation?
It falls rapidly. See Slide 7
What can you say about the origin, make up and characteristics of nuclear fallout?
Nuclear explosions on or near the ground will drag large masses of soil, dust and debris into the fireball. Fission products of the explosion will condense, adhere or chemically react on or into particles.
Physical and chemical properties of the fallout will mainly be determined by the inactive parts.
Particles > 300 µm will accumulate near Ground Zero (GZ).
Particles < 20 µm will mainly remain in higher air levels -> continental or worldwide fallout
Particles are mainly insoluble and are deposited quite loosely on equipment and vehicles -> mechanical brushing or washing with water, optionally under increased pressure
What is rainout?
At relative air humiditiy above 70% it is assumed that rain will be induced by a nuclear detonation. It is assumed that up to 20% of the radioactive load of the rain will be present in aqueous solution
What types of contamination exist? And what measures should be taken?
• Dry Contamination:
- start with mechanical means to remove -> brushing, sweeping, vacuuming, compressed air blowing
- use of water with high pressure cleaner -> immediate removal of the radioactive particles
- A longer contact of the dry contaminant with the water may lead to a leaching process of radioactive nuclides out of the particles or solving the particles themselves
Wet Contamination:
- nuclides reach the surface in ionic, molecular or colloidal form and will adhere or bound to the surface
- in general a decontamination agent will be needed
• Soiled Surfaces:
- soil generally acts as protection for the surface
- the contaminant is deposited on the soil layer and removing the soil means eliminating most of the contamination as well
- conventional surfactant-based cleaners will serve to some extent as decontaminants
Concerning the best decontamination agent to use. What factors have to be considered and how do you find the perfect agent?
No perfect agent.
… can only be the best compromise concerning
• Nature of the surface to be decontaminated
• Kind of contaminant and the presumed type of strongest bond between contaminant and surface
• Required decontamination efficiency
• Economic, safety and health protection aspects
What is a surfactant?
Surfactants generally consist of a hydrophobic portion (usually long alkyl chain) attached to hydrophilic (water solubility enhancing) functional groups.
Prinzip -> Seife
What other agent type is often used for RN decontamination?
Chelating agents are substances that can form multiple bonds with a single metal ion, effectively "binding" or "sequestering" the metal and making it less reactive. They are commonly used to remove heavy metals from the body, soil, or water.
What RN decontamination procedures do you know?
Aqueoussolution of cleaners and RN decontaminants are sprayed onto the surface under elevated pressure and vacuued off in the same working step
Removal of the upper layer of the surface together with the penetrated radioactive contamination.
For example dry ice blasting and laser cleaning.
What threats have to be resisted in TREE?
total dose effect (gamma + neutrons)
dose rate effect (promt gamma)
neutron fluence effect (neutrons)
How can TREE effects be tested?
total dose effect -> irradiation facility
dose rate effect -> X-flash facility
neutron fluence effect -> neutron generator (2MeV)
Which are the three legs of nuclear weapons deployment and what are their advantages?
Sea (Submarines) -> most survivable
Land (ICBMs) -> most responsive
Air (Bombers) -> most flexible and visible (show of force)
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