Necessity of innovation
Companies cannot remain static, because
environmental conditions
increased competition
new technologies
customer relationship
characteristics of the environment
Companies must innovate frequently, effectively and confidently.
Innovation must be the norm.
Volatile: The nature and dynamics of change are rapid and unpredictable.
Uncertain: The future is unknown, and it is difficult to predict outcomes.
Complex: Many interconnected parts and variables make situations difficult to understand.
Ambiguous: Lack of clarity and difficulty in interpreting events.
“Action and effect of innovating”
“Bring something new and still unknown in a certain context”
Characteristics of innovation
It is a fundamentally entrepreneurial act (innovate != invent)
Invention is the conception of the idea
Science does not equal innovation
The invention must be accepted by the market to be innovation (Innovation = Invention + market acception)
Innovation: formula
Innovation = Theoretical conception + technical invention + commercial exploitation
Result of an organizational process that ends with the success in the application of an invention, idea or concept related to a new product or process, which allows to do something that was not possible before or, at least, not so well or so efficiently.
Innovation: elements
Innovation is:
Essential to be competitive
A necessity imposed by the market
Innovation is not:
A choice
A one-off event
Innovation must be continuous and integrated into the management of the organization as a priority.
To innovate is to do new things, differently and better than others.
The contributions of the people of the company:
is a fundamental factor of innovation
must affect all levels of the organization, starting logically with the highest levels of managmenet.
Innovation classification - types
according to its nature
according to the impact and degree of originality
according to the origin
Innovation classification - According to its nature
Technological innovation: changes to products or processes
Product / service innovation: the manufacture and marketing of new or existing products improved, either through new technologies or through new uses of existing technologies
Process innovation: installation of new production processes that improve productivity, rationalization of manufacturing and, consequently, the cost structure
Innovation in management methods: changes to products or processes
Commercial innovation: new presentation, distribution, form of application of an already known product, new channels of sales promotion, etc.
Financial innovation: new forms or ways of payment, new ways of obtaining financing, etc.
Innovation in management: new software (SAP, Oracle, ERPs) or TQM systems
Organizational innovation: changes in the direction and organization under which the productive and/or commercial activity is developed.
Innovation classification - According to the impact and degree of originality
Radical innovation
Incremental innovation
New products or processes that cannot be understood as a natural evolution of existing ones.
It consists of small modifications or improvements that contribute, in a framework of continuity, to the improvement of existing products, processes or structures or systems.
They are revolutionary changes in technology and represent turning points in existing practices.
Improving performance contributes to increasing efficiency or user or customer satisfaction of products and processes.
E.g. Steam engine, micro processor, television, etc.
E.g. ABS, Plasma TV, 3D, Airbag, non-alcoholic beer, etc.
Incremental innovations vs. Radical innovations
Improved products: Incremental innovations
Innovative products: Radical innovations
Market demand is known and predictable
Potential demand is large but unpredictable. High risk of failure.
Rapid market recognition and acceptance
A rapid imitative reaction from competitors is not foreseeable
Easily adaptable to market advantages and distribution policy
Exclusive marketing, distribution and sales policies may exist to educate consumers
Fits into current market segmentation and product policies
Demand may not match established market segments
Innovation classification - According to the origin
Technology pushed Innovation
It derives from the process that orccurred in science or technology. Sell what can be manufactured.
Radical innovations, considerable risk and provide competitive advantages
Basic sciences —> Engineering —> Manufacturing —> Marketing/Sales
Market pulled Innovation
Arises as a consequence of the identification of a need in the market. Manufacture what you can sell.
Incremental innovations, reduced risk and do not sustain in the long term a competitive position
Market need —> Development —> Manufacturing —> Sales
Market pull
Make what you can sell
Technology push
Sell what you can make
Combination of Market pull and Technology push
Innovation is essentially a bilateral or coupling activity. On the one hand, it involves the recognition of a need, or more accurately, of a potential market for a new product or process. On the other hand, it involves technical knowledge capable of satisfying it.
Innovation management
Ability to innovate = mechanism of adaption to the environment
Given the importance of innovation
inclusion in strategic approaches (objectives to mid term and long term)
Object of management or direction
Innovation management tries to direct and give coherence and continuity to the resources and activities dedicated to this activity
Innovation management business model - necessity
Many managers think that innovation cannot be managed, since it is considered as an
exclusive topic of R+D staff
anarchic process
Objective: To break this dynamic, companies must be increasingly aware of the need to manage innovation following a directed process (planned, controlled, …)
Business challenge: from occasional innovation to systematic innovation —> Innovation management business model
Innovation management - key elements
Innovation management - Focus
formulation of a technological strategy to increase innovative behaviour and obtain competitive advantages
Innovation management - Training
chosen an option, have the knowledge and allocate the necessary resources to put it into practice. It involves the combination of new and existing knowledge, available both inside and outside the organization, to implement the technology strategy
Innovation management - Implant
Innovation, starting from the idea and following the different phases of development until its launch. It is at the core of the innovation process, it allows innovation to be real.
Innovation management - Watch
Continuous exploration of the environment (internal and external) to identify and process signals or indications of a potential innovation (needs, opportunities arising from research, legaslative changes, competitor behaviours, …)
Innovation management - Learn
Reflect on the above elements and review the experiences of success and failure, capture the knowledge derived from the experience
Innovation management - ISO 50501
Ot recognizes that there are a number of interrelated and interactive elements or factors in an organization that must be implemented to ensure the success of innovation. The structure of the guide standard for innovation management covers seven key elements, one for each of the titles of the document. These titles are the same for all management system standards.
ISO 50501 - key elements
Key elements of an Innovation Management System
Value Curves
A strategic tool used to visualize and analyze the value proposition of a product or service relative to competitors.
Particularly useful for identifying opportunities for innovation and differentiation.
x: key attributes
y: level of value delivered for each attribute
Value Curves - Process
Identify key attributes
Assess value perception
Plot the attributes and values
Draw the curve
Analyze and iterate
Value Curves - Benefits
Identify market gaps
Focus on innovation
Strategic differentiation
Visual clarity
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