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creaat a mobile app.
Create a support system that help the users to use the app.
Create ads on Facebook to let people know about our app.
Successful implementation of the app
Successful implementation of support system
The app's ratings on the Playstore haven't dropped below 4.0
Tangible outcomes are physical products that can be held, while intangible outcomes are non-physical results, such as training or knowledge.
Projects are temporary endeavors with a specific start and finish, while operations are ongoing activities that are performed repeatedly.
Building a website is considered a project because it is a temporary endeavor that does not occur regularly and has unique aspects.
What are Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs)?
What are Organizational Process Assets (OPAs)?
Enterprise Environmental Factors are internal and external conditions that can influence, constrain, or direct a project. They include both organizational and environmental conditions that are not under the project team's direct control.
Organizational Process Assets are plans, processes, policies, procedures, and knowledge bases specific to an organization. They are used to support project management and can be formal or informal, from various sources within the organization.
What characterizes a predictive life cycle(Also known as the ……)?
What defines an adaptive life cycle(Are also known as ….)
Also known as the (Waterfall model)
Scope, time, and cost are determined in the early phases (EX building an appayment)
1)Iterative life cycle, the project scope is generally determined early, but time and cost estimates are routinely modified.
2)Incremental life cycle, the deliverable is produced through a series of iterations that successively add functionality within a predetermined timeframe
All things you will do
Risks in this project
Any Resources
what is the life cycle of the project
and what happens to the risk and cost
what is this?
organizational project managent (OPM)
What is the full time one and in same time has full authority and resources and it's a PM (project manager)
Have moderate authority
Project-ogiented and Matrix-strong
Remember very important
Functional = إدارات ثابتة وسلطة ضعيفة لمدير المشروع
Matrix = خليط بين الاتنين بدرجات مختلفة
Projectized = فرق مؤقتة وسلطة كاملة لمدير المشروع
Strong Matrix: الموظفين لسه ليهم ارتباط بالإدارات الوظيفية بتاعتهم
Projectized: الموظفين بيكونوا مخصصين 100% للمشروع وملهمش ارتباط بإدارات تانية
….. is a formal document that outlines the key details of a project. It serves as the foundation for the project's planning and execution and is typically created during the project's initiation phase.
The sponsor (صاحب المشروع) and Project manager who are make it
A project charter
Remember this
CREATE …. is the process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components.
is a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work. specified in the current approved project scope statement.
……estimating , A technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity project. Less costly Less time Less accurate
And give me example of it
…….estimating ,An estimating technique in which the duration is calculated based on historical data and project parameters. It uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables to calculate an estimate fora parameters. Provide higher level of accuracy compared with…. estimating technique
Three-point estimating
Analogous estimating
If it took 1 hour to paint a small room last week, you estimate it will take 1 hour to paint another room of the same size this week.
Parametric estimating
If painting 1 square meter of wall takes 30 minutes, and the room has 20 square meters of walls to paint, you estimate the job will take: 20 square meters × 30 minutes = 600 minutes (10 hours).
Triangular Distribution
Beta Distribution
Optimistic = 10 hours
Most likely = 12 hours
Pessimistic = 16 hours
Remember this 👇
before and after
Remember the diffrence between Resource Leveling and Resource Smoothing
example of applied Resource Leveling
the sponser tell me i want the project ends in 4 days
I tell the sponsor that this project will takes 5 days not 4 because resourses constraints (we need another ENG additanaly)
the sponser tells me I dont have the budget to hiring another ENG
i tell him it will takes 5 not 4
example of applied Resource Smoothing:
Optimize resource usage within the schedule if the sponcer cant hire another ENG.
If Activity A has a duration of 5 days, ES (Early Start) of day 3, and EF (Early Finish) of day 7, what is the lag or lead in this activity?
there is a 1 day lag
Let me break down why there's a 1-day lag in that activity:
Let's analyze the components:
- Duration = 5 days
- Early Start (ES) = Day 3
- Early Finish (EF) = Day 7
If there was no lag:
- When you start on Day 3 and the activity takes 5 days
- You would expect it to finish on Day 3 + 4 = Day 6 (not Day 7)
- Why Day 6? Because when you start counting on Day 3:
* Day 3 is work day 1
* Day 4 is work day 2
* Day 5 is work day 3
* Day 6 is work day 4
* Day 7 is work day 5
But in this case, the Early Finish is Day 7, which means there's an extra day beyond what the pure duration would suggest. This extra day is the lag.
Would you like me to translate this explanation to Arabic as well?
Remember what is schudle compretion
Q: What is the main purpose of the Control Scope process?
a) To create the scope baseline
b) To monitor the status of project and product scope
c) To obtain formal acceptance of deliverables
d) To create the WBS
the correct sequence of scope management processes
Plan Scope Management → Collect Requirements → Define Scope → Create WBS → Validate Scope → Control Scope
Validate Scope: Ensure the completed deliverables meet the project requirements through formal acceptance by stakeholders.
Control Scope: Monitor and manage changes to the project scope to ensure it aligns with the plan.
Coordinate between all the projects in the organization is considered…
Start or stop projecta is considered…
These are considered from ….types
What is a Buffer are it's types?
. A buffer is extra time, resources, or funds intentionally added to the project to account for uncertainties or risks.
Unlike float, buffers are not naturally occurring-they are planned and added by the project manager to protect the project from delays or overruns.
Project Buffer: Added at the end of the project timeline to protect the overall project completion date from delays in the critical chain (the longest sequence of dependent tasks).
Feeding Buffer: Added non-critical paths where they merge with the critical chain. This ensures that delays in non-critical tasks don't impact the critical chain.
Resource Buffer: Used to ensure that resources (like team members or equipment) are available when needed, especially for critical tasks.
If it must be finsh to start relationship so it considerd …
بناء ارض المبنى قبل الحيطة طبعا ده شغل رجل (مان)
It it can be any thing but we decide to choose one of them depends on our experience and peridormance it considerd….
@doctanry بيخليني مثقف
Mandatory Dependency
Discretionary Dependency
External Dependency: . Task C (Install the roof) cannot start until the roofing materials are delivered an external supplier. This is an external dependency because it depends on something outside the project team's control.
4. Internal Dependency: . Task D (Paint the walls) cannot start until the painting team is available. This is an internal dependency because it depends on resources within the project team
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