How does the brain prepare to perform computations without prior experience?
(in early development)
—> genetically and molecularly driven processes, that dont require neural activity or sensory input
e.g (=basic structures of nervous system)
neuron generation/differentiation
axon guidance to target areas
initial formation of synapses
—> depend on neural activity and interactions with environment -> shaping brains functionality
Spontaneous activity
Sensory-evoked activity: stimuli from environment strenghten/weaken synaoses through synaptic plasticity
How do neural connectivity and synaptic plasticity contribute to attractor activity in clustered neural networks?
neural connectivity = basis of clustered networks
synaptic plasticity is influenced by neural dynamics (e.g spiking activity) —> modifies strenght over time
—> network can exhibit attractor activity -> stable patterns of neuronal firing
attracors: essential for memory formation, decision-making
What is Hebb’s postulate its significance in synaptic plasticity?
‘neurons that fire together - wire together’
when axon A repeatedly excites cell B, growth process increases A’s efficiency in firing B
-> underlies Long-Term-Potentiation (LTP) -> correlated activity strengthens synaps
foundational for learning and memory
Of what consists the Plasticity in a feedwordward network?
Plasticity in feedforward networks depends on:
activity of presynaptic neurons - input, ρ(t)
activity of postsynaptic neurons- output ν(t)
synaptic weight changes: wj = F(pj(t), v(t))
Is the Covariance rule stable?
not really, it has fixed points that represent possible outcomes
but stability requires sth like hard bounds on synaptic weights to ensure meaningful learning
Compare Hebbian and covariance-based plasticity rules.
Hebbian = strenghtens connections based on correlated activity
Covariance = adjusts weights based on covariance of pre- and postsynaptic activity
What is STDP?
= Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity
biological mechanism of synaptic plasticity where relative timing difference (Δt) btw pre- and postsynaptic spikes determines:
magnitude of synaptic strength changes
What are the 2 mechanisms of STDP?
Examination of Synaptic Efficiency
strength tested at regular intervals by stimualting presynaptic neuron (with voltage-clamp at low frequency 0.03-0.06 Hz)
Induction of Synaptic Changes
syn. plasticity induced using repetitive stimulation
60 pulses at 1 Hz to presynaptic neuron (both pre and post in current-clamp mode to allow spiking)
how does relative spike timing (Δt) affect synaptic strength?
relative timing btw pre and postsynaptic spikes determine whether strength increases / decreases:
Δt > 0: post after pre
—> Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) - strengthening synapse
Δt < 0: pre after post
—> Long-Term Depression (LTD) - weakening synapse
What are factors that influence Synaptic Plasticity?
Relative Timing
Positive timing (Δt>0): Strengthens the connection (LTP)
Negative timing (Δt<0): Weakens the connection (LTD)
Neuromodulation (neurotransmitter concentration)
Firing Patterns (burstiness of neural activity)
What are the difference between Phenomenological and Biophysical modelling approaches for synaptic plasticity?
Phenomenological (What?)
use pre- and postsynaptic spike times or firing rates to calculate changes in syn. strength
mathematical models that observe relationships btw acitvity and syn. changes
Biophysical (How?)
resolve biological machinery + processes involved in syn. plasticity induction
highly varying levels of biological detail
What is an advantage of triplet STDP before pariwise?
Triplet STDP: can explain data where pairs of spikes are repeated at different frequences —> more complex patterns
Pairwise STDP: only timing of two spikes
How does Burst-Timing Dependent Plasticity (BTDP) differ from STDP?
BTDP focuses on synaptic changes driven by burst of spikes
timing of burst over individual spikes
Are there different different synaptic weight updates?
Additive weight change
syn. weight adjusted independently to current weight magnitude
Multiplacative weight change
weight changes are scaled by current weight magnitude
Synaptic Bounds
weight updates constrained by predefined bounds, ensuring physical and computational stability
-> bounds prevent weight from becoming unrealistic large or negative
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