= Ayers rock (sandstone)
3 km long, 2 km wide, 340 m hight
colour changed troughtout the day
scacred place for aboriginals
Nitmiluk National Park
deep canyon
lush vegetation
seep cliffs and waterfalls
Great Barrier Reef
wourld largest coral reef
-> streched over 2.300 km
great diverstity (fish, corals, etc.)
Endarigements: mikroplastic, climatic change
Syndey Opera House
sail-like roof structure
one of the most famouse landmarks of the world
1.500 preformance per year
cultural diverstity -> art, food, festivals, different architecture
famouse language
the Ghan
from Adekide - Denvish
crossed the outback
oldest culture in the world -> over 5.000 years
rich culture -> beliefs, storys
colonized by Europeans
Kangooros and Koalas
symbol of unique wildlife/ importance of protecting the Umwelt
in desert and coast
white priviliges in australia
more rights -> fewer rights for immigrants
people how speaks englisch are prefented to others
problems for aboriginals
many languages in the school (many dont speak englisch)
rasiscm in school
-> no cultural awarnes
“stolen generation”
Aboriginal children with mixed descent taken away in camps
-> forbidden to live their culture
-> no cultural identity
Australian Englisch why and how?
mixed by the immigration
special words for special things of australia
Australians colonization with an example (the movie “captain Phillip and Bennelog”)
Australian was colonized by the European settlement
criminals was sent to america
Phillip and Bennelog:
Aboriginal forced to adopt the british customs, traditions and language -> he didn’t wanted
Hope for future:
peace between whites and aboriginals
some developements
80% of the aboginals was killed
every day life in australia
many different origins
language/ cultural identidy:
no support to develop in all languages
many different languages -> difficult to unterstand classmates/teachers
many beliefs and religious
less teacher with special origin
academic problems:
different between attitudes and perspecitves
-> rasism, white privilige
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