Near Point
closest distance on which human eye can focus
0,1 - 1,0 m
average: 0,25m
Resolution of human eye
viewing angle of 2min
two points in distance of 0,15mm can be viewed seperately at a viewing distance of 0,20m
Power of Magnification
Vlens = tanb/tany = A’B’/AB = 250f
25cm = reference / conventional viewing distance
Optical faults of lenses
1) Spherical Aberration:
parallel rays passing through fringes of lense
are focused at different locations
dependend of distnace from optical axis
-> blurred image
2) Coma:
point objects look like comets
tail running to edge
oblique bundling of parallel beam
3) Solutions:
compound lenses with different color dispersion properties
different type of glass: crown & flint
Numerical Aperture
ability to gather light & resolve fine sample details at fixed object distance
NA = n*sin(sigma)
n = 1: Luft
n = 1,33: Wasser
n = 1,56: Öl
(refractive index)
Resolving power
ability to distinguish between two distinct light sources as seperate items
Resolution of Microscope
smallest distance between 2 points
distinguishable as seperate items
directly related to useful magnification & perception limit of sample detail
Microscopic Method
Upright Microscope
look down to see image
high Magnification
high Resolution at transmitted light sample
short working distance
designed for slide samples
cell biology
fixed samples
squeezed between slide & coverslip
Inverted Microscope
popular technique: live cell imaging
look up to see image: observed through bottom
limited M
lower R
long working distance
petridish sample
living cell incubation
cells at bottom of container
live cell imaging
look down - top lit
limited M, zoom in M
low R
very long working distance
stereoskopic 3D effect = 2 path of light being entirely separated
Types of light path
1) Transmitted:
developed first
transmit light from source opposite of sample
bright & darkfield
phase contrast
differential interference contrast from objective
2) Refracted light:
incident light
epi illumination
industrial microscopy fluorescence
for opaque samples
dark background
only object illuminated directly
look from side into cone of light
only light diffracted or scattered by object is seen
fine structures
life samples, artefact free
low light level
sensitive to contamination
careful interpretation
most used technique
absense of contrast
colored & non-viable
light absorption in dense areas
fine structures = not recognizable
simple to use
only few adjustemts to microscope need
easily adapted to new technologies
lack of contrast
only inanimate, coloured specimen
distortion due to use of aperture to adjust contrast
requires coloring
Techniques light M - Phase contrast
Microorg. without staining = reveals many cellular structures
optics include: objectives & condenser
Phase contrast techniques translates phase shifts into grey values
perfectly aligned rings of annulus & phase plate with matching diameters
Techniques light M - Polarization M
Double refraction:
birefringence occurs in molecularly ordered materials: single ray of light split in 2 rays:
one unrefracted (O)
one reflected at angle (E)
direction dependent dirfferences in refractive index
Anisotropic material:
ordered cellular structures: starch, cellulose fibers, actin filaments
Analyzer & Polaizer:
polaroid sheets: incident waves parallel to transmission axis pass
other rays: blocked
Critical Illumination
image of light source falls into same plane as image of sample
enhanced contrast
improved resolution
limited depth of field
sample sensitivity
Köhler Illumination
Adjust image brightness
put sample in obect holder
turn gear knob to top stop
bring objective to 10x in place
close field diaphragm
lower condenser
center field diaphragm
open field diaphragm
focus image of fd with vertical adjuster
in order to adjust aperture: take eyepiece off
replace eyepiece in tube barrel
Gram Staining
1) Application of prim. stain:
crystal violet positive ions interact with negatively charged components of bacteria cell = cell stain blue
2) Application of Mordant:
Iodine solution forms large crystal violet iodine complexes (CV-I) with cytoplasm & outer layer of cell
3) Decolorization:
Ethanole / Ethanole-Acetone Mix interact with membrane lipids
loss of outer cell wall of gram negt cell = CVI whased off
dehydration of highly crosslinked peptidoglycan of gram post cell = CVI trapped inside
4) Application of counter stain:
red dye safranin stains decolorized:
gram negt cells = red / pink
gram post cells = blue
How to estimate thickness of ultrathin sections
though wavelength of visible light
light creates interference colors
color gives idea about thickness of section
-> preferred: color from silver to light gold (60-90nm)
TEM (transmission electron M)
electrons instread of light
higher energy = shorter wavelength = better resolution
0,05nm at 200kV (0,5A)
atomic resolution: 0.12nm (1,2A)
electrons need vacuum = no live cell imaging
TEM sections
Electron gun: accelerates & generates electrons
Condenser system: lenses to focus electrons into beam
Image producing system: consists of sample & electromagnetic lenses to focus beam on fluorescent screen
SEM (scanning electron M)
Images of sample by scanning surface with focused electron beam
e-beam focused by 1 or 2 condeser lenses to spot about 0,4-0,5nm
better resolution than: 1nm
Electron gun (TEM & SEM)
acceleration e to:
0,2 - 40kV SEM
300kV TEM
tungsten filament
field emission gun
cathodes form very sharp tip (100nm or less)
very strong local field at tip: electrons can tunneö through potential barrier and become free
tips remain at room T°C
Backscattered Electrons BSE
formed by elastically scattering of primary e with nuclei
E >> 50eV
worse image
give info about samples components
Secondary Electrons
formed by elastic collision of primary e with shell
E < 50eV
highest quality
greatst contrast
EFTEM (energy filtered TEM)
elastically scattered e & unscattered e have same Energy after & before passing specimen
unelastically scattered e have lower Energy after passing: E0 - deltaE
use of omega filters to remove these electrons (with less energy)
Non conductive samples - Sputter coating process
electrostatic charging of sample by electron beam
prevention by ultrathin coating with gold, graphit, gold-palladium
zB: insect
SEM of biological samples
need to be completely dry = high vacuum
soft tissue/cells require fixation for stabilization
= crosslinking with glutar di aldehyde
only hard materials require little treatment
Environmental SEM
po > 60mbar & T°C > 0°C
no charge of sample by electron beam
biol. sample can be fresh & live
limited distance between sample & PLS (mm range)
Sample preparation TEM
= chemical fixation of biolog. samples = crosslinking of AA
very good cytoplasm ultrastrict preservation
may impair immunogenicity of proteins
CL via schiff base reaction
bifunctional agent
rapid penetration
good preservation of immunogenicity (freshly prepare from solit - paraformaldehyde)
less effiecient crosslinking
when goal is to: localize structures in cell using AB
Osmium Tetroxide
CL of unsaturated fatty acids in lipid proteins
very good membrane preservation
very good staining agent (high e density of Os)
TEM Dehydration & Embedding
for compatability with embedding resins: Ethanol or Acetone
100% dehydration for epoxy
70% for acrylis (LR white)
causes shrinkage (minimalize by step by step dehydration)
minimize lipid extraction by low T°C dehydration
Epon - epoxy resin - 60°C - hydrophobix - convt. ultrastructure
Cryofixation - Plunge freezing
extremely rapid freeting: 10^4-10^6 K/sec
Vitrification (no ice crystals)
1) Blotted grid plunged into cyrogen
2) cyrogen precooled with liquid nitrogen -180°C
Cryofixation - High pressure freezing
lowering freezing point & supercooling T°C range
10^3 K/sec (vitrification)
adequate freezing of samles up to 200micrometer without cryoprotectant
Cryofixation - freeze substitution
substituation of vitreous ice in frozen specimens by acetone / methanol at below -90°C
Immunolabelling of ultrathin sections (tokuyaso method)
localisation of Antigens (proteins) in sectioned tissue
using specific AB labelled with colloidal gold particles
gold particles can be produced with narrow size distribution = multiple labelling possible
emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or electromagnetic radiation
emission of light has longer wavelength than excitation light
high contrast
specific labelling
quantitative labelling
labelling of living cells
Fluorescence - Intrinsic properties
absorbtion / excitation (spectrum) maximum: stoke shift
emission (spectrum) maximin: stoke shift
molar absorption coefficient: how strongly fl. absorbs light (brightness)
quantum yield (brightness)
fluorescence lifetime
photostability: before irreversible bleaching, blinking characterustics
polarity (preferable water soluble)
axial chromatic correction for 2 colors
corrected for spericsl aberration
Fluorite (Semi-Apochromate):
corrected for spericsl aberration (2-3 colors)
higher NA
higher contrast
axial chromatic correction for 4-5 colors
corrected for spericsl aberration (3-4 colors)
Fluorophore Chemistry
more conjugated electron system
-> small energy difference between states
-> longer wavelength
symmetric: small stokes shift
heterocycles: longer wavelength
rigid ring structure: no energy loss from excited state
Fluorescent labelling
1) Covalent:
F chemically attached to protein
use of different AA
Cystein: site specific
Lysine: stochastic
2) Non-Covalent:
F not chemically attached to protein = intercolated into double helix
F bound to actin filament = Organelle stains: Mito / ER-Tracker
Live / Dead stains
Fluorescent Indicator
Calcium: calcium sensitive dyes (Fura-2) radiometric
important immunochemical technique
to determine location of Antigen in tissue by reaction with AB labelled with fluorescent dye
Part of immunesystem: produced in mammals
many applications
wide range of proteins
wirde range of org. fluorophores
easy to use
localisation & expression of protein of interest can be determined
large label - 10nm
may impair protein function
for intracellular proteins = cells need to be fixed & permeabilized
Immunofluorescence - labelling
Direct: with fluorescently labelled primary AB that recognizes protein of interest
Indirect: with fluorescently labelled secondary AB that recognizes primary AB
Fluorescent Fusion Protein
fluorescent protein attached to protein of interest
-> fluorophore genetically encoded
staining living cells
stable cell lines with continious expression of fusion protein
not as bright & photostable
background of wildtype protein
rel. large GFP - 3nm
Point spread function
affected by:
NA: higer NA = smaller PSF
wavelength: short l = smaller PSF
unaffected by:
Confocal Microscopy
Einsatz von Punktbeleuchtung & Lochblende (Pinhole) vor Detektor = hohe Auflösung & Kontrast
Untersuchung von sehr dünnen opt. Schnittebenen
Confocal Microscopy - Laser scanning
single spot of focused light is rapidly transitioned along lateral axis of specimen
no need for camera = point detector (PMT)
fast scanning, collect single pixle in microseconds
records pixel by pixel
thin optical sections through -50nm specimen
high resolution 3D images of thick samples
reduced background
better signal-to-noise-ratio
not very efficient -> PTM detector 25% quantum yield, high intensity laser irradiation = sample photobleaching
Spinning disc confocal microscopy
use of multiple pinholes & camera
2 rotating disk:
microlens disk
pinhole disk
microlens focus light through 1000 pinhole in nipkow disk
CCD camera = very efficient (lower excitation intensity needed)
fast - 1000 images / second = live cell imaging
pinhole crosstalk
lower field uniformity
higher background
no single spot high power line illumination
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