
Commercial Objectives

von Sara K.

Market Segmentation

  • Objectives:

    • Idnetify and understand customer preferences (needs, desire, characteristics, bahvior)

    • Design customized marketing strategies to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns

    • Improve customer satisfaction since offers satisy hre specific needs of ech segement

    • Optimize the use of resources by focus on the most profitable segments, improving efficiency and reducing costs

    • Identify new market opportunities: By analyzing different segments and companies can discover underserved or poorly served market niches, opening up new business opportunities.

  • Segmentation Criteria:

    • Demographic: Age, gender, income, education.

    • Geographic: Region, climate, population density.

    • Psychographic: Lifestyle, values, beliefs.

    • Behavioral: Benefits sought, usage rate, loyalty.

  • Procedure:

    1. Define the target market: Identify the general market you wish to serve.

    2. Identify the bases of segmentation: Select the criteria that will be used to segment the market

      (demographic, geographic, psychographic, behavioral).

    3. Develop segment profiles: Describe each segment in terms of its characteristics and needs.

    4. Evaluate the attractiveness of each segment: Analyze the size, growth, profitability, and accessibility of

      each segment.

    5. Selecting target segments: Choose the segments that the company can serve effectively and profitably.

    6. Develop marketing strategies for each segment: Design product, price, promotion, and distribution

      strategies specific to each segment.

    7. Implement and monitor the strategies: Execute the marketing strategies and monitor their performance,

      making adjustments as necessary.

Marketing-Mix (4Ps)

Product: Any good or service that a company offers to its customers. It must satisfy the needs and desires of the target market

  • Quality: Must align with customer expectations and the brand's positioning

  • Features: Additional features can differentiate the product

    • Expamle: In a hotel, offering free Wi-Fi, a gym, a spa, etc.

  • Design and style: Of the product, packaging, and presentation influence the customer's perception (Wahrnehmung)

  • Brand:Represents the product's identity (can generate loyalty and recognition)

  • After-sales services: Warranty (Garantie), technical support, and customer service

  • Product variety: Range of products can attract different customers.

    • Example: In a hotel, offering different types of rooms.

Price: Amount of money customers must pay for the product. Strategy should consider customer perception of value, costs, and competitors' prices.

  • Pricing strategy:

    • Penetration: Low prices to gain market shares

    • Skimming: High prices to maximize profits from segments willing to pay more

    • Competitive: adjust prices according to competitors

  • Discount and offers: Volume discounts, seasonal promotions, or special rates for certain segments

    • Example, lower prices during the off-season at a hotel).

Payment Policies: Flexible payment options, installment payments or financing.

Perception of value: Align the price with the perceived value of the product. Project a good quality-price ratio.

Costs: Ensure that the price covers costs and generates an acceptable profit margin.

Place (Distribution): How the product is made available to the customer. Includes the selection of distribution channels and logistics management

  • Distribution channels: Choose between direct distribution (direct sales) or indirect distribution (travel agent)

  • Marekt coverage: Decide the scope of distribution:

    • Intensive: available in many places

    • Selective: available in selected places

    • Exclusive available in few places

  • Physical location: Location of physical facilities (Location of a hotel, is crucial to attracting the target market)

  • Logistics and transport: Efficient supply chain management to ensure that products reach customers on time

  • Storage: Properly manage inventory and warehouses to meet demand without incurring excessive costs

Promotion: Activities that communicate the characteristics and benefits of the product to the target market to influence their purchasing decisions

  • Advertising: Use of paid media to communicate the product; TV, radio, press, networks, etc.

  • Sales promotion: Ways to encourage purchasing; discounts, coupons, and free samples.

  • Public relations: Management of the company's image and communication with the public through events, press releases, and crisis management.

  • Digital marketing: Online strategies, including SEO, SEM, social media marketing, etc

  • Personal selling: Direct interactions between sales staff and customers, Thermomix, Avo

  • Direct marketing: Direct communication with customers, such as direct mail, email marketing

  • Intefrated promotions: Combine multiple promotional tools to create marketing campaigns.

Product Innovation


  1. Identification of opportunities

    • Oberve the market, analyze trends and receive feedback of customers

    • Market analysis, Customer research, Competitive analysrs and technology and trends

  2. Generation of ideas

    • Idea generation. Involves creating a wide range of product ideas that can be developed

    • Brainstorming, Mind mapping and Crowdsourcing

  3. Evaluation and selection of ideas

    • The best ideas must be evaluated and selected for subsequent development (Not all ideas generated are viable;)

    • Technical feasibility, Economic viability, Market fit and strategic compatibility

  4. Concept development

    • Selected ideas are developed into more detailed product or service concepts. This includes defining the product features, its design and the value proposition

    • Defining of Features, Product Design and Value Proposition

  5. Development and prototype

    • Functional prototypes are created from previous concepts. Problems are identified in this phase, which allows adjustments to be made before large-scale production

    • Deatailed design, Builiding the prototype and Test and review

  6. Market Testing

    • Before launching, tests can be conducted in a controlled environment to evaluate its acceptance and performance

    • Pilot tests, Focus groups and Beta testing

  7. Product launch

    • After fine-tuning, the launch takes place. Preparation for large-scale production and the implementation of marketing and sales strategies.

    • Production, Marketing, Distribution and Sales Training

  8. Measurement, analysis and continuous improvement

    • As long as the product or service is on the market, it should be subject to continuous analysis and improvement.

    • Customer Feedback, Sales Analysis and Updates and improvements


Sara K.


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