What is GERD and it’s Px
Chronic reflux of stomach contents into esophagus
Multifactorial Px:
Lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction
impaired esophageal motility
increased gastric acid exposure
Cx of GERD
Classical symptoms:
postprandial retrosternal burning
regurgitation (acid content reaches mouth or throat)
Others: dysphagia, chest pain, globus sensation, extraesophageal symptoms
Dx of GERD
Cx + upper endoscopy
Tx of GERD
What is functional dyspepsia
Cx of functional dyspepsia
Predominant symptoms: postprandial fullness, early satiety, bloating, epigastric pain
Occasional: nausea, vomiting, hearburn
Dx of functional dyspepsia
rome criteria
upper endoscopy
Tx of functional dyspepsia
H. pylori test + treat
stool antigen or urea breath test
clarithromycin + amoxicillin + PPI
Lifestyle and dietary changes (low FODMAP diet)
What is chronic gastritis
inflammation of the gastric mucosa associated with injury
Ex of chronic gastritis
infections: H pylori usually
immune mediated: autoimmune gastritis
other: NSAIDS, alcohol, bile reflux,
Clincal significance of chronic gastritis
OLGA: gastric histological atrophy
OLGIM: intestinal metaplasia
higher state = higher risk of gastric cancer
Dx of chronic gastritis
Tx of chronic gastritis
Eradicate H pylori
Stop NSAIDS, alcohol etc…
What is a peptic ulcer
mucosal defect in the stomach or duodenum that penetrates through the mucosa muscularis
Ex of peptic ulcer
H pylori
nsaids or aspirin
smoking or alcohol
Cx of peptic ulcer
Mostly asymptomatic
epigastric pain
gastric ulcer: pain is worse with food
duodenal ulcer: pain happens 2-5H after meal
Dx of peptic ulcer
Tx of peptic ulcer
What is irritable bowel syndrome
chronic functional gastrointestinal disease
recurrent abdominal pain + altered bowel habits
Cx of IBS
Dx of IBS
Fecal calprotectin + lactoferrin (excluse IBD)
infectious causes
Alarm features? colonoscopy and biopsy
Tx of IBS
What is chronic pancreatitis
Progressive inflammatory disease of the pancreas
permanent structural damage
impaired exocrine and endocrine functions
chronic abdominal pain and potential conplications
Ex of chronic pancreatitis
Cx of chronic pancreatitis
Abdominal pain: after meals. may become constant over time
Exocrine insuficiency: steatorrhea, weightloss, bloating…
Endocrine insufficiency: pancreatogenic diabetes (type 3c)
Dx of chronic pancreatitis
Tx of chronic pancreatitis
What is gallstone disease
Risk factors for gallstones
Non modifiable foctors: female, age>40yo, family history
obesity or rapid weight loss
high fat low fiber diet
DM, metabolic syndrome
Cx of gallstone disease
billirary colic (RUQ pain post postprandial, intense dull and constant pain, may radiate to right scapula, vomiting nausea diaphoresis
Dx of gallstone disease
Tx of gallstone disease
WHO analgesic ladder + low fat diet
What is the difference between:
Cholelithiasis: stone in gall bladder
Choledocholithiasis: stone in common bile duct
Cholecystitis: inflammation of gallbladder
Cholangitis: inflammation of the common bile duct
What is chronic gallstone disease
long-standing inflammation of gallbladder
repeated episodes of acute or subacute cholecystitis
persistent mechanical irritation from gallstones
intermittent obstruction of cystic duct or bile ducts
Cx of chronic cholecystitis
recurrent biliary colic
bloating nausea malasportion
Fat soluble vitamin deficiencies (ADEK)
Dx of chronic cholecystitis
Anamnesis (recurrent biliary colic)
Labs: elevated ALP, GGT, ALT, AST; CRP, leukoctyes
US: procelain gallblader, fibrosis, shrunken, thick walls
Do CT/MRI to rule out other Ex of pain
MRCP or ERCP to evaluate ducts
Tx of chronic cholecystitis
Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Conservative treatment if surgery is CI:
IV ampicillin-sulbactam
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