What values do Δq and Δp have at equilibrium ?
Which experiment did Hartl and Clark perform and what were its outcome ?
8m male and 8 female flies observed over generations
All flys were hetero zygotes
Allele frequency changes and variance is increased
Diversitiy is lost
What are core assumptions of the Wright-Fisher Model ?
finite population
no mutation
no selection
no migration
no recombinations
How can reproduction with a set chance of reproduction be inmagined ?
Drawing from a bean bag with replacement
Bernoulli trials
n is the number of total alleles so 2N
Why is the population size for the WF model often given as 2N ?
Adaptaion for diploid organisims
Which impact does a larger population size have on random processes in Nature ?
the effect of drift is much larger in smaller populations
the change of losing an allele is much higher in smaller populations
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