-Protein that binds to G-Actin
-opens cleft and enhances loss of ADP
-ATP can then bind to G-Actin
=> ensures a constant supply of ATP-Actin
-Binds to 2 ADP-actin subunits within F-Actin filaments
-induces small change in twist
=> destabilizes filament and breaking it, creating more - ends
Thymosin-beta 4
-binds to ATP-G-actin and inhibits its addition to either end of the filament
-free actin and free thymosin-beta 4 are in equillibrium with bound actin-thymosin-beta4
-acts as a buffer for unpolymerized actin, making it available when needed
-binds to the + end of microfilaments, inhibiting any assembly or disassembly
-controlled by
-a phospholipid (inhibitory)
-other regulatory proteins which bind the + end (blocking CapZ binding)
-inhibits assembly or disassembly at the - end of microfilaments
-works with tropomyosin to stabilize
-caps + ends of microfilaments
-regulated by Ca2+ concentration
-binds to the side of actin filaments and inserts itself
-breaks existing filament, then capping the + end
-binds to the + end of microfilaments
-one subunit ist rich in proline residues, recruiting profilin
-Formin allows rapid addition of actin subunits to the + end by rocking between the two actin subunits at the end
-also hinders + end capping proteins from binding
=> enhances long, straight actin filaments
Arp2/3 Complex
-nucleates branched filament assebly
-needs to be activated by nucleation promoting factor NPF
-in active form binds to the side of existing microfilaments inducing a new + end at a 70° angle
nucleation promoting factor
-activated at the plasma membrane
-activation needs 2 signals (coincidence detection)
-mimics NPF
-surface protein of Listeria
Listeria monocytogenes
intracellular parasite
-rapid movement trough the cell is powered by actin polymerization (comet tail)
-surface protein ActA which mimics a NPF
-ATP-G-actin, Arp2/3 complex, CapZ and cofilin are sufficient
-depolymerizes actin filaments by binding the + end of f-actin, blocking addition of subunits
-binds and groups g-actin inhibiting it from adding to a filament end
=> the rate actin based structures disappear are normal rate of turnover
-lowers critical consentration by binding and stabilizing actin dimers
-binds existing actin filaments, preventing depolymerization
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