What is the different between:
materials, inserted in body to restore functionality for a limited time or whole life (also man-made)
artificial replacement for missing body part (e.g. arms, legs, bones, arteries, teeth, …)
interfaces between neuronal system and electronic devices
-> for clinical applications and research
Neuroprosthetics (or neural prosthetics)
field within neuroscience and biomedical engineering
-> creating devices that replace/enhance neural functions
contrast: brain-computer interface (connects brain to computer rather than restoring lost functions)
How to rewire the brain with Dementia?
implant electrode array into prefrontal cortex -> touches neurons in layer 2/3 and layer 5
electrodes record brain activity and send to microprocessor (under skin at top of head)
microprocessor detects a specific pattern (e.g. neural signature of person trying to recall memory) -> array sends electric pulses into surrounding area, stimulating mental processing
How to rewire the brain with Paralysis?
implant electrode arrays in motor cortex and somatosensory cortex
user thinks of kicking ball -> brain sends neural commands from motor cortex -> picked up by array -> transmitted to microprocessor on patients skull
microprocessor transmits commands to lower-body exosceleton (with own processor)-> leg moves to ball
foot touches ground -> pressure sensors on exoskeleton surface generate tactile signal -> sent back to array in sensory cortex
—> feedback loop: patient can feel ground and kick back
How does the cardiac pacemarker work?
= battery-powered medical device implanted under skin to help regulate heart’s rhythm
—> generates electrical impulses that stimulate heart to beat regularly
What are Auditory Brainstem Implants (ABIs)?
stimulate auditory neurons in cochlear to restore hearing
ABI is similar to Cochlear Implant, but outcomes are poorer
Of which different devices does the Retina Implant (Alpha IMS) consist?
Subretinal Chip - implanted beneath retina
light signals -> electrical pulses -> stimulate ganglion cells
Subdermal Receiver - implanted beneath skin
acts as relay btw implant and external components
External Transmitter Antenna - behind ear
transmits signals and energy to implants
Power Box & Control Unit - held in hand
adjustment of brightness and contrast to optimize seeing
What are some advances methods of Circuit and Cellular Imaging in Nonhuman Primates (NHPs)?
Macknik et al 2019
Ultra-large imaging windows - larger than entire rodant brain, enable unprecendented large-scale circuit analyses
Long-term imaging stability - functional longer than a mouse lifespan, allowing longitudinal studies of circuits over timeframes relevant to human cognitive development
Novel tools and techniques:
Optogenetics - precise neural activation using light
Voltage-, Calcium- and Glutamatesensitive dye imaging
Two-photon and wide-field optical imaging
Viral delivery and genetic expression systems
What is Deep Brain Stimulation approved for?
Morbus Parkinson
Huntington disease
Where is Deep Brain Stimulation actively studied for?
Pain control, Epilepsy, Depression, Tourette-Syndrom, Addiction, Schizophrenia
How does Deep-Brain Stimulation work?
electrodes surgically implanted in specific brain regions (e.g subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson)
Pulse generator under skin in chest delivers electrical impulses to electrodes
impulses modulate abnormal brain activity, restoring normal functions
How many people suffer from Chronic Pain?
How can they be treated with neurostimulator implants?
20% of all Europeans
15.000 treated with implants
electrodes delivers low-voltage electrical impulses to spinal cord
—> interfere with pain signals traveling to brain
What is the difference between non-invasive and invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)?
Name positive and negative aspects
non-invasive BCI - uses external devices without surgery
e.g. controlling wheelchair using brain-activity with EEG cap
+ safe, easier setup
- limited signal resolution, slower response
invasive BCI - surgical implantation of electrodes in brain
e.g. restoring mobility for individuals with paralysis (robotic arm)
+ high accuracy, can do complex tasks
- brain surgery with risks, long-term biocompatibility issues
What is Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)?
pros and cons
Vagus Nerve Stimulation - implant delivers pulses to vagus
+ approved in US, Canada and EU for depression
+ works for years
- works perfectly in 1/6 patients
- requires surgery
What is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)?
delivers low-intensity electrical current through electrodes on scalp
non-invasive: electrodes placed externally
+ simple, cheap
- few studies, little known how it works
What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)?
magnetic coil to generate focused magnetic field that induces electrical currents in brain
non-invasive: magnetic stimulation through scalp
+ few side effects
- long-term risks and effectivness unknown
What is Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST)?
similar to TMS, with higher magnetic stimulation
+ could be more effective than other
- requires daily anaesthesia for weeks
- few patients undergone this treatment
- little known about side effects
What is the Obesity-Fighting Implant?
blocks signals between gut and brain (vagus nerve)
-> treat diabetes
What are the applications for of these different Neuroprostheses:
Functional electrical stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
pain control, epilepsy, deep brain stimulation, stimulation of bladder, vagus nerve
neuronal and muscle stimulation
stroke, depression
walking support, hand motion
Sensory neuroprostheses
Bidirectional neuroprostheses
Cochlear Implants, retina implant
Motor control puls, somatosensory feedback
Locked-In-Syndrome, user interface, exosceleton control
Name the newest Neuroprosteses.
Brain implants allow paralysed monkeys to walk
Moving robotic arm with BCI reading motion planning
Paralyzed moving hand with FES
Pioneering brain implant restores paralysed man's sense of
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