What is the Investment Plan?
Investment Plan is the intention of application of economic resources to a expected business, that will generate in the future sufficient income to pay the funds invested.
Ein Investitionsplan ist die Absicht, wirtschaftliche Ressourcen für ein erwartetes Geschäft zu verwenden, das in der Zukunft genügend Einkommen generieren wird, um die investierten Mittel auszuzahlen.
What is the Investment Project?
Investment Project is the study that will maintain the consistency of the combination of resources to the return expectations.
Das Investitionsprojekt ist die Studie, die die Kohärenz zwischen der Kombination von Ressourcen und den Renditeerwartungen aufrechterhalten soll.
What is Financing?
Financing are the capital sources necessary for the project.
Definition of different Types of Investemnt Projects (categorization)
By sectors of activity: agriculture, industry, services,.
For relationship with productive activity: directly productive, not directly productive, social, ...
For investment objectives: strategic, innovation, modernization, expansion, replacement, ...
On the relationship between investments: independent, complementary, mutually exclusive, ...
What is the Strategic Analysis?
From more or less abstract ideas, we attempt to define the preliminary outlines to build the basis for an investment project.
From these outlines, develop study leading to validate or invalidate the robustness of the initial hypotheses and to verify the possibility of combining the necessary resources
Analyzes the internal and external environment
Helps to identify the type of investment
Product/service life-cycle management
Forecast the financial flows
Ausgehend von mehr oder weniger abstrakten Ideen versuchen wir, die ersten Grundzüge zu definieren, um die Basis für ein Investitionsprojekt zu schaffen.
Ausgehend von diesen Skizzen entwickeln wir eine Studie, die dazu dient, die Robustheit der anfänglichen Hypothesen zu bestätigen oder zu entkräften und die Möglichkeit zu prüfen, die erforderlichen Ressourcen zu kombinieren
SWOT Analysis
The highly synthetic nature of this framework is the central feature of this type of analysis.
Intend to focus attention on the determinants keys affecting the present and the future of the company or sector.
When there is opportunity to prepare SWOT analysis at different moments in time, for a given company or sector, we can obtain important information about its ability to implement strategic solutions that lead to the selected objectives
Der hochgradig synthetische Charakter dieses Rahmens ist das zentrale Merkmal dieser Art von Analyse.
Sie zielt darauf ab, die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Faktoren zu lenken, die für die Gegenwart und die Zukunft des Unternehmens oder der Branche entscheidend sind.
Wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, eine SWOT-Analyse zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten für ein bestimmtes Unternehmen oder einen bestimmten Sektor zu erstellen, können wir wichtige Informationen über seine Fähigkeit zur Umsetzung strategischer Lösungen erhalten, die zu den ausgewählten Zielen führen
Porter’s Structural Analysis
Version of SWOT analysis that emphasizes the influence of the external environment - threats - about the company
Potential Competitors
Customer Power
Suppliers Power
Alternative Products
Sector Rivalry
Potenzielle Wettbewerber
Macht der Kunden
Macht der Lieferanten
Alternative Produkte
Rivalität im Sektor
BCG Matrix - Market Growth vs. Market Share
Boston Consulting Group Matrix
x axis: market share
y axis: market growth
"Stars" - promising investments - company with high market share and growing sector
“Question Mark” - risky investments - although growing, the company's market share is low
“Cash Cows” - investments that generate high flows -, but the market is in low growth, long-term care
“Dead Weights” - zone of weak growth and low market share, to be avoided
„Stars“ - vielversprechende Investitionen - Unternehmen mit hohem Marktanteil und wachsendem Sektor
„Question Mark“ - riskante Investitionen - das Unternehmen wächst zwar, hat aber nur einen geringen Marktanteil
„Cash Cows“ - Investitionen, die hohe Kapitalflüsse generieren - aber der Markt ist wachstumsschwach, Langzeitpflege
„Dead Weights“ - Bereich mit schwachem Wachstum und geringem Marktanteil, den es zu meiden gilt
GE-Matrix - Market attractiveness vs competitive position
General Electric Matrix
The nine fields of the matrix represent strategic recommendations:
Upper fields (Invest):
Highly attractive markets with a strong competitive position.
Strategic recommendation: Invest and expand market share.
Middle fields (proceed selectively):
Moderately attractive markets or medium competitive position.
Strategic recommendation: Invest selectively or minimise risks.
Lower fields (disinvest):
Low market attractiveness and/or weak competitive position.
Strategic recommendation: Withdraw from the market, reallocate resources.
Compared to the BCG matrix, it offers a more detailed analysis and takes more factors into account.
Ansoff-Matrix - Product vs. Market
Market penetration:
Existing products in existing markets.
Goal: Increase market share through higher sales or winning customers from competitors.
Lowest risk.
Market development:
Existing products in new markets.
Objective: To tap into new geographical regions or customer groups.
Medium risk.
Product development:
New products in existing markets.
Objective: Customer loyalty and increased sales through innovations or product range expansion.
Higher risk.
New products in new markets.
Goal: Diversify business areas and utilise new opportunities.
Highest risk.
What are the most relevant studies?
Market Research
which aims to determine the potential demand for goods or services to produce
Location Study
determine the place or places where it becomes viable and with overall lower cost for project implementation
Engineering Technicians Studies
aims to find the best technical solution for the project
Dimension studies (capacity)
determine the optimal capacity for the project (in technical and economic terms)
Legal framework studies
determine the most appropriate legal regime for the project implementation
Economic and Financial Profitability studies
assess the expected return on capital investment and make comparison with alternative investments
Financial framework studies
find funding solutions for the project
Environmental Impact Studies,
aims to determine the project effect or effects on the environment
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