Choice correspondance
for every A € E, C(A) <_ A
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference can be satisfied or unsatisfied
one criteria which needs to be satisifed to ensure that consumer is consistent with their preferences.
for any two A, B € E that have at least two elements in common a,b € A intersection B it must be that if a € C(A) and b € C(B) then b€ C(A) and a € C (B)
question to ask: can we create cycles of two elements?
if its satisfied and the experiment is complete, a utility function can be found for the data/experiment
if its violated, then there is no complete or transitive weak preference that would’ve given the data to construct a utility function.
if a bundle of goods is a is chosen over bundle b when both are affordable, then they reveal their preference a over b —> revealed preference
if a cycle exsits, warp is violated
can have completeness issues
generalized axiom of revealed preference
a >_*c b
a is indirectly revealed preferred to b
it cannot be that a >_*c b and b >_c a
question to ask: can we create cycles of more than 2 elemnets?
If garp is satisfied a utility function can be found for the data/experiment
if garp is violated there is no utility function generating the observed data.
if we can create cycles of more than two elements garp is violated, if garp is violated warp is also necessarily violated —>indirectly contradicting each other, if there is an indirect contradiction, there has to be a direct contradiction
can have transitivity and completeness issues
Choices under Risk
Expected Utility
Lotteries defined by choice domains: p and x
p1 x x1 , p2 x x2 , p3 x x3
20% 0. 50% 5. 30%. 20
multiplication of percentages and utilities (eg payoffs)
calculate the outcomes and see what matches the utility. if preferences and outcomes create contradiction then preferences are inconsistent, find out how they need to be adapted
can be used to test the vNM axioms
vNM Axioms: pleteness and transitivity that we have already discussed, plus two additional ones, (A3) continuity and (A4) independence.
Axiom A2
if x is weakly oreferred to y and y is weakly preferred to z, then x is weakly preferred to z
preferring apples to bananas, bananas to cranberries , resulting in preferring apples to cranberries
Axiom A1
x is weakly preferred over y or y is weakly preferred over x
incompleteness means x is not weakly preferred over y and y is not weakly preferred over x
there cannot be indifference between two choices
also goes for strict preferences
for infinite sets
even if indifference, still complete because we can compare and conclude they're indifferent
Monotonic Preferences
consumer prefers a particular bundle over the other bundle if the former consists of at least more of one good and no less of the other good
Nash Equilibrium
Normal Form Games
players, strategies, outcomes identified for each player
rational players think about actions other players might take, players form beliefs sbout one anothers behavior.
Prisoners Dilemma: situation where individual dm always have an incentive to choose in a way that created a less than optimal outcome for the individuals in the group
nash equilibrium: nobody has reason to deviate from strategy given that the other player does not deviate from their strategy
Weak Preference and Strict Preference
preferences are binary relations of outcomes
weakly preferred means at least as desirable as… <>_
strictly preferred <>
preferences are unobservables
Revealed Preference
way to infer preferences given the observed choices
ground for warp and garp
x is directly revealed preferred to y whenever we can find A € E such that x, y € (A)
in this case we write x >_c y
strictly direct revealed preferences:
x is strictly directly revealed preferred to y whenever x >_c y and y />_c x
there exists some A € E with x,y € A such that x € C (A) and y /€ C(A)
then we write x >c y
Objects compared in decision making
X x,y,z - set of outcomes
x € X - one outcome within a set
Utility Function
outcomes that are preferred get a higher utility function
U: X—>R
a utility function can be found if the Axioms hold, meaning transitivity and completeness must be satisfied
if x is weakly preferred to y then the utility of x is weakly preferred to the utility of y
Symmetric Preferences
Is neighbor of – symmetric
Is older than – antisymmetric
Game Theory
is a collection of solution concepts
Reflexive Preferences
any bundle is at least as good as itself
state contingent outcomes
each state has a lottery
given the state what is the lottery that is faced
act is an alternative which can be chosen
are indexed by probabilities
of the world/of nature
definition of all possible outcomes
Backward Induction
Extensive Form Games
Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
sequential game of giving and keeping money, here time matters
sequential choice of actions at an order which is commonly known
perfect information:players observe what has happend so far
imperfect Information: past moves are not necessarily known or observed by all players
incomplete information: utility functions of others are not necessarily known by all players
Ann gets 10 can decide to give Bob amount
second whatever Bob go gets doubled and can decide to give Ann some of her money back
backward induction: draw Tree and find subgame perfect equilibrium
start at end and go back in nodes
Choices under uncertainty
Choice domain is defined in acts
acts and states need to be matched together
multiplication of utilities and beliefs (mu)
preferences over the set of acts have a subjective expected utility representation for some utility function and some belief mu
match the utility functions with the preferences and calculate the outcome, if there is a contradiction inconsistent choices exist
see what acts dominate each other
can be used to test the hypothesis that there is a SEU function
axioms guaranteeing SEU: all that we have already discussed, plus two new axioms, called state monotonicity and non-triviality (Anscobe Aumann Axiom)
strict dominance
a strategy strictly dominates if for each feasible combination of the other players strategy the payoff is strictly greater than the payoff from playing any other strategy
rational players never play strictly dominated strategies because such strategies can never be best responses to any other strategies of the other players
weak dominance
a strategy which never does worse than another maybe sometimes better than another. they can be a best respinse for a player
best response
selecting a strategy which yields the greatest lexpected payoff given their belief
Last changed2 years ago