Prevention that occurs before the system reacts to a stressor and the prevention includes health promotion and maintenance of wellness:
Prevention occurs after the system reacts to a stressor and is provided in terms of existing systems:
Prevention occurs after the system has been treated. This prevention offers support to the client and attempts to add energy to the system or reduce energy needed in order to facilitate reconstitution:
Nursing human-to-human model is:
In the nursing process, which of the following group of signs and symptoms are objective cues?
Imogene King's "Goal Attainment Theory" is a/an:
Based on the theory of Orem, environment is an important metaparadigm which include:
Students were discussing about who was behind the System’s Model? They were correct to identify:
Communication skill is one of the most important competencies expected of a nurse. Interpersonal process is viewed as human-to-human relationship based on whose nursing model:
In the Goal attainment theory, which is defined as a dynamic life experience of human being which implies continuous adjustment to stressors:
Goal Attainment Theory describes that human beings communicate with the environment to achieve goals that are valued and goal directed, this statement refers to:
Neuman’s Systems Model, the increase in energy that occurs in relation to the degree of reaction to the stressor is termed as:
According to human-to-human relationship model, the goal of nursing is to:
Human-to-human relationship theory is described by the theorist in which of the following correct order:
Based on human-to-human model, subjective Health is:
Based on human-to-human model, objective Health is:
Goal Attainment Theory was the advocacy of:
Which of the following does NOT support Goal Attainment Theory:
In the metaparadigm of goal attainment theory, person was described as:
Spiritual and rational being with capability to record their history
In the Interacting system framework, which level is used by the nurse when she is influenced by her goals and beliefs, concept of time, space and perception?
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