List general preventive measures.
Regular exercise
Early postoperative mobilization
Avoid certain medications (e.g., OCPs) in patients with thrombophilias (e.g., factor V Leiden).
Describe the pharmacological VTE prophylaxix.
LMWH, low-dose unfractioned heparin (UFH), and DOACs are recommended.
Describe the mechanical VTE prophylaxis.
Graduated compression stockings: preferred in long-distance travelers
Intermittent pneumatic compression device
Preferred in seriously ill medical patients and in surgical patients
Alternating inflation and deflation of the compression device improve venous return by simulating the calf pump mechanism.
Describe the duration of prophylaxis in hospitalized patients.
Mechanical VTE prophylaxis: until the patient is mobile
Pharmacological VTE prophylaxis
Seriously ill medical patients: at least 7 days; extend to span the duration of hospitalization
Surgical patients: consider extended therapy for > 3 weeks
Last changed2 years ago