What is Chromatic aberration?
Failure of a lens to focus all colors to the same point
(Prismatische Linse)
What is spherical aberration?
What is blarring by diffraction? (Diffraction blurring)
Edge rays are refracted more strongly
Light movement creates blurr
Image motion during exposure time due to ground speed of aircraft:
What are the parameters for the motion blur?
Flight speed
Exposure time
Flight height
Callibrated focal lenght (Kammerakonstante c)
== photo scale figure
Different aspects need to be considered you project 3D objects into 2D photo points:
What is the name of the equation?
Which model assumption stands behind it?
How do you bring this model into accordance with physics?
Collinearity Equation
Pinhole Camera
Through distortion parameters
To avoid position erorrs an ortho projection should be created. Describe the different steps:
Make a sketch of a picturing process in 3D perspecitve. Show in this sketch how an object point is transformed into a picture point.
What is the wave lenght of the following:
Near Infar Red (NIR)
Blue: 0,4 - 0,5 um
Green: 0,5 - 0,6 um
Red 0,6 - 0,7 um
NIR: 0,7 -0,9 um
Make a diagram which shows the spectral signiture of vegitation in the seeable light and NIR.
y: Reflexionsgrad
x: Wavelenght: um
Calculate the NDVI:
Describe the steps of supervised classification
Describe the steps of unsupervised classification:
When do you use unsupervised classification:
What is the difference between Minimum-Distance-Classification and Maximum-Likelihood-Classification?
What are the Pro and Cons?
Assign to closed center of classes
- Different variances of the measurements will not be considered
Assign each pixel according to probability density function
Varaince is taken into account
What is critical aperture? Make a sketch:
Explain the Siemensstern:
If you divide the number of line pairs by the circumference of the circle, you get the number of line pairs per unit length that can just be resolved.
n: Number of line pairs
d: Diameter of the circle in which the line pairs can no longer be resolved and thus appear gray.
Make a confusion matrix:
Make a sketch of the flight planning overlap with s, b and a:
Due to a differnd height of the ground than flat a position error can occoure.
Which parameters determine this error?
What is the formular?
What are resonable values for the parameters?
Sketch the creation of a ortho projection.
Explain the two methods to determine the absolute oriebtation.
Which data is needed for the absolute orientation?
How can you determine the quality of the confusion matrix?
Name both measuremetns and what they say.
Assesses the correctly classified pixel against the background of a randomly correct assignment
What is the modulation transfer funciton (MTF)?
What are the advantages against the Siemensstern
Resolving power (RP): Measurement of the limitation of the capability of reproduction
White and Black Stripes on object and image
Explain possible impacts of radial distorion on acquisition geometry. Name the effets:
How does the Modulation Transfer Function Look and what are the axis
Last changed2 years ago