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What are the most common sizes of the slots of brackets?
What’s the function of archwires? Which 2 factors matter?
Which type of archwire material do you use in the 1st phase? What strength of forces do you have there?
And what about in later stages?
Archwires physical properties:
How’s springback defined?
Round wires are used if you want to achieve which type of movement? (2)
Rectangular wires? (2)
Which one does bodily movement?
How’s force momentum defined?
Which movements are done in the first order bend? To achieve what?
In the second order bend?
In the third order bend? (2)
Why is 1st order movement an uncontrolled inclination movement and 3rd order is a controlled inclination movement?
Because in 3rd you do more a bodily movement also moving the root.
Name the 6 keys of Andrews.
What’s the problem with rotations in molars and premolars?
What about in incisors?
Which one take more space?
Curve of Spee should not be deeper than?
Exam question:
Name the 5 indications for fixed appliances.
Which archwire has an effect on levelling?
Which one on torque?
Treatment phase with brackets:
Which 5 things are you trying to achieve in the 1st phase?
2nd phase (2)
3rd phase (2)
Which type of material for the archwire in 1st phase and which in the other 2 phases?
Which archwire (diameter/material/form) are you using in the 1st phase?
Light or heavy forces?
Which archwire (diameter/material/form) are you using in the 2nd phase?
Which 4 things do you need to check in the 3rd phase?
Last changed2 years ago