4.1 What is the meaning of E from the EPRG model?
Ethnocentric HRM Policy
Home country opposite view
hire people from our country
german manager works in abroad Location
4.2 What is the meaning of P from the EPRG model?
Host-country nationals manage subsidiaries
not useable for every business
—> Newspaper have to be polycentric
—> consumer goods (food, cosmetics)
—> Avoids or reduces cultural myopia
—> inexpensive to implement (hire process)
—>can create a gap between home and host country operations
4.3 What is the meaning of R from the EPRG model?
Definition: A regiocentric approach is an international recruitment method in which an organization selects managers from a different country within the same geographic area whose environment and culture closely match the host country.
4.4 What is the meaning of G from the EPRG model?
Geocentric HRM policy
Seek best people, regardless of nationality
—> Enables the firm to make best use of its human resources
—> Helps build strong unifying culture and informal management network
—>National immigration policies may limit implementation
—> Expensive to implement due to training and relocation
4.5 What are the different levels of culture? Please make examples
4.6 What is the difference between high context and low context cultures?
Low-context cultures rely on elaborate verbal explanations, putting much emphasis on spoken words
northern Europe and North Amerika efficiency in delivering verbal messages: clear, logical convinincing
A high-context culture emphasizes nonverbal messages and use
communication as a means to promote smooth, harmonious relationships
It is difficult for Japanese people to say “no” when expressing disagreement.
In East Asian cultures, showing impatience, frustration, irritation, or anger disruptsharmony and is considered rude and offensive
4.7 What are Hofstede’s cultural dimensions? Briefly explain each.
Analyse culture through four dimensions.
4.8 Explain Hofstede’s Power Distance and apply it to examples.
until which degree the less Powerful members accept und expect that power is distributed unequally
fundamental issue = how the Society unedles inequelitys among people
High Power = accept a hirachical order in which everbody has a place and which needs no justification.
Low Power distance = People engage to equalies distributions of power and demand justification for in equilities.
4.9 Explain Hofstede’s Individualism and apply it to examples.
It has to do with whether people´s self-image is defined in terms of “I” or “We”.
In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only.
Examples: Australia, Canada, the UK, and the U.S. tend to be strongly individualistic societies
In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange
for loyalty.” - Hofstede Insights
Examples: China, Panama, and South Korea tend to be strongly collectivist societies
4.10 Explain Hofstede’s Masculinity and Indulgence and apply it to examples.
Masculinity = represents a preference in Society for achievement , heroism (Heldentum), assertiveness and materiell rewords. for Success. (more Competitive)
Example= Australia and Japan
Feminity = preference for Cooperation modesty, carring for' the weak and quality of life (Consensusoriented)
4.11 Explain Hofstede’s Uncertainty avoidance and apply it to examples
The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the dimension Uncertainty Avoidance.”
High uncertainty avoidance societies = create institutions that minimize risk)
Germany with health insurance, different finance System
Low uncertainty avoidance societies (comftorbal with traking risks)= Examples: India, Ireland, Jamaica, and the U.S.
4.12 Explain Hofstede’s Long Term/Short term Orientation and apply it to examples.
Long fern stands for forstering of virtues towards future rewards in particular perseverance and thrift
Short term orientation stands for the fostering of virtues (werte) related to the past and present , in particular, respect for Tradition, preservation of face an and fullfilliy social obligations
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