Mid Arm circumference is distance between ?
Acromian process and Olecranon process.
Shakir's Tape used between which age group ?
6 months - 5 years
Head and Chest circumference at :
9 months - 1 year
Beyond 1 year
BMI Percentiles
Normal Mid Arm circumference ?
Term neonate = 9-11 cm
By end of 1st year = 16 cm
Average birth weight in India ?
2.9 kg
How the weight increases with age ?
How length increases with age ?
Upper to lower segment ratio ?
At birth :
At 3 years :
At 7 - 10 years :
At birth = 1.7 - 1.9 : 1
At 3 years = 1.3 : 1
At 7 - 10 years = 1 : 1
Head circumference at birth ?
Definition of short stature ?
< 3rd Percentile
<- 2 SD
Familial short stature ?
Height < 3rd Percentile of expected but normal according to target height.
Bone Age = Chronological Age
Bone Age < Chronological Age seen in ?
Constitutional delay in growth and puberty ?
Expected height formula ?
Boys = FH + MH + 13 / 2
Girls = FH + MH - 13 / 2
Recurrent fractures
Blue Sclera
E.g. Pamidronate
Tall stature definition ?
Height > + 2 SD
Short Trunk dwarfism and Short limb dwarfism ?
And Vice Versa
Microcephaly ?
HC of < - 3 SD
Macrocephaly ?
> + 2 SD
Hydranencephaly ?
Cerebral hemisphere absent replaced by fluid filled sacs with
Transillumination +ve
Hydranencephalus ?
Increase in size of ventricles inside brain due to increased production or impaired drainage of CSF
Tx - VP Shunt
Craniosynostosis ?
Premature fusion of cranial sutures.
Which fonatanelle closes last ?
Anterior Fonatanelle (18 months)
Posterior Fonatanelle ?
Management of Hydrocephalus ?
TOC - Vebtriculo-Peritoneal shunt
Medical Mx -
Acute = 3 % NaCl or Mannitol
Chronic = Acetazolamide / Glycerol
Q. - Female with normal early development now presents with microcephaly, regression of acquired language & motor milestones and hand wringing movements ?
Rett syndrome
Angelmann syndrome ?
Mental retardation
Inappropriate laughter (Happy puppet)
Primary Dentition characteristics ?
Secondary Dentition ?
1st to erupt - 1st molar
Delayed Dentition ?
No teeth eruption by the age of 13 months
Hutchinson Triad ?
Age calculation for pre term ? (Till 2yr)
Landmark - 40 weeks
So 30 weeks preterm - subtract 10 weeks.
Head in plane of body ? (beginning of neck control)
In which month
Calculate age ?
Can support weight on his hands or extended arms .
Sitting with support / Tripod position
Sitting without support / Crawling
Standing with support
9 months
Standing with support / walk with support
1 yr
Walks without support
13 months
Goes upstairs and down stairs holding railing
18 months
Rides a tricycle
3 years
Upstairs and Down Stairs with alternating feet
4 years
Bidextrous grip?
5 months
Unidextrous Grip / Palmer grasp
6 months
Transfers object from one hand to another
7 months
Immature / assisted pincer grasp
Mature pincer grasp / unassisted
12 months
Handedness est ?
3 years (appears at 24 months)
Copies rectangle or plus sign
Copies triangle, X
5 years
Waves Bye Bye
Vocabulary with age ?
Binocular vision develops at ?
Last changed2 years ago