What are P450 inducers with decreased warfarin levels?
(Chronic Alcoholics Steal Phen-Phen and Never Refuse Greasy Carbs):
C - Chronic alcohol use
S - St. John's wort
P - Phenytoin
P - Phenobarbital
N - Nevirapine
R - Rifampin
G - Griseofulvin
C - Carbamazepine
List P450 inhibitors.
“sickfaces.com group”:
S - Sulfonamides
I - Isoniazid
C - Cimetidine
K - Ketoconazole
F - Fluconazole
A - Alcohol (binge drinking)
C - Ciprofloxacin
E - Erythromycin
S - Sodium valproate
C - Chloramphenicol
O - Omeprazole
M - Metronidazole
G - Grapefruit juice
P450 substrates.
Let's BLOCK THE WAR between STATes with ORAL and PSYCHOlogical tools.
beta-BLOCKers, THEophylline, WARfarin, STATins, ORAL contraceptives, and antiPSYCHOtics:
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