What are different properties of functions?
How do positional arguments work and how do keyword arguments work?
What is the difference between ‘==’ and ‘is’?
How can lists be created?
How does slicing work?
What are bits and what are bytes?
What are the different properties of recursive functions?
What are the different datatypes?
What does the keyword ‘raise’ do?
How do try-blocks work?
How does the built-in range() function work?
How do for-loops work?
How do if-else statements work?
How is code in python stored?
How do while loops work?
What does the ‘with’ statement do?
How does the inheritence of classes and subclasses work?
For what is the module ‘argparse’ useful?
For what is the module ‘re’ (regular expressions) useful?
For what are special methods, like ‘init useful?
For what is the module ‘os’ useful?
For what is the module ‘subprocess’ useful?
For what is the module ‘multiprocess’ useful?
How does file-handling work and what different access modes are there?
How can we evoke a method of a class?
How is an instance of a class created?
What is the difference between instance attributes and class attributes?
Last changed2 years ago