Bottom Up
Using (our) linguistic knowledge and information in speech (sounds, words, phrases, stress, intonation…) + segment the text
· recognize individual sounds
· Discriminate between sounds
· Identify reduced forms
· Identify stress
· Recognize intonation patterns
Languages Skills
· identify words and their meaning
· Discourse markers
· Use syntactic and lexical knowledge to organize meaning
Top Down
Using prior knowledge (world knowledge)
—> the world knowledge the listener brings to the speech
—> Non-linguistic, general knowledge
—> Knowledge of the context, facts, etc.
—> memory
How is the knowledge stored?
· scripts & schemata: familiar sequences of events, describing the organization of discourse
· context: visual and non-verbal information
How to foster listening skills?
· It’s natural that you don’t understand everything from the start but it’s important to listen anyway
· You have to explain convincingly why you are doing what you’re doing to the student
· Watching movies
· Learning scripts (telephone calls, ordering in a restaurant…)
· Contextualizing
· Also creating "natural" situations, e.g., the news, podcast students are interested in (motivation!)
How to foster comprehension?
· visualization and contextualization
· Purpose
· Elicitation of prior knowledge / activating schemata
· Conversational modification
· Pre-, while- and post-listening tasks
o Focus on listening (pictures) —> reduce script
o Compare thoughts (partner work)
o Passive comprehension checks (e.g., Total Physical Response)
o Progress in difficulty
o Pair work
o Consolidation of language
o Clear task
—> easier because you know when a word ends and starts
—> You can go back and reread the sentence / own pace
What types of knowledge do you need to be able to read/understand a text?
· basic pronunciation rules, sounds
· Decoding: Blending and Segmenting
· Comprehension:
o Active process between reader and text
o Includes both top-down and bottom-up processes
Fostering Reading Skills
Reading strategies
Ø guessing from the context
Ø distinction between major ideas and minor details
Ø using world knowledge to understand the text
—> Which strategies do you use when you read?
Ø skimming
Ø scanning
Ø Intensive reading vs. Extensive reading
Ø use pre-reading questions!
Ø motivational strategies: let students read something they enjoy
Last changeda year ago