

by 준희 허.

안녕하세요, 만나서 반가워요! 전 Jun Hee Heo라고 해요, Robert라고 부르셔도 돼요. 저는 30대 초반이에요. 가끔은 제 나이가 이미 그렇게 된 걸 믿을 수 없을 때가 있어요! 제가 좋아하는 음악은 제 나이에 맞는 구형 팝송이고, 힙합은 별로 안 좋아해요. 또한, 현실적이거나 실제 이야기를 바탕으로 한 영화를 좋아해요. 이것은 나이가 들어서 그런 것 같아요. 그런데, 들어보셨나요? 저는 중국의 한 대학에서 영어 문학 학사 학위를 받았어요! 좀 이상하다고 생각할 수도 있겠죠. 그때, 제 친구들과 심지어 중국 학생들 중에도 제가 왜 중국에서 영어를 공부하러 왔는지 이해 못 한 사람들이 있었는데요, 제 이유가 있었어요. 저는 두 가지 언어를 동시에 배우고 싶었거든요! 아무튼, 대구를 아시나요? 저는 대구 근처 도시에서 살고 있어요. 지금은 LG, SK, 삼성과 같은 대기업의 공장과 노동자들이 많이 보이는 구미에 살고 있어요. 참 멋있죠? 제 계획은 언젠가는 구미에서 떠나서 서울에서 일하는 것이에요. 저는 그것을 이룰 수 있다고 진심으로 믿어요!

Hey Ava, it's great to meet you! I'm Jun Hee Heo, but you can call me Robert. I'm in my early 30s, and sometimes I can't believe I'm already that age! I like old pop songs for my age. I don't like hip hop. I think this is because I'm getting older. So, get this, I got my bachelor's degree in English literature at a university in China! It was a bit weird, I know. At the time, some of my friends and even some of the Chinese students didn't really understand why I chose to study English there, but I had a good reason. I wanted to learn two languages at the same time! Anyway, Maybe you know Daegu. I live in a city near Daegu. now I live in Gumi with my mother, which is an industrial city in Korea. You'll see a lot of factories and workers here, especially ones that belong to big companies like Samsung, LG, and SK. Pretty cool, right? My plan is to eventually leave Gumi and work in Seoul. I really believe I can make it happen!


Tell me about the hotels in your country. Where are they usually located? Do they have any facilities that are unique to your country? Five as many details as possible.

near restaurants

I'm not sure

the food at hotels is good

other options

japanese style

not super fancy

the door got stuck

good heart

make sure to read the reviews

우리나라 호텔은 식당 근처에 위치해있어. 호텔음식이 아무리 맛있어도 주변 맛집을 누구나 가고 싶잖아. 사실 엄청 특별한 건 없어. 다만 우리나라는 일본식 호텔 설비를 따라가고 있다고 해. 심플하고 필요한 것만 있어. 화려하진 않아. 그런데 화장실 문을 간단하게 만들어서 그런지 사고가 있었어.

예전에 어머니랑 부산 호텔에 간 적이 있어요. 이상한 일이 있었죠. 저와 어머니는 그 일 때문에 굉장히 당황스러웠어요. 화장실에 들어갔는데 갇혔거든요. 혹시 화장실에 갇혀본 적 있어요? 비싼 돈 주고 갇혔습니다. 어머니 대신 제가 갇혀서 다행이었어요. 잠금 기능은 없었는데 문 크기에 문제가 있었던 것 같아요. 어머니는 사람을 불렀어요. 심지어 늦게 왔어요. 정말 화가 났죠. 그래도 좋은 마음으로 갔기 때문에 표출하진 않았어요. 금방 고쳤고 하나의 해프닝으로 끝났습니다. 하지만 지금 생각해도 화가 나네요. 에바 당신은 호텔 후기라도 꼭 보기를 바랄게요.

Hey there! So, in our country, hotels are usually located near restaurants which is pretty cool because you get to try out different restaurants around the area. The food at hotels is good, but it's always fun to explore other options nearby. Our hotels follow the Japanese style of being simple and practical. They have everything you need, but they're not super fancy. Anyway, I went to a hotel in Busan recently with my mom and we had some weird experiences. So, I went to use the bathroom and the door got stuck! Can you believe it? Luckily, it was just me who got stuck inside and not my mom. I found out that the problem was the size of the door. My mom called the hotel staff for help, but they took forever to come. I was pretty upset, But I tried not to express my feelings because I went to Busan with a good heart. Thankfully, they fixed the door pretty quickly and it only happened once. But still, I can't help feeling a bit embarrassed whenever I think about it. So, if you're planning to stay at a hotel, make sure to read the reviews first!

I think it's because they know we're into food and fashion.

Of course, we were satisfied with the interior.

We prefer things that are simple and straightforward.

Complicated and fancy things aren't really our style.

We tend to avoid things that are complex or showy.

Ever since then, we've made it a habit to check out hotel interiors online when we travel domestically.

After that experience, we started looking up hotel interiors online whenever we travel within the country.

Since then, we always look at hotel interiors online before traveling within our country.

Tell me about your favorite store to shop at. What is the name of the store and what kind of store is it? What do you like about that store?

ralph lauren



classic but modern

managers of Rlaph lauren stores

kind, gentle, helpful

쇼핑을 좋아하는 사람이라면 이 브랜드를 모를 리가 없다. 저게 뭐야? 저는 랄프 로렌을 더 좋아합니다. 역사와 전통을 가진 브랜드입니다. 무엇보다 어머니께서 이 브랜드를 좋아하십니다. 그래서 어머니의 영향을 많이 받았습니다. 아마 많은 사람들이 부모의 영향을 받습니다. 이 사람이 보면 캐주얼, 저 사람이 보면 댄디, 어떤 사람이 보면 빈티지라고 생각한다. 하지만 결코 촌스럽지 않습니다. 내가 특히 좋아하는 것은 그들이 결코 늙지 않는다는 것입니다. 고전적이지만 매우 현대적입니다. 누가 그것을 좋아하지 않습니까? 그래서 저는 백화점에 갈 때마다 항상 랄프 로렌을 먼저 갑니다. 게다가 랄프 로렌 점장님이 너무 친절하세요.

If you like shopping, there is no way you don't know this brand. What's that? It's Ralph Lauren! This brand has a lot of history and tradition behind it. Even though it's not a premium luxury brand, it still looks super luxurious. More than anything else, My mom is a huge fan of Ralph Lauren, So I guess I was influenced by my mother. Maybe A lot of people are influenced by their parents. Some people might think that Ralph Lauren looks casual, while others might think it looks dandy or vintage. But one thing is for sure, it never goes out of style. That's what I love the most about Ralph Lauren - it's classic but still very modern.  Who doesn't like it? The way I see it, The designers are doing an amazing job of keeping the brand current and trendy. So, whenever I go to a department store, the first place I head to is the Ralph Lauren section. Also, I have to say that the managers at Ralph Lauren stores are always so kind and helpful. It's definitely one of my favorite brands out there!

In your background survey, you indicated that you enjoy reading books. How often do you read books? Where do you usually read? What kind of books do you like to read and why? Provide as many details as possible.

self-improvement books

self-help books

cozy and warm room



in my opinion

저는 자기계발서를 좋아합니다. 정말 좋아해요. 사실 몇 년 전에 이런 책들을 끊었었습니다. 그 때 이런 책들이 제게 도움이 안 될거라고 생각했거든요. 하지만 요즘은 일주일에 2권씩 제 방에서 읽고 있어요. 최근에 저는 이런 책들이 많은 사람들에게 꼭 필요하다고 생각해요. 제가 이 책들을 읽을 때 제 삶이 가치 있다고 느끼도록 만들어요. 많은 사람들이 소설책들을 좋아해요. 예를 들어 판타지소설, 로맨스소설 같은 거 말이죠. 로드 오브 더 링이나 해리포터는 말할 것도 없어요. 소설과 만화 같은 게 삶에 도움이 안 된다는 건 아니에요. 하지만 자기계발서 같은 책들이 훨씬 가치있어요.

I really enjoy reading self-improvement books, I think they're great. Actually, I was off reading books a few years ago. Back then, I thought these books wouldn’t help me to be a better person or to comfort me. But these days, I try to read two books a week in my cozy and warm room. I've realized that books are really valuable and can make you feel like your life is worthwhile. Of course, I know some people prefer reading novels like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, which is totally fine, but for me, I find self-help books to be more valuable. I’m not saying that novels and comics aren't helpful in our life. But In my opinion a book like a self-help book would be much more valuable.

i’d like to know about major issue or concern affecting the movie industry these days. what is the issu? how is it affecting the lives of people? What needs to be done to address this issu? Please explain in detail.

오리지널 스토리의 영화가 적어지고 있습니다. 마블이라는 웹툰을 기반으로 한 영화가 영화 시장을 덮쳤기 때문입니다. 이 영화들로 인해 영화 장르가 이전보다 적어졌습니다. 영화사에서 오리지널 각본들을 재밌게 만들어야 한다고 생각합니다. 사실 이게 굉장히 어렵다는 것은 저도 압니다. 하지만 해야만 하는 것입니다. 저 역시 마블 영화를 즐기지만 몇년 동안 다른 재밌는 오리지널 영화를 볼 수 없었습니다. 최근에는 조금씩 그런 영화가 개봉하고 있지만, 여전히 아쉽습니다. 에바도 다양한 영화를 즐기도록 노력해보세요.

There are fewer movies with original stories. This is because a movie based on a webtoon called Marvel hit the movie market. Because of these movies, the movie genre is less than before. I think the film company should make the original scripts interesting.I understand that creating original movies is a challenging task, but I believe it's important for film companies to focus on making them more interesting. But it has to be done. I also enjoy Marvel movies, but I haven't been able to watch other interesting original movies for years. Recently, such movies have been released little by little, but it's still a shame. Eva, try to enjoy a variety of movies, too.

Please tell me about the most memorable book that you have read. What genre is it? What is the book about? Who is the author of the bool? Why is so unforgettable?


jim kwik

learning disabilites

according to this book,

incapable of multitasking

changed my mindset

highly recommend

지금 제 가장 좋아하는 책은 짐 퀵의 <마지막 몰입>입니다. 저자 짐 퀵은 원래 학습 능력 장애가 있는 사람이었어요. 하지만 그는 여러 습관과 생활방식으로 그것을 극복했습니다. 그렇게 그는 정말 대단한 브레인 코치가 됐습니다. 그리고 저는 그 책을 최근에 몇 번 읽었습니다. 특히 사람들이 간과하는 중요한 내용 하나 말씀 드리겠습니다. 이 책에 따르면 사람은 선천적으로 멀티태스킹이 할 수 없습니다. 그래서 오직 하나의 일에 몰두한다면 더 좋은 성과를 이룰 수 있다는 것을 알려줍니다. 그래서 나는 내 마인드셋을 바꿨고, 그것이 내의 페이버릿 북이 리밋레스인 이유다. 에바, 당신도 무언가를 성취할지도 몰라요. 기회가 되면 당신도 읽어보세요.

One of my favorite books is Limitless by jim kwik. Author Jim Quick was a person with learning disabilities. However, he overcame it with several good habits and routines. That's how he became a literally great brain coach. And I've read it several times recently. I’d like to tell you one important thing in the book that people sometimes overlook. According to this book, humans are naturally incapable of multitasking. It suggests that if we focus on one thing at a time, we can achieve better results. So I changed my mindset after reading the book. That's why "Limitless" is now my favorite book. Eva, you might achieve something too. So, I highly recommend you give it a read if you get a chance!

What made you interested in reading? When did you first start reading books? Did anyone influence this decision? How has reading affected your life?

생산적인 삶은 선호해서. 인간관계의 중요성을 깨달았다. 인간관계가 안 좋았기 때문에…

나쁜 버릇을 알아챔. 그래서 그것을 대화할 때나 일할 떄 활용함

good life

productive life

importance of relationships

not the best way

should try reading a book

저는 생산적인 삶에 욕심이 있습니다. 솔직히 생산적인 삶은 원하지 않는 사람이 있다는 것을 믿기가 힘듭니다. 그래서 책을 통해 자기 성장을 이루고 있습니다. 그러다보니 인간관계의 중요성을 깨닫게 됐어요. 그 때가 20살 초반이었습니다. 전 제 친구들에게 영향을 받은 것 같아요. 그리고 지금까지 책을 읽었어요. 꼼꼼히 읽는 것 때문에 많이 읽지는 못했어요. 나중에서야 그것도 나쁜 버릇인 걸 알았죠. 지금은 자주 물 흐르듯이 읽고 있어요. 사람과 대화할 때나 일을 할 때 독서하길 잘했다고 느껴요. 에바도 책을 읽고 좋은 삶을 살기를 바랄게요.

I really want to have a good life, To be honest, it's hard to believe that there's anybody who doesn't want a productive life.  I had a bad relationship with my friends when I was a student. So I realized the importance of relationships. Reading books has taught me a lot about how to be a better person. I’m a person who likes reading books thorouhly so I couldn’t get to read lots of books., but I learned that's not the best way. Now I'm trying to read more books and learn as much as I can. It makes me feel good and helps me do better in my work and when I talk to people. You should try reading a book too, Eva! It's fun and you can learn so much.

In your background survey, you mentioned that you like to jog. Do you have a specific place you like to go for jogging? Where is it located? Why do you go to this specific place? Provide me with as many detail as possible.

학교옆 뒷산, 흙길이랑 공기가 프레쉬해서. 군인일 때 무릎을 다쳐서 흙길 좋아함.

my favorite spot


dirt roads



air pollution made it hard for me.




저는 조깅할 때 항상 집 근처에 있는 뒷산에 갑니다. 제가 가장 좋아하는 운동 장소는 제 집 근처에 있는 힐이에요. 흙길이랑 나무를 좋아하거든요. 나무가 굉장히 울창하고 많아서 공기도 좋아요. 예전에 중국에 살 때 조깅을 한 적이 있는데 공기가 안 좋아서 밖에 나가는 것도 싫었어요. 매연이 가득했어요. 저는 무릎이 안 좋은데 흙길 덕분에 안전하게 뜁니다. 군대에 있을 때 무릎을 다쳤거든요. 그 때 제가 무릎을 심하게 다쳤어요. 비 올 때는 당연히 밖에 안 나가요. 무릎이 더 아프거든요. 그래서 지금은 조깅보다 걷기를 자주 하긴 해요. 군대에 있을 때 몸관리를 할 걸 그랬어요. 당신도 젊을 때부터 조심하세요.

I love going for a jog and my favorite spot is the hill near my house. I enjoy running on the dirt paths and surrounded by all the trees. There are a lot of trees, so the air is so fresh there. I used to live in China and tried jogging there, but the air pollution made it hard for me to enjoy it. One more reason why I prefer the dirt paths is because I hurt my knees during my military service. Both knees got injured badly, so I need to be careful. When it's rainy outside, my knees hurt even more, so I like to walk instead of run. It's important to take care of your body and stay healthy, especially when you're young.

Please choose one sport such as swimming or cycling and compare it with jogging. Are there any similarities between the two? What are the difference between them? Please talk about the activities in detail.

두개 다 유산소 운동이다. 왜냐하면…

Lactic acid

Enjoy cycling

Cancer sells




cardio exercises





aerobic exercise

수영은 잘 모르고, 자전거 타기는 지금도 즐겨요. 그래서 전 자전거 타기를 조깅과 비교해보겠습니다. 우선 둘 다 유산소 운동이 돼요. 건강에 매우 좋습니다. 젖산을 없애는 행위거든요. 젖산은 몸에 안 좋아요. 게다가 지구력을 증가시킵니다. 공부든 뭐든 체력이 중요하잖아요. 하지만 차이가 있죠. 조깅은 자전거만큼 위험하지 않아요. 그리고 이동할 수 있는 곳이 많아요. 전 그래서 조깅을 더 선호해요. 왜냐하면 자전거는 매우 위험해요. 혹시나 도로를 건너게 되면 더 위험하죠. 자전거 사본 적 있어? 그리고 자전거 요즘 비싸요. 좋은 면으로는, 자전거는 조깅에 비해 관절에 무리를 훨씬 덜 줘요. 그리고 긴 거리를 이동할 수 있죠. 더 많은 경치를 볼 수 있어요. 사실 저는 중국에 있을 때 조깅보다 자전거를 더 자주 탔답니다. 당신도 어울리는 유산소 운동을 찾아보세요.

I'm not a big fan of swimming, but I really enjoy cycling. I wanted to talk about how cycling compares to jogging. First of all, they're both great for your health because they get rid of lactic acid, which isn't good for you and can cause cancer. Plus, doing cardio exercises like these can really build up your endurance, which is important in all areas of life, whether it's work or studying. Now, there are some differences between cycling and jogging. Jogging is generally considered to be safer than cycling, especially if you have to cross busy streets. But, with a bike, you can explore more and see a lot of great scenery. Another difference is that cycling is easier on your joints than jogging, which can be hard on your knees and ankles. Also, bikes can be expensive, so it's important to find an exercise you like and that works for you. The important thing is to just get out there and have fun with it!

When did you first become interested in jogging? Why did you start? Has your physical condition changed since you started jogging? How has it changed?

싫어했지만 아버지가 생각나서 운동 시작

hated working out.

family and friends



a study said

cardio exercise

my mind is clear

사실 운동을 정말 싫어했어. 내 가족들도 알고 친구들도 알고 지인들도 알아.

어느 순간 몸이 조금씩 안 좋아졌어. 그 때 아버지가 생각났어. 아버지가 병으로 돌아가셨거든. 그래서 운동을 하려고 했지. 근력 운동을 열심히 했어. 근데 근력운동을 하면 젖산이 생긴대. 젖산이 몸에 안 좋은 물질이거든. 말이 돼? 운동을 건강을 위해서잖아. 인터넷을 찾아봤지. 유산소 운동이 젖산을 없앤대. 정말 놀라운 소식이야. 나는 깜짝 놀랐어. 그때부터 조깅을 시작했어. 사실 젖산이 없어지는지 어떻게 알겠어? 하지만 그것 덕분에 기분이 좋아졌어. 정신이 맑아지고 마음이 편해졌어. 에바, 너도 유산소 운동을 꼭 했으면 좋겠어.

Actually, I really hated working out. My family and friends they all know about it. At some point, my body got a little sick. That reminded me of my father. My father died of illness 20 years ago. So I tried to work out to build up muscles.. But a study said that lactic acid can be formed . Lactic acid is bad for the body. Does that make sense? Exercising is for your health. I did research in the Internet. Cardio exercise removes lactic acid. It's really amazing news. I was surprised. That's when I started jogging. How do you know lactic acid is actually removed? But it made me feel better. My mind is clear and my mind is at ease. Eva, I really want you to do some cardio, too.

According to a study, it was found that lactic acid can be produced.

Studies have shown that lactic acid can be formed.

According to the findings of a study, lactic acid can be generated.

In your background survey, you indicated that you enjoy taking walks. Has anything memorable or special ever happened while you were on a walk? When was it and what happened? Where were you when this happened? Who were you with? Provide as many details as possible.


while walking down form the hill





Strudy gloves

Hiking boots


학생 때였 걸로 기억해요. hill을 걷다 보면 아마 사슴을 보기도 하는데 그 때 걷기운동을 위해 hill을 갔어요. 학교 옆에 있는 hill이었던 걸로 기억해요. 내려오다가 사슴을 보고 놀라서 구른 적이 있어요. 발목을 다쳤어요. 엄청 아프진 않았어요. 하지만 내려오기가 조금 불편했죠. 선생님이 옆에 있었던 걸로 기억하는데 제가 다친 사실을 몰랐어요. 왜 못 들으셨는지는 모르겠네요. 제가 다치면 그가 불편해 할 것 같아서 참았어요. 에바, 너도 내성적이라면 이해할거야. 그렇지? 하산한 뒤에 비로소 선생님은 제 발목 상태를 아셨어요. 나중에 그는 미안해 하셨어요. 제 발목이 걱정이었는데 어렸을 때라 금방 낫더라구요. 아마 제가 운동화를 신고 있었을 거에요. 다음에는 꼭 등산화를 신어야 겠다고 생각했죠.


When I was a student, I used to love hiking up hills near my school. One day, while walking down from the hill, I was surprised to see a deer. And then I rolled over and hurt my wrist. I'm glad it wasn't my ankle.  It wasn't a major injury, but it was still pretty uncomfortable to walk down the hill with a sore wrist. Even though my teacher was walking with me, he didn't notice that I was hurt. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so I didn't say anything. If you're an introvert like me, you'll know how hard it can be to speak up sometimes. Finally, when we got down from the hill, my teacher saw my wrist and apologized for not noticing earlier. Luckily, my wrist healed pretty quickly, maybe because I was Young. From then on, I realized that next time I should definitely wear sturdy gloves or hiking boots.

On my descent from the hill, I was surprised to spot a deer.

One day, while descending the hill, I was astonished to see a deer nearby.

During my descent from the hill, I was amazed to come across a deer.

I didn't want to draw attention to it, so I kept quiet.

I didn't feel like making a fuss, so I stayed silent.

People occasionally get hurt when exercising. For example, they might twist their ankles or sprain their knees. Have you ever injured yourself while you were jogging? What kind of injury did you get? Do you do anthing special to avoid injuries? What do you do?

Army boots






Wore a cast



군인이었을 때, 군화를 신고 조깅을 하다가 다쳤습니다. 정확히 말하면 그건 조깅이라기보다는 그냥 훈련이었습니다. 그러다 무릎을 다쳤습니다. 군화는 쿠션 역할을 전혀 할 수 없기 때문입니다. 처음에는 괜찮았습니다. 그런데 무릎이 간혹 아팠어요. 걷는 게 불편할 정도였죠. 심하게 아프기도 했습니다. 그래서 더 이상 아프지 않기 위해 그 뒤로 훈련을 안 나갔습니다. 결국 병원을 갔고, 의사선생님은 쉬는 게 최고라고 말해줬습니다. 처음 한달은 깁스를 하고 쉬었어요. 그러고나서 조금씩 움직였죠. 그래도 잘 낫진 않았지만 지금은 괜찮아요. 에바 몸이 재산이니까 조심하세요.

When I was in the army, I got hurt while jogging in my army boots. They didn't have enough cushion, so my knee got injured. It wasn't too bad at first, but then it started to hurt more and more. Eventually, I got to the point that walking was uncomfortable. I was also feeling sick, so I decided to skip the training to avoid getting hurt again. I went to the hospital and the doctor recommended that I rest for a while. I wore a cast for a month and then started moving around a little bit each day. It didn't get better, but I'm fine now. It was a good reminder that health is really important, so we need to take care of ourselves.

In the end, walking was uncomfortable.

Gradually, walking started to feel uncomfortable.

Walking became less comfortable over time.

It wasn't too troublesome in the beginning.

It wasn't too challenging at first.

What made you interested in reading? When did you first start reading books? Did anyone influence this decision

Middle school

close a friend




Psychology books

YouTube videos



나는 중학교 때 2년 이상 친했던 친구가 없었다. 당시 저는 전혀 그 사실을 깨닫지 못했었습니다. 성인이 되고나서 그날들을 후회했었죠. 에바, 당신은 어땠을지 모르겠지만, 나는 친구들을 일회용처럼 대했습니다. 학교를 다니기 위해 필요한 도구처럼 말이죠. 그러나 20대가 되어서는 바뀌었습니다. 책을 읽으면서 인간관계에 대해 숙고하기 시작했습니다. 사람이 얼마나 중요한지 경험을 통해 알았기 때문입니다. 그때부터 책에 관심을 갖기 시작했습니다. 생각보다 심리 책은 재밌었습니다. 책에서 이해가 안 되는 부분은 유튜버가 도와줬습니다. 알기 쉽게 말해줬기 때문입니다. 이를 통해 사람을 알아가고 제 자신에 대해 알아가는 것은 즐거운 일이었습니다. 많은 사람들이 이런 책들을 많이 구매하고 읽었으면 좋겠습니다.

When I was in middle school, I didn't have a close friend for over two years, but I didn't realize it at the time. Looking back as an adult, I regret those days. I used to treat my friends like they were disposable tools just to get through school. But as I entered my 20s and started reading more books, my perspective changed. The more I learned, the more I realized how important relationships are. I found psychology books particularly fascinating When there's something I don't know in the book, and ended up watching YouTube videos to help me understand. I understood it after watching YouTube with the content. Learning about people and myself through these books has been really fun, and I hope more people will read and benefit from them too!

During my childhood,

When I was a kid,

In my teenage days,

When I was growing up,

In my younger years,

In your background survey you indicated that you like to see movies. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Why do you like to watch those kinds of movies? Tell me about these movies in as much detail as possible.

realistic movies

action thhriller movies

immerse myself

john wick’s performance


나는 현실적인 영화를 보는 것을 선호해. 나는 특히 장르는 신경 쓰지 않아. 하나만 고르라고 한다면 액션 스릴러 영화일거야. 액션영화를 싫어하는 사람은 많지않을거야. 나는 그런 영화를 사랑해. 화려하고 무게감 있는 영화로 인해 내가 스트레스를 풀 수 있기 때문이야. 그리고 현실적인 만큼 깊게 몰입할 수 있지. 그래서 내가 비현실적인 영화를 싫어해. 나는 액션 영화를 볼 때마다 예전엔 그게 판타지 영화인 줄 알았어. 불가능한 액션을 보여줬거든.내가 어렸을 때 나 역시 판타지를 좋아했어. 그러나 어른이 되고나서는 더 이상 나에게 흥미로운 판타지 영화는 없었지.나는 그것들에 흥미를 잃고 있었어. 내가 살고 있는 삶이랑 다르다는 걸 깨달았기 때문이야. 너도 알다시피 요즘 존 윅은 매우 유명한 영화가 됐어. 그렇지? 존 윅은 액션문의 패러다임을 바꿨었어. 더 현실적이고 더 느려졌지. 존 윅의 퍼포먼스는 다른 액션영화보다 실용적이야. 그것은 내 마음을 훔쳤지. 그 때부터 나는 현실적인 영화만 찾기 시작했어.

I prefer watching realistic movies. Actually, I don’t particularly care about the genre. If I need to choose one, it would be Action Thriller movies. Most of people like action movies. I love those kind of movies because, I can relieve stress by watching the glitz and heaviness of action movies. And I can immerse myself into the film. That's why I am not a fan of unrealistic movies. When I was little, I used to think it was cool when the action heroes did impossible stunts. I used to watch fantasy movies too. but lately, I haven't found any that interest me. I think it's because I've come to realize that movies are different from real life.  Nowadays ,the movie John wick has become such a famous movie, right? John wick has changed the paradigm of action movies. They try to make them feel more realistic now, and the pace is slower. John Wick's performance is more practical than other action movies. It stolen my heart. Since then, I have only started looking for realistic movies!

That's the type of movie I'm into.

That's the style of movie I enjoy watching.

Movies of that sort really interest me.

I'm really into that kind of movie.

It won me over.

It captured my heart.

I’d like you to tell me about your favorite actor. Who is the actor? What movies has he or she starred in? what do you like most about gime or her? Please tell me about the actor in as mush detail as possible.


jessica chastain

she’s been in a lot of

why I like her


strong women

나는 영화도 굉장히 가리지만 영화배우도 굉장히 가리는 편이야. 그럼에도 불구하고 선택된 여배우가 있어. 그녀의 대표작으로는 미스 슬로운, 마션, 액스맨 그리고 인터스텔라 등이 있어. 제시카 차스테인 은 나의 페이버릿 여배우야. 그녀는 내 친구들은 왜 이런 배우를 좋아하냐고 그래. 아주 예쁘거나 몸매가 좋거나 그런 건 아니거든. 그 배우는 굉장히 우아하고 지적이면서 똑똑해보여. 그녀는 마흔살 중반이지만 내 이상형이기도 해. 그녀는 변호사, 커리어 우먼 같은 역할을 자주 맡아. 연기력은 어찌나 뛰어난지. 정말 완벽해. 성격적으로는, 그녀는 찢어지게 가난했던 여자인데도 불구하고, 매우 멋지게 자랐어. 그리고 그녀는 공평한 사회를 위해 목소리를 내고 있지. 매우 강한 여자야. 난 내 자신이 약한 존재라고 생각해서 그런 여자에게 눈길이 가나봐. 에바 너도 강한 여자가 되길 바랄게.

I'm really picky when it comes to movies and the actors I like. But there's one actress I want to tell you about – Jessica Chastain. She's been in a lot of really good movies like Miss Sloane, The Martian, X-Men, and Interstellar. I've seen all of them! My friends asked me why I like her, and honestly, it's not just because she's pretty or has a great body or anything like that. She just looks really smart and elegant. Even though she's in her mid-40s, she's my ideal type. And when she acts, she's really professional and good at it. I think she's a great actor. I also think she's a very kind person. Even though she grew up poor, she's worked really hard and become very successful. She also speaks out for what's right and fair. She frequently takes on roles with professionalism. She is such a good actor. It's so perfect. She's a very strong woman, and I look up to her because I feel like I'm not very strong myself. Eva, I hope you become a strong woman too

I'm very particular about the movies I watch and the actors that I prefer.

I'm picky about the movies I watch and the actors I appreciate.

I have high standards when it comes to movies and the actors that I appreciate.

I have a very specific taste in movies and the actors that I enjoy.

Please tell me about the most memorable movie you have seen. What was the movie about? Who was in with? Why was it memorable?

  1. Zero Dark Thirty

  2. True story

  3. Jessica Chastain

  4. Favorite movie

  5. Surprisingly enjoyable

  6. Incredible actress

  7. Fight against terrorism

  8. Assassinating Bin Laden

  9. Intelligence operations

  10. Gripping story

제로 다크 서티 라는 영화가 기억에 남는다. 실화를 기반으로 한 영화인데 내가 좋아하는 제시 차스테인이 나온다. 이 영화를 통해 제시카 차스테인을 알기도 했다. 기대하지 않았지만 의외로 재밌었다. 운 좋게도 실화 기반 영화가 별로 없는데도 불구하고 알맞게 찾아낸 것이다. 처음엔 전쟁 영화인 줄 알았다. 하지만 슬프게도 전쟁영화가 아니었다. 나는 전쟁영화도 좋아하기 때문이다. 이 영화는 테러와 맞서는 영화였다. 바로 세계적으로 유명한 빈라덴을 암살하는 과정을 그리는 영화였다. 재밌게 본 영화는 맞지만, 사실, 이 영화가 가장 기억에 남는 이유가 있다. 바로 영화를 찍는 도중에 빈라덴이 실제로 암살됐기 때문이다. 이후로 촬영분을 늘렸다고 한다. 정말 놀랍지 않은가? 에바, 너도 이런 영화 본 적 있어?

The movie called Zero Dark Thirty is the most unforgettable movie for me because it's based on a true story and stars Jessica Chastain, who I really like. I actually discovered her through this film. I wasn't sure what to expect when I watched it, but it turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. It's not often you find movies based on true stories, so I was lucky to have found this one. At first, I thought it was a war movie, but it's actually about the fight against terrorism and the process of assassinating Bin Laden. What's even more amazing is that the real-life assassination happened while they were filming the movie, so they had to add in more shots to include it. Jessica Chastain gives an incredible performance, and the story is really gripping. Have you ever seen a movie like this, Eva?

The movie Zero Dark Thirty is my favorite movie ever. It's based on a true story and stars Jessica Chastain, who I really like. I actually discovered her because of this movie. I wasn't sure what to expect when I watched it, but it turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. I was lucky to have found this movie, which introduced me to an incredible actress and an amazing story. It's about the fight against terrorism and the process of assassinating Bin Laden. It's amazing that the assassination happened while they were filming the movie. I highly recommend it.

What is the most memorable experience you have had while traveling? When and where did you go? What happened? Why was it memorable? Describe the place you like to visit and why you like to go there.

military service

Jeju Island

without using public transportation

popular place









군대 휴가를 갔을 때 3일 동안 제주도여행을 했습니다. 많은 한국인들이 찾는 국내여행지 명소입니다. 친구랑 가고 싶었지만 친구가 없어서 혼자 갔습니다. 제주도 같은 물과 나무가 많은 곳 저는 대중교통을 잘 이용하지 않고 걸어다녔습니다. 한적한 곳을 걸어도 기분 좋고, 사람이 많은 곳을 걸어도 기분이 좋았습니다. 내가 듣기로 사람이 엄청 많다고 들었는데 생각보다 없더라구요. 첫날 바로 산을 갔습니다. 힐 이라고 부르는 게 맞는 것 같네요. 산을 올랐더니 한 사진작가가 사진을 찍어도 되냐고 묻더라구요. 1초 정도 고민한 뒤 특별한 경험이 될 거라고 생각하고 흔쾌히 수락했습니다. 사진작가는 딱봐도 기뻐하는 것 같았어요. 저 역시 갑작스러운 상황이었지만 기분은 좋았습니다. 그 날 단 한 명도 말을 걸어준 사람이 없었기에 기억에 남는 것 같습니다. 나중에 가족과 함께 그랜드 캐니언이 있는 캐나다에 가고 싶습니다. 광활한 산을 본다면 스트레스가 다 풀릴 것 같기 때문입니다. 에바 너도 가고 싶은 여행지가 있니?

When I was in the military, I went on a trip to Jeju Island for three days. It's a really popular place in Korea, but I went alone because I didn't have any friends at the time. I walked around the island without using public transportation, and it was really nice to see both quiet and crowded places. On the first day, I climbed a hill and a photographer asked to take a picture of me. I said yes, and it turned out to be a unique and memorable experience because no one else spoke to me that day. In the future, I want to go to Canada with my family and see the Grand Canyon because I think it would be a great way to relieve stress. Do you have a place you want to visit, Eva? Yes, so the photographer gave me 20 pictures through email.

It wasn't loud.

Honestly, I was bored.

turn out to be

~로 여겨지다

A photographer asked me if I could take a picture.

In your background survey, you indicated that you enjoy domestic travel. Where do you like to visit? Which do you prefer, mountains or beaches? Describe the place you like to visit and why you like to go there.'



Jeju Island




don’t like doing hard work



Fresh air


Clean air


산이 많은 곳을 좋아해. 바다도 있으면 좋지. 한국에서는 정말 제주도만한 곳이 없어. 나는 특히 산을 선호하는데 제주도에는 한라산 말고 hill이 굉장히 많아. 나는 때때로 목표를 향해 땀을 흘리는 것을 즐겨. 물론 육체적인 노동은 싫어. 그리고 바다와 산이 어우러진 공기를 마시는 것을 좋아하지. 미세한 바닷바람과 상쾌한 공기가 나를 힐링시켜. 그래서 나는 산을 좋아해. 사실 좋아하는 사람과 가면 어디든 내가 가장 좋아하는 장소가 될 것 같아. 하지만 같이 가는 사람이 없다면 난 공기가 좋은 여행지라면 어디든 좋아. 에바, 홍콩이나 한국 같이 바다와 산이 함께 있는 여행지 좋아하니?

I love visiting places that have mountains and oceans. One of my favorite places to visit in Korea is Jeju Island because it has both beautiful mountains and beaches. Although I don't really like doing hard work, I sometimes like to go hiking and feel the sweat on my skin. Breathing in the fresh air from the mountains and sea is so refreshing. I also love looking at the mountains, it makes me feel happy. The best place to go is always with people I love, but if I have to go alone, I like any place where the air is clean and fresh. Have you ever been to Japan or Korea where there are lots of mountains and sea, Eva?

Whenever I see a mountain range, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy.

The sight of mountains is so beautiful to me, it really uplifts my mood.

I feel a sense of elation when I see mountains

The beauty of mountains makes me feel content and fulfilled.

People must prepare before they travel. What do you do to prepare for travel do you research in advance or make reservations? What special things do you do? Please describe your preparations in detail.


unique landmarks

plan my trip based on their suggestions

presents for them

my phone can work

여행을 가고 싶을 때는 친구들에게 조언을 구해요. 그들이 방문하기 좋은 장소와 맛있는 음식점을 추천해줘요. 그들의 조언을 듣고 여행 계획을 세워요. 언어를 잘 아는 친구들은 제가 예약을 할 수 있게 도와주기도 해요. 그들의 도움에 너무 감사해요. 때로는 여행에서 선물을 사서 그들에게 가져다줄 때도 있어요. 여행을 떠나기 전에는 핸드폰이 여행지에서 작동하는지 확인해요. 그래야 비용이 많이 들지 않아요. 에바야, 만약 여행을 가게 된다면 핸드폰 작동 여부를 꼭 확인해야 해!

When I want to go on a trip, I ask my friends for advice. They tell me about cool places to visit and yummy restaurants to try. I listen to what they say and plan my trip based on their suggestions. Some friends who know other languages help me book things. I am very grateful for their help. Sometimes, I even bring back presents for them from my trip. Before I leave, I make sure my phone can work where I am going, so it doesn't cost too much. Remember, Eva, if you ever go on a trip, make sure your phone can work, too!

They suggest unique destinations to explore and great eateries to try.

They give me insights on amazing landmarks to see and the tastiest restaurants to experience.

They provide me with helpful tips on amazing landmarks to see and the tastiest restaurants to experience.

Has you taste in movies changed over time? tell me about the changes in your tastes in movies over the past few years. how are the movies you enjoy now different from those in the past? Please explain in as much detail as possible.

unrealistic movies



Hongkong and British movies


옛날엔 비현실적인 영화를 좋아했고, 지금은 현실적인 영화를 좋아해. 내가 어린애였기 때문에 환상 속 세계를 좋아했던 것 같아. 괴물, 무술, 마법 같은 걸 말하는거야. 20년? 30년? 전 홍콩 영화나 영국 영화들이 대부분 그랬지. 그런데 나이가 들수록 재미가 없어졌어. 정확한 이유는 모르겠어. 음식도 그렇잖아. 싫어했던 음식을 지금은 좋아하기도 하잖아. 비슷한 것 같아. 이유가 하나 더 있는 것 같아. 어른이 되니까 진짜 현실을 알아버렸어. 히어로나 마법은 이 세상에 없다는 것을 말이지. 내가 어린애였다면 끔찍한 일이었을거야. 취향은 언제나 변하는 법이지만 지금 내 영화 취향은 더 이상 변하지 않을 것 같아.

I used to like unrealistic movies, and now I like realistic movies. I think I liked the fantasy world because I was a kid. I mean monsters, martial arts, magic. 20 years? 30 years ago, most Hong Kong and British movies did. I got older, I lost my interest in unrealistic movies. I’m not sure exactly why. It's the same with food. We hate kimchi when we are young, but since we became adults, we usually like it. I think it's similar. There's one more reason. Now that I'm an adult, I realized the reality. There's no hero or magic in this world. It would be terrible if I were a child. Our preferences can always change, However, I don't think I'll change my mind again.


Please tell me about your house. what your favorite room? what does it look like? why do you like that room?

small study room






reading desk

self-help books

school books




서재가 있는 책방을 좋아해. 서랍 하나와 책장 2개 그리고 책상 2개가 있어. 책상에는 항상 노트북과 독서대가 있지. 난 책을 좋아해. 10년 전만 해도 책은 찾아볼 수 없었어. 하지만 지금은 좁은 방에 책이 가득해. 소설, 자기계발서, 교과서 등 다양한 채들이 있지. 보기만해도 유식해지는 느낌이야. 물론 궁극적으로 읽어야겠지. 방 자체가 굉장히 브릴리언트해보여. 누가 들어와도 전문가의 서재 같아 보일거야. 그래서 나는 책을 읽어. 방이 책을 읽게 만들거든. 그리고 좋은 점이 있어. 방이 작아서 금방 따뜻해져. 너도 알다시피, 방이 크면 따뜻해지는 데 시간이 오래 걸려. 가끔 방이 컸으면 하지만, 이것은 너무 큰 장점이야. 난 겨울이 싫거든.

I really like my small study room with books. It has a drawer, two bookshelves, two desks, a laptop, and a reading desk. I love books so much! Ten years ago, I didn't have many books, but now my small study room is filled with books! I have many different kinds of books like stories, self-help books, and school books. When I look at all of my books, I feel happy and smart. My room looks cool and fancy, like a place where an expert works. I like to read my books in this room because it makes me want to read more. Another great thing about my small study room is that it gets warm very quickly. This is because the room is small, and small rooms warm up fast. Even though I sometimes wish my room was bigger, I'm glad it gets warm quickly because I don't like the cold.

Compare the home you lived in before to the one you live in now. what are the differences between those two homes? Provide me with as many detail as possible.

big house


small house



mom's workplace





fall asleep faster

best choice

그 때는 매우 큰 집이었고, 집은 집이 작아. 그리고 그 때는 집이 대구에 있었고, 지금은 집이 구미에 있어. 하지만 난 지금 집이 더 좋아. 어머니가 일하는 곳이 가깝거든. 대구에 있었다면 2시간은 걸렸을 거리야. 매우 멀지. 어머니는 그 때문에 매우 편해. 놀라울 정도로 말이지. 지금은 20분 정도 밖에 안 걸리거든. 그 뿐만 아니라 집이 작아서 난방이 금방 돼. 겨울일 때 특히 너무 훌륭해. 따뜻해서 잠도 금방 와. 내가 겨울을 정말정말 미치도록 싫어하거든. 어머니는 생각보다 추위를 덜 타시지만 난 그렇지 않아. 솔직히 많은 사람들이 살면 작은 집은 불편하겠지. 하지만 두 세명이 산다면 작은 집을 추천해.

In the past, I lived in a big house, but now I live in a small one. My old house was located in Daegu, but my current house is in Gumi. Actually, I prefer my Gumi house because it's close to my mom's workplace, If we were in Daegu, it would have taken an hour to get to Gumi. But now, it only takes around 20 minutes, which is amazing. Plus, the small size of our new house makes it warm and snug, especially during the winter. I used to hate winter because I always felt cold, but the small house heats up quickly and helps me fall asleep faster. Of course, if you have a lot of people living with you, a small house might not be the best choice. However, if you live with only a few people, I highly recommend it.

Have you ever had any problems with your home? what was the problem, and how did you deal with it? how did the problem turn out? five me as many detial as possible.



특별한 경험

벌집이 집에 만들어진 적이 있었어. 여름이라 창문을 열고 있었거든. 난 에어컨이나 선풍기보단 자연바람을 선호해. 그런데 어느새 벌이 들어와서 집에 벌집을 만든거야. 베란다에 만들어서 몇일 동안은 몰랐어. 나중에 벌 소리가 들려서 알게 됐지. 나와 어머니는 두려움이 떨었어. 정말 무서웠거든. 에바 너라면 어떻겠어? 어쨌든 그것을 알게 된 후 몇일 동안 고민했어. 소방서에 전화를 할지 말지를 말이지. 직접 제거하는 건 목숨을 거는 일이라고 생각했기 때문이야. 우린 그냥 벌집이 더 크기 전에 없애기로 결정했어. 그 후 우리는 벌이 없을 때 칼로 벌집을 도려내서 바깥에 버렸어. 에바 너도 함부로 베란다 문을 열지마.

Have you ever had a beehive in your home? It happened to me once during summer. I was opening the window and veranda door because it was summer. I prefer natural wind to air conditioner or fan. We only found out a few days later when we heard the bees buzzing around and got really scared. What would you do if that happened to you, Eva? Anyway, I thought about it for a few days after I found out. Whether to call the fire station or not. In the end, we carefully cut the hive with a knife and threw it outside without bees, and all the bees flew away. It's a unique experience, but I don't want to go through it again. So, just be careful when opening your veranda door!

I would like to know about the geographic features of your country. What makes them different from other countries? Please describe them in as much detail as possible.

한국의 산

유럽 미국의 산

한국은 작습니다. 사람은 생각보다 많아요. 삼면이 바다고 산악지형이 꽤 많아요. 그래서 반도라고 부릅니다. 정확히는 한반도 라고 하죠. 제주도와 독도도 있지요. 물도 좋고 산도 좋지만, 저는 한국의 산이 참 아름답다고 생각합니다. 유럽이나 미국에 있는 산들은 크고 광활하죠. 저는 사실 그런 걸 선호하지만 한국의 산은 독특한 느낌을 갖고 있습니다. 실로 아름답습니다. 우아하기까지 합니다. 지형도 색깔도 다채롭습니다. 산이 작아서 아쉬워 하는 사람도 많지만 그것도 굉장히 매력적입니다. 이런 분위기는 한국과 일본만 갖고 있다고 생각합니다. 에바 너도 꼭 한국에 여행 와보세요.

Korea is a small country, but it has a lot of people. It's a special country because it's surrounded by water on three sides and is connected to the mainland. That means it's called a peninsula. Korea has some islands too, like Jeju and Dok Island. The land in Korea has something really cool called mountains. They may not be as big as the ones in other countries, but they are still really pretty and colorful. Mountains in Europe or the United States are big and vast. I actually prefer such things, but the mountains in Korea have a unique feeling. Some people might be sad that they're not as big, but they're still special in their own way. Only Korea and Japan have these kinds of mountains, so it's really cool. Ava, you should come and see them

The mountains in Europe and the United States are known for their vastness and scale.

=The mountain ranges in Europe and the United States are breathtaking in their vastness.

Describe the most memorable experience you have had outdoors. What is a beautiful place you have been to? Pleas prvide as many details as possible.

가장 기억에 남는 장소 : 힐

군대휴가였기에 기억에 더 남음

제주도에서 대중교통 없이 여행을 할 때였어. 개인적으로 우리나라에서 제주도가 가장 아름다운 곳이라고 생각해. 그때 커다란 hill을 갔었어. 산만큼 높지는 않았지만 올라갈만한 가치가 있었어. 그곳에서 제주도의 동쪽을 전부 바라볼 수 있었어. 정말 아름다웠지. 아직도 기억이 나. 군대 휴가 때 가서 기억이 선명한 것 같기도 해. 공기도 좋고, 경치도 좋았어. 다만 여름이라 너무 햇빛이 강했다는 건 변수였지. 사실 정말 더웠거든. 그만큼 바람이 불었지만 hill에서 내려왔을 때는 바람도 없고 덥기만 했어. 그 때 버스를 20분동안 기다렸지. 그렇게 더운 줄은 몰랐어. 다음에는 양산을 챙겨야겠다는 걸 알아냈지. 여행 갈 때 너도 양산이나 우산을 꼭 챙겨

Okay, listen up!  It was when I traveled in Jeju Island without public transportation. Jeju is a super pretty place in Korea! I climbed up a big hill, which wasn't a mountain, but it was still fun. When I got to the top, I could see the whole east side of Jeju Island! It was super beautiful! I can still remember it clearly because I went there during my military vacation. The air was fresh and the view was amazing, but it was SO HOT outside! There was wind on top of the hill, but when I came down, there was no wind and it was terribly hot. I waited for the bus for 20 minutes and was sweating a lot. That's when I realized I needed a hat or sunglasses to protect myself from the hot sun. So, if you're going to Jeju Island, remember to bring something to protect you from the sun!

Tell me about a memorable experience you had while recycling. What happened? What made it so memorable? Tell me about it ein as much detail as possible.


ice packs


coold idea

Looking back on it

재활용을 하는 날에 칼이 없어서 당황한 적이 있습니다. 항상 칼을 들고 다니다가 유일하게 없었던 날이라 기억에 남습니다. 매주 저는 몇번씩 얼음팩을 버립니다. 장을 볼 때마다 얼음팩이 집에 쌓입니다. 그래서 녹을 때까지 기다렸다가 이것을 분리수거하러 갑니다. 그런데 그 날 칼이 없었습니다. 집에 들어가기는 귀찮았습니다. 방법이 생각났습니다. 주변 유리병을 깨서 유리로 얼음팩을 찢는 방법이었습니다. 위험했지만 남다른 아이디어였다고 생각합니다. 당신은 재활용할 때 무슨 일이 있었죠?

One day, I felt really embarrassed because I forgot to bring my knife on recycling day. I usually have my knife with me, but I forgot that day. I had some ice packs that I needed to throw away, but I couldn't tear them without a knife. Usually, I would wait for the ice to melt before throwing them away, but I didn't have time that day. Luckily, I had a cool idea! I used a glass bottle to break the ice packs instead. It was a bit scary, but it worked! I was able to throw the ice packs away without any more problems. Looking back on it, I realize it was a pretty unique solution to the problem. Sometimes, we have to be creative and think of new ideas to solve problems!

To be honest, I was a little lazy to go back home.

=Honestly, I didn't feel like going home just yet. = I was feeling a bit lazy about heading back home.

In the end, I broke the ice pack and succeeded in tearing it apart.

Did you ever have a problem while using a library? What was the problem and how was it resolved? Please provide as many details as possible

terrible memory

in a bad mood.

as a freshman

Chinese environment

wouldn’t solve the problem


도서관에서 누가 제 자리를 뺏은 적이 있습니다. 사실 저는 여전히 그들이 누군지 모릅니다. 그 때가 중국에 있을 때였습니다. 저는 1학년이었죠. 전 아직 중국 환경에 익숙하지 않았습니다. 저는 그 사람들의 성향을 잘 몰라요. 그런데 젊은 중국대학생들이 주위에 앉아 저를 압박했습니다. 제가 한국인인 걸 아는 것 같았어요. 정말 나는 화가 났어요. 하지만 방법이 없었죠. 도서관을 그냥 나올까 고민했어요. 결국 자리를 옮기는 게 제 최선의 방법이었어요. 아직도 그 때를 생각하면 화가 나네요.

It's a really bad memory. I'm already in a bad mood. One time when I was studying in China as a freshman, some people took my seat in the library, but I never found out who they were. I wasn't used to the Chinese environment yet and didn't know much about their customs. The pressure from the young Chinese university students around me made me feel really angry. I felt really angry because I thought the person who took my seat knew I was Korean. Even though I wanted to leave the library, I knew it wouldn't solve the problem, so I decided to move to a different seat. I still get upset when I think about that incident.

But there was no other way.

하지만 어쩔 수 없이 가만히 있었어요

But I had no choice but to stay still.

Tell me about your most recent visit to the library. When did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do there? Please provide as many details in your response as possible.

난 최근에 한번도 도서관을 가본 적이 없어. 미안해. 그런데 3년 전에 중국 대학교에 있을 때 도서관을 가봤지. 보통 나 혼자 공부하거나 책을 읽으러 갔어. 주말에 갔지. 주말이 사람도 많고 집중하기 좋아. 그때 내가 자기계발서와 심리책을 많이 읽었어. 그것들로 인해 내 삶이 풍족해지는 것 같아서 기분이 좋아. 그런 와중에, 내가 중국 학생들이랑 싸울 뻔 한 적이 있었어. 그들이 내 자리를 뺐었거든. 사실 그 이후로 도서관을 가기 싫었던 적이 있는데, 결국 어쩔 수 없이 갔었어. 한국 도서관은 어떨지 잘 모르겠네. 내가 알기로 한국 도서관은 한가한 걸로 아는데 말이지.

I’m sorry. I haven't been to a library in a while, but I remember going to one three years ago when I was studying at a university in China. I used to go there to study and read books on my own. I usually went on weekends when it was less busy and easier to focus. I enjoyed reading books on self-improvement and psychology because they enriched my life. However, I once had a bit of a conflict with some Chinese students because they took my seat. It was a frustrating experience, but I still had to go to the library to study. I'm not sure what libraries are like in Korea, but I've heard that they are free to use.

There are a lot of people on the weekend and it's good to concentrate.

I almost fought with Chinese students.

I should go to the Korean library to read a book sometime.

Maybe They didn't like Koreans.

Many people feel that the weather was different when they were children. Have you noticed a charge in the weather over the year? Was it different when you were young?

little strange

global warming


makes me sad.


in a few years.

main casues

amount of waste

protect thje environment

지구온난화 때문에 날씨가 좀 이상하다. 모든 사람들이 그렇게 생각할겁니다. 뉴스에도 종종 지구온난화 얘기가 나오죠. 그래서 가을이랑 겨울은 춥기만 하고, 봄과 여름은 덥기만 한 것 같다. 이 사실은 나를 슬프게 한다. 어렸을 때는 4계절이 뚜렷했다. 하지만 몇 년 사이에 변했다. 지구온난화의 원인은 쓰레기가 너무 많아서인 것 같습니다. 요즘 세계가 ESG 열풍인데, 기업뿐 아니라 개인적으로도 환경을 생각하면서 생활해야 4계절이 뚜렷하게 변하지 않을까 싶습니다. 너도 항상 환경을 생각하길 바래.

The weather is a little strange because of global warming. Everyone would think so. You've probably heard about it in the news. So autumn and winter are only cold, and spring and summer are only hot. This fact makes me sad. When I was young, there were four distinct seasons. But it changed in a few years.I believe that one of the main causes of global warming is the amount of waste we produce. Lately, there has been a lot of focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) for businesses, but I think individuals should also do their part to protect the environment. I hope you always think about the environment, too.

What topics or issues regarding movies do you discuss when talking with your friends or family members? Why are these issues interesting to your friends?And why are they so important?




How Covid-19 has changed

I fint it interting


market flow

follow the trend to talk to people

영화 얘기할 때 우리는 코로나를 절대 빼놓지 않아. 왜냐하면 코로나 때문에 영화관을 못 갔잖아. 또한, 그것 때문에 우리는 넷플릭스에서 영화나 다큐멘터리를 자주 봐. 시대가 변했어. 이것은 비즈니스적인 부분이기도 해서 직장인인 우리로서는 굉장히 흥미로워. 재택근무 같은 게 관련되어있잖아. 그리고 이것 때문에 영화관이 망하고 넷플릭스는 흥하고 있어. 덕분에 시장흐름을 보는 재미가 있어. 정말 흥미롭지 않아? 트렌드를 따라가야 사람들과 대화할 수 있어. 우리는 그것이 중요해

So, when I talk with my friends about movies, we always end up chatting about how COVID-19 has changed everything. I mean, Also, because of that, we often watch movies and documentaries on Netflix. And it's wild, you know? Seeing how the industry has shifted because of the pandemic. As an office worker, I find it particularly intersting to think about the business side of things. I mean, There's something about telecommuting. And because of this, movie theaters are going down and Netflix is booming. it's fun to see the market flow. you know what I mean? You have to follow the trend to talk to people. That is important to us.

There are many buildings these days, but we don't have money to pay the rent. You know, the economy is in a bad shape. I wish I could buy some land or buildings.



원래 가기 싫었지만 한번 간 뒤로 감

예매하기 너무 힘듬

나는 혼자 코로나 전에 성시경 콘서트를 자주 갔었습니다. 원래 이런 곳 가기 싫어하는데, 한번 간 이후로 계속 가요. 그의 노래는 저를 힐링시켜주거든요. 매년 1, 2번씩 갔었습니다. 아마 어렸을 때부터 들어서 그런가봐요. 온라인으로 항상 예매하는데. 예매하기가 너무 빡세요. 하지만 전 항상 성공합니다. mp3를 통해서 들을 때랑 완전 다릅니다. 콘서트는 사실 특별한 게 없어요. 그저 노래와 가수가 좋은거죠. 콘서트가 끝나면 혼자 밥먹으러 가요. 에바 너도 나중에 나랑 갈래요?

accomdate 수용하다

올림픽 스타디움



모던하고 아늑하다

in person 직접

콘서트 장은 서울에서 보통 해요. 그래서 매우 비싸요. 콘서트장 건물은 큰 운동장 같아요. 올림픽 경기장에서도 하죠. 그래서 콘서트같기도 하고, 운동장 같기도 하고 그래요. 약 1만명은 수용가능해보여요. 굉장히 모던하고 아늑한 느낌이에요. 불빛은 거의 보라색이나 분홍색인데 그것 덕분에 그의 노래가 더 감미롭게 들려요. 그 분위기는 직접 가봐야 알 수 있어요. 당신도 혹시 가고 싶나요? 당신도 그것을 느껴봤으면 좋겠다

I often went to Sung Si Kyung's concert before Corona by myself. I don't like to go to places like this, but I've been going since I went once. I like old pop or ballads. His songs heal me. I think it's because I heard it since I was young. I went there once or twice a year. I always buy tickets online. It's too hard to book. But I always succeed. It's completely different from listening through mp3. There's nothing special about the concert. I just like singing and singer. I go to eat alone after the concert. Eva, do you want to go with me later?

The concert hall is usually held in Seoul. So it's very expensive. The concert hall building looks like a big playground. It's also held at the Olympic Stadium. It's like a concert and a playground. It looks like it can accommodate about 10,000 people. It's very modern and cozy. The lights are almost purple or pink, and it makes his song sound more mellow. You can only know the atmosphere if you go there in person. I want you to feel it, too.

그는 내가 땀흘리는 모습을 보고 감명받은 것 같다

리얼리티 쇼, 내가 정말 좋아한다. 그런데 요새는 잘 안 봐. 그래서 대신에 실화를 기반으로 한 영화를 말해보려고 해.

내가 런닝맨이라는 리얼리티 쇼를 좋아해. 가장 좋아하는 예능이지. 그들은 다양한 장소에서 촬영하는데, 그냥 스튜디오에서 하는 게 제일 재밌어. 하지만 요새는 리얼리티쇼를 잘 안 봐. 작가가 재밌게 못 만들어

내가 꾸며진 걸 싫어하다 보니 리얼리티쇼를 좋아하거든. 그래서 실화를 기본으로 한 영화도 좋아해

나는 그저 작위적인 게 싫어

저도 헬스장에 등록하고 싶은데요. 운동기구도 많은 걸로 알구요.

예금하고 싶은데요.

이곳이 생각보다 큰네요.

내가 누나를 소개해줄게. 같이 갈 수 있겠어?

같이 가기 싫다고? 그럼 다음에 가는 게 좋겠네

그럼 다음주 월요일날 다시 연락하자.

당신 정말 대답이 빠르네요

용기내서 말하는거야

물건 안에 설명서가 있다구요?

나는 항상 그 프로그램을 볼 때마다 실망만 한다.

좋은 거래였어

보통 정치세계는 양극화되어 있다. 굉장히 예민한 문제이다

이거 면셔츠인가? 확실히 알 수가 없네. 

한 가지는 확실해요. 그것은 쉽지가 않을 겁니다.

확실히 말씀드릴 수는 없어요.

I think he was impressed by the way I sweated.

Reality show, I love it. But I don't watch it these days. So instead, I'm going to talk about a movie based on a true story.

I love a reality show called Running Man. It's my favorite variety show. They shoot in various places, but it's the most fun to do it in the studio. But I don't watch reality shows these days. The writer can't make it fun.

I like reality shows because I don't like being dressed up. So I like movies based on real stories.

I don't like being fake. = I don't like being scripted.

I'd like to register for the gym, too. I know you have a lot of exercise equipment.

I'd like to make a deposit.

This place is bigger than I thought.

Let me introduce you to my sister. Can you come with her?

You don't want to go with her? Then we'd better go next time.

Then let's call again next Monday.

You answer really fast.

I'm telling you with courage.

There's a manual inside the item?

I always get disappointed whenever I watch the program.

That sounds like a good deal

Usually the political world is polarized. It's a very sensitive issue.

Is this a cotton shirt? I can't tell for sure. 

One thing is for sure—it’s not going to be easy.

I can't say for sure.

이 두 제품의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

이 제품의 색상 옵션을 더 볼 수 있을까요?

[특정 제품]을 어디서 찾을 수 있는지 알려주실 수 있나요?

이 물건은 어떻게 작동하나요?

당신은 스트레스가 많은 상황을 어떻게 처리하나요?

당신은 문제 해결에 대한 당신의 접근법을 설명할 수 있나요?

어떻게 시간을 효율적으로 관리합니까?

이 물건의 가격은 얼마입니까?

이 제품의 특징에 대해 좀 더 말씀해 주시겠어요?

배송비는 얼마입니까?

주문을 취소할 수 있을까요?

이 제품을 온라인으로 주문할 수 있나요?

이 지역에 다른 가게는 없나요?

가장 좋은 전망을 위한 좌석을 추천해 주시겠어요?

당신은 전에 이 문제를 경험한 적이 있나요?

언제 처음으로 문제를 알아차렸습니까?

이런 일이 전에 일어난 적이 있었나요?

오류 메시지가 있습니까?

문제가 뭐죠?

Vip 좌석이 얼만데요?

이 음식 얼만가요?

What's the difference between these two products?

Can I see more color options for this product?

Can you tell me where I can find [specific product]?

How does this item work?

How do you handle stressful situations?

Can you explain your approach to problem-solving?

How do you manage your time effectively?

What's the price of this item?

Can you tell me more about the features of this product?

How much does delivery cost?

Can I cancel my order?

Can I order this product online?

Do you have any other stores in this area?

Can you recommend any seats for the best view?

Have you experienced this problem before?

When did you first notice the problem?

Has this happened before?

Is there an error message?

What's the problem?

How much is the Vip seat?

How much is this food?

여기가 24시간 체육관인가요?

주말에 보통 얼마나 많은 사람들이 여기에 있나요?

헬스장 무슨 시간이 문 열어요?

그 표는 얼마입니까?

콘서트는 몇 시에 시작합니까?

더 빠른 비행기를 예약할 수 있나요?

비행기가 연착되는 이유를 말씀해 주시겠어요?

너는 왜 이 새 MP3 플레이어를 샀니?

제가 수업에 등록하는 것을 도와주실 수 있나요?

이 수업은 어디서 시작할까요?

그 수업은 얼마나 오래 진행되나요?

수업은 언제 시작하나요?

거기 메인 음식이 뭐죠?

다음주 오후 7시로 예약할 수 있나요?

제 펫 데리고 들어갈 수 있어요?

무슨 물건을 챙겨 갈꺼야?

더 좋은 가격으로 흥정할 수 있을까요?

좋은 배터리를 갖고 있나?

언제 그 물건을 받을 수 있나요?

언제쯤이면 확실히 알 수 있나요?

is this a 24-hour gym?

how mamy people are usually here on weekends?

What time is the gym open? = Can you tell me when the gym opens?

How much do the tickets cost?

What time does the concert start? = Can you tell me when the concert starts?

Is it possible to book an earlier flight? = Can I book an earlier flight ticket?

Could you tell me why the flight will be delayed?

Why did you buy this new MP3 player?

Could you help me register for the class?

Where will this class start?

How long will the class run for?

When will the class start? = Can you tell me the start time of the class?

What's the main food there?

Can I make a reservation for 7 p.m. next week?

Can I bring my pet in?

What are you going to bring?

Can I bargain for a better price?

Does it have a good battery?

When can I receive the item?

When will we know for sure?

우리집은 명절에 사람이 모이지 않는다. 나는 아버지 제사가 있거든. 하지만 전혀 외롭지 않다. 나는 친척들이 싫기 때문이다. 그들은 우리 돈을 떼먹었다. 사실 정확한 건 나도 잘 모른다. 우리 어머니만이 알고 있다.

우리는 추석과 설날이 가장 대표적인 명절이다. 두개의 차이는 크게 없다. 항상 조상을 위해 제사를 지낼 뿐이다. 어떤 집은 친척들이 모이는데 우린 그렇지 않다. 다른 명절들은 우리나라의 아픈 기억과 좋은 기억들을 기념한다. 전쟁, 투쟁, 가족 등이 있다. 너는 한국의 명절을 경험해봤니?

요즘 인기있는 기술은 아마 자동차 뿐인 것 같다. 사실 우리나라는 반도체기술이 좋았다. 그런데 요즘 불황이다. 왜냐하면 대만 회사가 너무 성장했기 때문이다. 난 사실 우리나라가 반도체 최강국인 줄 알았다. 그런데 지금은 아니다. 매우 슬픈 일이지만 어쩔 수 없다. 그 때문에 뉴스를 볼 때마다 우리나라 경제 악화가 와닿는다. 나는 우리가 믿을 게 반도체 뿐이라고 생각하기 때문이다.

Our house is not crowded on holidays. I have a memorial service for my father. But I'm not lonely at all. Because I hate my relatives. They took out our money. Actually, I don't know exactly. Only my mother knows.

Chuseok and Lunar New Year are the most representative holidays for us. There is not much difference between the two. They always perform ancestral rites. Some houses have relatives and we don't. Other holidays celebrate our country's painful and good memories. There are wars, struggles, families, etc. Have you experienced Korean holidays?

The only popular technology these days is probably cars. In fact, semiconductor technology was good in Korea. These days, however, there is a recession. Because the Taiwanese company has grown so much. I actually thought Korea was the strongest country in semiconductors. But not now. It's very sad, but it can't be helped. For that reason, whenever I watch the news, I feel the deterioration of the nation's economy. Because I thought the only thing we can trust is semiconductors.


준희 허.


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