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Wann ist die Generation Y geboren?
1982 - 2000
Merkmale Generation Y
fastet growing segment of the workforce
Tech Savvy (grew up with technology)
Achievment Oriented
Team oriented
craves attention
prone to Job Hopping
Wann ist Generation Z geboren?
1995 - 2010
Merkmale Generation Z
financially focused
all about technology
change is welcome
no problem with diversity
prefers independence
wants to be heard
Wann ist Generation X geboren?
1965 - 1980
Merkmale Generation X
lowered expectations
divorde was becoming normal, women were entering the workplace in record numbers
first generations that are no workaholics
seeing internet and Mail for the first time
Wann sind Baby Boomers geboren?
1646- 1964
Baby Boomers Merkmale
following World War II
numbers of childrens increase dramatically (post war economic war)
schools are overcrowed
competition for starting jobs was intense
compete for ressources and succes
goal oriented
strive to make a difference
Method of Sprint
The Method of Sprint is a method of structure your work life. It means that you work a lot on times when your company is busy. Thats the sprint time which may be connected to a lot of overtime working hours.
When the busy time is over you can take a day off or start to reduce your daily working hours. With the method of sprint it is possible to have a balanced work life.
5 Countrys that dont perform well on work life balance
Costa Rica
5 Countrys that perform well on the work life balance
Definition Work LIfe Balance
Work life balance ist the state whre a person chooses to equally prioritize the demands of work and career and the demands of their personal life.
Own opinion work life balance
enough room for your Personal appoitments (doctor)
Leave the work early for some free time activities
What could companys do to Improve work life Balance
membership in the gym
Free payed time for workouts
For healthy employees and a Refreshed and a productive mind
Last changed2 years ago