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List additional complications.
Reflux esophagitis
Iron deficiency anemia
Esophagel stricture
Esophageal ring
Complications due to aspiration of gastric contents
Reflux laryngitis
Describe the esophageal stricture.
Etiology: most common sequela of reflux esophagitis or ingestion of caustic substances
Clinical features: solid food dysphagia
Barium esophagram (best initial test): narrowing of the esophagus at the gastroesophageal junction
Endoscopy with biopsies: to rule out malignancy and eosinophilic esophagitis
First-line treatment: dilation with bougie dilator/balloon dilator and PPIs in patients with reflux
In refractory cases (multiple recurrences): steroid injection prior to dilation; endoscopic electrosurgical incision
Recurrence occurs in the majority of patients; multiple treatment attempts are often necessary.
Describe the esophageal ring.
Schatzki rings: narrowing of the esophagus
Most commonly seen at the squamocolumnar junction
Usually caused by chronic acid reflux
Can lead to dysphagia
Describe complications due to aspiration of gastric contents.
Aspiration pneumonia and/or aspiration pneumonitis
Chronic bronchitis
Asthma (exacerbation)
Describe the reflux laryngitis.
hoarseness (due to laryngopharyngeal reflux)
Last changed2 years ago