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Amount of members of the Air Navigation Commission
19 members appointed by the ICAO council
—> considers and recommends Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation (PANS) for adoption or approval by the ICAO council.
Divisions of the air traffic service
air traffic control service (avoidacne of collission and speedy, orderly and econmical handling of the airtraffic)
Area control service: provision of air traffic control service for controlled flights
approach control service: provision of air traffic control service for the parts of the flight associated with arrival and departure
Aerodrome ocntrol service: provision of air traffic control serice for aerodrome traffic
flight information service
enables aircrews with advice and (traffic) information
alerting service provided by FIC and ATS
shall be provided to
all aircraft provided with air traffic control service
in so far as practiable, to alle other aircraft having filed a flight plan or otherwise know to ATS
any aircraft know or believed to be the subect of unlawful intereference
ATS unit
Air Traffic Control units
Flight Information Centres
Air Service reporting office
when using QFE during approach…
what is relevant, the height above the RWY or the aerodrome elevation
use height above aerodrome except when … use height above threshold:
> for instrument RWYs, if the threshold is 2m (7ft) or more below the aerodrome elevation
> for precision approach runways
vertical dimension Control Area and Control Zone
horizontal dimension control zone
Control Area:
a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth
area -> above
Control Zone
a controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit
zone -> zurface
horizontal dimension: 5NM in direction from which approaches may be made
also ATC
Pattern A runway-holding position marking
Marking for non prec approaches (?)
-> a rwy designation sighn shall be located on each side of teh runway holding position marking
Vertical Distancs between the flight paths of the wheels and the GP antenna (m)
Depending on Aircraft category
Category A,B
Category C,D
Category DL
8 meters
Aircraft seperation
phone number 4565 233
immer 3 minuten außer NTZ - 760m, dann 2min??
5NM 3min
6NM 3min
Freedom of the Air
two technical freedoms of the air
peaceful transit:
the right or privelege, to fly across county’s territory without landing
land in the other’s state territory for non traffic purposes
(e.g. for refueling, repair etc.)
three commercial freedoms of the air
the right.. in respect to scheduled international air services, granted by one state to another, to put down, in the territory of the first State, traffic coming from the home State of the carrier.
the right.. in respect to scheduled international air services, granted by one state to another, to take on, in the territory o fthe first State, traffic destined for the home State of the carrier.
he right.. in respect to scheduled international air services, granted by one state to another, to put down or take on, in the territory of the first State, traffic coming from or destined to a third State.
Annex 2
rules of the air
Light signals from aerodrome control to Aircraft on the ground
cleared for takeoff
cleared for taxi
taxi clear of landing area in use
return to starting point on the aerodrome
steady green - cleared for takeoff
steady red - stop
series of green flashes - cleared to taxi
series of red falshes - taxi clear of landing area in use
series of white flashes - return to the starting point of the aerodrome
track guidance is provided within … of
turning: 10km
straight flight is assumed until 120m / 400ft
straight: 20km (no course change of more than 15)
Turning has one T
Straight has two T
required equipment for independent/dependent parallel approaches
independent/dependent parallel approaches may be conducted using any combinatin of three dim. instrument approaches
dependent parallel approaches: radar separation
Radar separation durch den controller bezogen auf wake turbulence etc.
missed approach track mindestens 30degr diverging track
muss mindestens precision approach capability haben oder MLS
supported by radar
independent parallel approaches: no radar separation
aber NTZ darf nicht berührt werden durch die Flieger
sonst alles egal
monitored by radar
independent parallel departures:
aircraft are departing in the same direction from parallel RWY simulateneously
ICAO Doc 9643
Terminal Control area (TMA)
lower limit
a lower limit of a control area shall be establshd at a height of not less than 200m / 700ft
changes of a duration of … or longer and inromation of short duration which contains extensive text/graphics shall be published as
AIP supplements
Low intensity obstacle lights fixed objects
High intensity obstacle lights
red fixed like lava on the ground
high intensity obstacles: flashing white like the stars above
when is it an incident, serious incident, accident?
incident: contained engine failure
to low fuel -> emergency
serious incident: uncontained engine failure
Accident: engines detached
a eprson fatally ot seriously injured as a result of
being in an aircaft
direct contact with any parts of the aircract
direct exposure to jetblast
Essential traffic information shall include
direction of flight of aircraft concerned
type and wakre turbulence category
curising level of aircraft concerned
estimated time over reporting point nearest to where level will be crossed
relative bearing of the a/c concerned and distance from the conflicting traffic
actual or estimated position of the aircraft
EU Regulations
2010 …
2014 …
2014: occurence reporting
Annex 1
Annex 1: Personnel Licensing
Annex 2: Rules of the Air
flight levels
VFR: .. increment 500
IFR: .. increment 000
inform ATS when the planned TAS differs from the average TAS by more than
or 10kt
and/or time estimate differs by more than 2 min
OCA/ in a precission altitude
OCA/H in a non precission approach
immer nur für den final approach
… it is the lowest altitude (OCA), or the lowest heigt above the elevation of the reelvant rwy threshold (OCH), at which a misssed approach shalle be initiated to ensure compliance with the appropriate clearance criteria
precission approach
OCH is always referenced to the threshold elevation
non precission approach
OCH / altitude referred to the ARP except if the threshold elevation is more than 7ft / 2m below ARP elevation
OCA lowest altitude, or OCH lowest height above the aerodrome elevation or the elevation of the runway threshold, if the thereshold elevation is more than 2m (7ft) below the aerodrome elvation, below which the a/c cannot descend without infringing the obstacle celarance criteria
in a visual (circling) procedure, the lowest altitude (OCA) or alternatively the lowest height above the aerodrome elevation (OCH) below which an aircraft cannot descend without infringing the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.
min. obstacle clearance altitude
secondary area
on airways and SID / STAR etc.
omnidirectional departure
Instrument departure
grade aus los fliegen und der Lotse vektored einen dann wo hin; bspw fly RWY track
-> no track guidance
Restrictions of omnidirectional departures
sectors to be avoided with no nav aids
sectors in which minimum gradients and/or minimum altitude to ensure the aircraft saftey
SID -> vorgefertigter Weg, der wird abgeflogen
-> track guidance
ILS providing track guidance accuracy requirements
+/- 2,4 degrees
min separation using the same VOR / NDB
VOR: horizontal distance in both cases 15NM
15 degrees
NDB: 15NM..
30 degrees
min. distance from threshold for speed adjustments on final approach
20kt max speed adjustment
Incerfa (uncertainty phase)
30 minutes
alerfa (altering phase) aprehension
-> ab hier immediately alert search and rescue units!!!
Detresfa (detress phase)
fuel exhausted
Preflight information Bulletin
Dokumente mit wichitgen Infos wie NOTAMS
in case of unlawful interference and no ATC contact possible and pilot is forced to divert from the cleared track
what should the pilot do?
proceed to a level which differs from the cruising lievel normally used for IFR flights
by 1000ft above FL290
by 500ft below FL290
if in non RVSM airspace
European Law
Hard Law
Soft Law
basic regulations
delegated acts
implementing acts
implementing rules
—> are the laws that EASA proposes, but that have to the European Parliament/Commission to be finally accepted.
certification specificaton
not binding technical standards
“They are non binding technical standards, adopted by EASA, to meet the essential requirements of the basic regulation.”
acceptable mans of compliance
guidance material
—> supporting amterial that the organisations have to comply to together with the regulations.
—> published directly by EASA, without having to go through the European Parliament
Signals to Aircraft in the Air
steady green: cleared to land
steady red: give way to other aircraft and continue circling
Series of green flashes: return for landing
series of red flashes: aerodrome unsafe, do not land
series of white flashes: land at this aerodrome and proceed to the apron
Red pyrothenic: not withstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being
Lights on the ground / air (?)
navigation lights
display navigation lights from sunset to sunrise or during any other period perscribed by the appropriate authority
definition high seas
100 NM
What rules of the air apply?
> the roules of the air, of the region the aircraft is registered in —> Italian aircraft -> rules of the air of EASA (SERA)
to the extend that they do not conflicht with the rules of the country being overflown
> 12NM or more away from the nearest island: high seas
—> the regulations in ICAO Annex 2 apply
if for instance above high seas but withi airspace that Lybia controls -> the rules of the air of Lybia should be followed to the extent that they do not conflict with the rules if ICAO annex 2
Holding Pattern
zone of flexibility on either side of the sector boundaries
+/- 5 degrees on either side of the sector boundaries
in diesem Bereich, mindest 1000ft über dem höchsten Punkt
Missed approach point
Non precission approach:
definiert durch eine Distanz
—> definitonspunkt; spätetens hier Go around
Precission Approach
Punkt an dem descent track die DH durchschreitet
Outbound time in holding pattern
14000ft or below
14000ft or above
one minute at or below 14.000
one and a half minutes if above 14000ft or leg length might be specified in terms of distance instead of time
visual approach
circling approach
visual approach:
man wird zum Flughafen hingeführt, und führt den Anflug visually zu ende
circling approach:
Instrumentenanflug für die Gegenrichtung
an nem definierten Punkt wird visually die Gegenrichtung angeflogen
man muss mindestens “the RWY environemnt, including threshold and approach lighting aids sehen” nicht nur ground
-> normalerweise nicht published
QNH setting round up or down?
Interception angle final approach track maximum
45 degrees
independent parallel approaches 30 degrees
dependent 15???
Independent Parallel Approaches
min interception angle
min distance of level flight to the localizer interception (keine Kurven)
min distance of level flight prior to intercepting the ILS glide path (kein Steigen oder Sinken)
Movement Area
Maneuvering Area + Apron
Maneuvering Area
part of an aerodrome to be used for the takeoff, landing and taxiing without aprons
28 days
Aeronautical Information circular yearly
Procedure turn beide Ansichten
links kurve weg und dann rechts kurve (siehe Bild)
-> tracks are reciprocal
Base Turn
auch umdrehen aber nicht auf dem gleichen Track outbound
Transponder Failure
after departure
continuation of the flight to the destination aerodrome in accordance with the flight plan. Pilots may expect to comply with specific restrictions.
before departure
…plan to proceed to the the nearest suitable aerodrome where repair can be carried out.
Expected Approach Time
Expected Time of Arrival
exp. approach time:
-> holding fliegen müssen, ATC expects that an aircraft, following a delay, will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for landing
Expected time of arrival
wann man am IAF ankommt (?)
For an RNP1 route A342 Z, the letter Z means that all turns shall be made within the allowable RNP tolerance of a tangentical arc between the straight leg segments with a radius of:
15NM … at and below FL190 Z
22.5NM at and above FL200 Y
Y is high .> the higher of both numbers
Z zurfac… the lower of the numbers
A change in the man surface wind is reported ti the pilot of an arriving ac when the mean … component changes by more than
Cessna 1(0)52
most critical geringster change…
Headwind component: 10
Crosswind component: 5
Tailwind component: 2
Air Spaces trick bzgl Separation
Speicher iPhones
Colours AIP
White: administrative
Yellow: ATC smokes lots-> yellow teeth
Mave: danger area
Green: maps and chartsx
droppable survival equipment colours
RED -> blood -> medicine
BLUE -> water -> food and water
Jackets are YELLOW -> clothing
EASA Air Annex …
Number 5: I start my day at the SPA (specific approval)
Number 6: i study complex matter where my brain works best (non commercial operations with complex motor powered a/c)
Number 7: I do whatever that is not complex anymore, breakfast perhaps (non com. ops, other than complex motor aircraft)
SPA, complex, not complex
Governing body of the ICAO
the council
min clearance VFR
low terrain
high obstacles / cities
low terrain:
high obstacles / cities:
segregated parallel approaches/departures
one RWY is used for departures, and one RWY is used for approaches
semi mixed parallel approaches
mixed operations
one RWY is exlusively used for either depatures/arrivals and the other RWY is used for both
all modes are possible
EU regulations
2008: saftey oversight
2010: investigations (exluding military)
2012: commercial / non commercial ops
2014: Reporting of occurences / the processing of such / follow up and dissemniation of safety information
2017: Air Nav services
Saftey 2008
Investigations 2010
Commercial / non commercial ops 2012
Reports of occurence 2014
Nav aids 2017
Turning departure
straight flight until at least
straight flight is resumed until reaching a height of at least 120m
turning departuers is a departure in which th einitial departure track deviates by more than 15dgr
Aeronautical Information Service
Aerodrome Reference Code
ACN / PCN sind die Aircraft und Pavement Classification Numbers
Element 1 (number)
highest value of the aeroplane reference field length for the aeroplane usage is intended for
Element 2 (Letter)
the greatest wingspan, or the greatest outer main gear wheel span
letters are wider than numbers!!!
ILS critical area
sensitive area
> immer aktiv
> nur aktiv und muss frei gehalten werden bei CAT II/III
intermediate holding position
between two paved taxiways. It shall consist of markings.
Special VFR requirements
clear of clouds and with the surface in sight
the flight visibility is not less than 1500m
speeds below 140kts IAS
ground visibility 1500m
ceiling at least 600ft
only in control zone, subjected to ATC clearance
without special clearance Control Zone take off / Entrance
1500ft ceiling
ground visibility > 5km
Approach Segments
intermediate approach segment:
spped and configuration should be adjusted to prepare the aircraft for final approach
Straight in Approach
non precission approach:
straight in approach -> angle between final approach track and centre line is 30degr. or less
Parts of an instrument approach
Arrrival segment
STAR permits transition from the neroute phase to the approach phase.
Initial approach segment
segment between initial approach fix and intermediate fix
Intermediate Approach Segment
either end of the Initial approach segment
between the end of a reversal, racetrack or dead reckoning track procedure and the final approach fix
Final Approach Segment
that segment of an instrument approach procedure in which alignment and descent for landing are accomplished
ab wenn allignment zur RWY? eigl for final appr. segment
A pilot may expect instructions for a missed approach from radar when the controller has not issued the landing clearance at the moment the aircraft is
2 NM from touch down
Cleard 2 Land
Need 4 speed
<4NM short final
4-8NM long final
Ground Air Visual Signals
X -> medical assistence required
V -> request assistance
++ -> found some of the personal ++ still counting
LL -> Found all Personal -> ALL
LLL -> operation completed LLL -> lalala
Y -> affirmative Yes
N -> Negative
The basic ATS route desgnatior consists of … followed by a number from ….
one letter
1 to 999
How long is the President of ICAO elected for?
3 years
Accuracy of a VOR providing track guidance on an instrument approach
+/- 5,2 grad
Transponder code setting when outside controlled airspace
when no ATC instructions 2000
when not receiving any ATC service at all 7000
a fix of an object measured form a DME has a tolerance of …. plus … % the distance to the antenna
Position Report Aircraft IPTANE
A ALTITUDE (*, außer initial call; can be omitted if continously available to controller)
Compulsory reporting point * can be omitted
Airspace G F
Flight visibility under 3000ft / or 1000ft AGL may be reducesd to 1500m if
speed of 140kt or less
where low air traffic is present
clear of ground and in sight of the ground
helicopter flight visibility can be reduced down to 800m
below 3000ft, the minimum flight visibility for IFR is generally 5km.
both uncontrolled airspaces -> no controlled flights
> advisory service only to IFR flights in F
> in G only flight infromation service to all aircraft
International Air Transport Assicitaiton
Hijacker Fragen
request pax
require the crew to
… as a commander
Racetrack procedure
A procedure designed to enable the aircraft to reduce altitude during the initial approach segment and/or establish the aircraft ibound when the entry into a reversal proceudre is not practical
Base turn
a turn executed by the aircraft during the initial approach between the end of the outbound track and the beginning of the intermediate or final approach track.
-> The tracks are not reciprocal.
intermediate approach segment minimum obstacle clearance height
reduces to 150m in the intermediate approach segment
independent parallel approaches, minimum radar separation required until the aircraft is established inbound in the ILS localiser
3 NM
where does it start and minimum length?
Runway End Saftey Area
Start at the end of the runway strip, min. 90m length
“A runway strip is defined as an area including the runway and a stopway, if provided…”
RNP is determined by
commuication Radio
air traffic servces provided in the airspace
AIP contents where
Location Indicators GEN
Holding/Arr/Dep ENR
Danger/Restricted/Prohibted ENR
Refelling AD
Airport Lights AD
permanent changes ti the AIP shall be published as AIP Amendments
temporary changes of long duration greater than 3 months, or short duration with extensive text
separation during the flight
longitudinal / lateral
longitudinal: time
lateral: distance
Failure of com in IMC
radar separation
no radar separation
maintain speed and level for 7min not heading
maintain speed and level for 20min
nominal climb gradient missed approach
when must a SPECI be issued?
wind direction changed by more than 60degrees
mean wind speed changes by more than 10kt
change of amount of clouds below 1500ft changes
inset / end / change in intensity of
freezingprecipitation / fog
modeate/heavy precipitaion
bearing strength of pavement inteded for aircraft …
<5700kg -> max. allowable a/c mass and max allowable tire pressure
otherwise PCN/ACN
displaced threshold (larger than 60m)
not suitable for NORMAL movement
not suitable for movement
suitable only for TO
yellow chevrons
white crosses
white arrows
unlawful interference primary goals
safety of pax, crew, personell on ground, gen public
land asap
EU regulation No965/2012 what does it contain?
“gops all ideas of everyone”
general equipment
op procedures
aircraft performance and operating limitations
data and equipment
separations immer weniger werdendn
Class A
nur IFR
Class B
Class C
VFR / VFR information and advisory on request
Class D
IFR / VFR information and advisory on request
Class E
IFR / VFR as far as practical
VFR / VFR as far as practical
Class F
IFR / IFR as far as practical
IFR / VFR nil
VFR / VFR nil
Class G
vectoring ILS min distance
glide path
glide path 2NM
Loc 1NM
Codes Runway width
18 - 23 students Number 1
23 - 30 young Number 2
30 - 45 regular Number 3
45 and above Number 4
Position Report Reihenfolge
All People Think Fat Nerdes Eat
Aircraft Identification
Flight level / altidude
Next position and time over
Ensuing significant waypoint
Two main groups of lighting systems
simple approach lighting system
precision approach lighting systen
Annex V SPA
Annex VI NCC
specific approvals as outlined in A-M
non commercial ops with complex motor powered ac
Last changed2 years ago