How is the PPB negatively marked during mitosis and cytokinesis?
—> local depletion of cortical F-actin (Actin-depleted zone)
—> Kinesin KCA1 (excluded from CDZ)
Novel microtubule-associated protein
Co-localizes with the PPB, but disappears from the cortex upon PPB disassembly, later appearing at the cortical division site when the cell plate inserts there
Proteins that localize at the cortical division site or the adjacent cell wall as the cell plate attaches there?
—> RSH (a hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein)
—> T-PLATE ()
Mutant AtTAN alleles?
Where are the insertion locations causing them?
In intron 1 —> tan-mad
6bp upstream of ATG —> tan-csh
In exon 1 —> tan-rikken
All 3 mutations caused low frequency of misoriented divisions in root tips observed at 4–6 days after germination
Transverse and longitudinal.
What does it mean for leaf elongation and widening as a result of cell divisions?
Longitudinal (parallel to plant stem) —> leaf widening
Transverse cell divisions(perpendicular to the plant stem) —> leaf elongation
Last changed2 years ago