VL 1 Introduction
Able to recognize viral replication cycles of some important virus families (adenoviruses, hepadnaviruses, herpesviruses, orthomyxoviruses, picornaviruses, retroviruses, nidoviruses)
Are able to name important characteristics within the replication cycles of these viruses (e.g. RNA/DNA genome, mechanism of entry, site of replication (nucleus/cytoplasm), mechanism of release, etc.
non-enveloped DNA virus
entry via endocytosis
replication in nucleus
immediate early (E1A cell cylce protein →S phase), early (viral polymerase) and late (structural proteins) gene expression
assembly in nucleus
release by lysis
enveloped DNA virus
ccc DNA
progenmoic RNA
reverse transcription in virion (RNA→ DNA)
release by nonlytic exocytosis
Recognize or sketch the different compounds of enveloped an non-enveloped viral particles
1.Draw an enveloped virus
2.Draw an non enveloped virus
know what syncytium formation is and its mechanism
Scheller: fusion of cells, mediated by viral envelope proteins, often seen as CPE in cell cutures infected with enveloped viruses
enveloped viruses enter their host cell by membrane fusion
fusion of viral envelope and cell membrane is triggered by the envelope proteins
after cells are infected with enveloped viruses, they express viral proteins on their surface
close contact to uninfected cells can lead to cell/cell membrane fusion and the formation of syncytia
Syncytium formation is a classical CPE of enveloped viruses.
= Cytopathic Effect
Can determine a CCID50 from a graph
(How can you determine the ccID50 from a graph showing infected cells depending on virus concentration)
sigmoid curve, read the concentration in the turning point
(The Endpoint-Dilution Assay)
Cell culture infectious dose concentration of virus at which point 50% of the cells are infected
know the difference between physical and biological virus titer and know methods how to determine these titers
physical titer: measurement of viral particles (protein or genome; by ELISA or PCR);
biological titer: determined from infection experiments;
physical titer is usually higher than biological titer:
biological Titer measures only intact/infectious particles and is also dependent on the type of cell culture being used
General: The virus titer is the concentration of a virus in a suspension.
infectious titer/biologial titer
concenration of infectious particles in a suspension (depends on test system, e.g. celltype
test via Plaque assay, transformation assay or flow cyometry
physical titer
concentration of infectious and noninfectious particles
meassure by ELISA or TaqMan-PCR
know what a TaqMan-PCR is
PCR with 2 primers and a probe. Probe carries fluorochrome and quencher. Taq Pol has exonuclease activity and digests probe if it binds to PCR product. Fluorochrome gets released from quencher and fluorescence is measured in a light cycler
specific technique for amplification and simultaneous quantification of DNA content
specific flurorescence signal by dual-labeled probes ("reporter" and "quencher").
the reporter is released by 5´-exonuclease activity of the Taq polymerase (hydrolysis of the probe); destroying the conncection to the quencher
Release of the reporter leads to fluorescence of the reporter (light is no longer absorbed by the quencher)
High specificity (PCR only provides signal if both primers and probe match)
Standard procedure to quantify viral DNA
(working with RNA-Viruses requires reverse transcription of the RNA genome into DNA prior to PCR)
know what a receptor, coreceptor or attachment factor is
receptor: viral entry;
coreceptor: assists in viral entry,
attachment factor: lose aaachment of virus to cell
Attachment factor or adhesion receptor are common extracellular molecules that make the first contact to a virus which increase the probability of the virus to stay at the cell surface
They increase the probability that the virus stays at the cell surface e.g. heparane sulfate or silaic acid
Receptor: mediates viral entry into the cell, determines tropism of virus (the virus can only enter cells that express this molecule), influence host range e.g. CD4
Coreceptor: second binding receptor, needed for viral entry e.g. CCR5
know the definition of the Kd for receptor/ligand complexes
Dissociation constant, that describes the binding strenght of a ligand/receptor-binding
can describe the entry of HIV and influenza in detail
(+ measels)
Binding of gp120 to CD4/CCR5 triggers a conformation change in gp120 that enables the attack of gp41 to the host membrane
A drop in pH in the endosome triggers a conformation change in measles H protein that enables the attack of measles fusion protein to the host membrane
after receptor binding, the viral H protein undergoes a conformational change allowing the F protein to attack the host membrane
can name examples for viral entry of enveloped and nonenveloped viruses and can name principal differences
What is the difference of virus entry by HIV, measles, influenza and adenoviruses? Which of these viruses are enveloped`
Enveloped (taken up by membrane fusion: directly at plasma membrane or in endosome)
HIV/measles: fusion with cell membrane
influenza: uptake via endocytosis; fusion with endosomal membrane
Non-enveloped (always taken up by endocytosis)
Adenovirusues: uptake by endocytosis and disruption of the endosomal membrane (via protein VI)
are familiar with schematic representations of receptor-binding surface proteins and their domains
RBD. Receptor binding domain, TM: trans membrane domain; extracellular region is usually glycosylated, intracellular not
Non-enveloped virus: Surface structures (grooves and loops) and fibers like spikes
Enveloped virus: Transmembrane glycoproteins: mushroom with receptor binding domain (klappt weg) and fusion domain (nun chuck domain)
How are Lysosomes derived and name properties
derived from late endosome after further pH decrease
contain proteases, nucleases and lipase
have a pH of 4.5 to 5
Baltimore Classification
How to get to mRNA from the genome
All viruses must produce mRNA that can be translated by cellular ribosomes. In his classification system, the unique pathways from various viral genomes to mRNA define specific virus classes on the basis of the nature and polarity o their genome.
Virus classification according to the viral genome
VL3 Hepatitis Viruses
What 5 viruses can cause hepatitis?
What viruses can cause hepatitis?
-Hepatitis A-D (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV)
-Yellow Fever Virus
Which hepatitis viruses can cause chronic disease?
Hepatitis B, C, D (HBV, HCV, HDV)
HBV: 5-10% adults, 90% newborns
HCV: 50-80%
HDV: Co- 5-10, super 70-95%
Hepatitis A: never!
Hepatitis E: rare (in immunocomprised)
What is the route of transmission?
smear infection/oral: HAV,HEV
drug abuse: HBV, HCV
Which hepatitis virus infections can be prevented by vaccination?
Hepatitis A (Active/passive)
Hepatitis B (Avtive(passive)
Hepatitis C (no)
Hepatitis D (via HBV)
Hepatitis E (no)
Replication cycle of HBV
virus contains partly dsDNA,
DNA is completed in the cell,
cccDNA persists as episome in nucleus
genomic RNA transcription from cccDNA,
reverse transcription of DNA genome from genomic RNA
DNA incorporation into new particles,
ds-DNA synthesis stops in virus particle if all nucleotides are being used up
Comparison early and late reverse transcription of HBV and retroviruses. Is reverse transcription important for the immunce escape?
HIV: RT immediately after infection: gemonic RNA -> cDNA (early)
HBV: RT late in replication prior to exit: genomic RNA -> genomic DNA (late)
in retroviruses the reverse transcription from RNA to DNA takes place early in the replication cycle, before RNA enters the nucleus
in hepadnaviruses like HBV reverse transcription takes place late when the virus particle is assembled
the RT of HIV is important for immune response escape
HBV RT also has a similar bad copying mechanism, however mutations are usually lethal as the genome is rather small and overlapping
How can HBV infection be treated?
Nucleoside analogs (RT-inhibitors)
with reverse transcription inhibitors like Tenofovir
it is a nucleotide analogon which lacks the 3’ OH causing chain termination during HBV rplication
lifelong therapy because cccDNA is stable in the liver and the treatment does not lead to anti HBS production
with vaccination
with recombinant HBs antigen
recommended for infants since 1995
--> no elimination
—> HBV therapy is life-long. It can protect the liver but it cannot eliminate the virus from the body.
cccDNA is very stable and last lifelong in the liver
The therapy does not trigger anti-HBS antibodies: no immunity is being formed to control HBV replication when therapy is being stopped.
Reduction of viral load, preservation of the liver, but no cure.
Substances: Reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Vaccination with recombinant HBs antigen (inactivated vaccination)
For infants: Recommended since 1995 as part of basic immunization
Recommended for at-risk groups, incl. health care providers
For adults: Triple vaccination (0 - 1 - 6 months)
For health care workers and other risk groups: HBs antibody control 1 - 2 months after last vaccination.
HBs-Ak < 100 IU/l: immediate booster vaccination.
HBs-Ak ≥ 100 IU/l: titer control after 10 years, booster vaccination if < 100 IU
Replication cycle of HCV
+ssRNA genome, gets directly translated at ribosome after infection,
new +ssRNA genomes transcribed from the dsRNA,
incorporation into new particles
nucleus not involved
What is UTR?
Untranslated region
Compare the HCV genome with normal mRNAS/
Genome of HCV: similarities and differences with mRNAs
similarities: +ssRNA;
differences: no cap but IRES, no poly A but UTR
mRNA has a cap structure, HCV has an IRES site
mRNA is monocistronic, HCV-RNA is also monocistronic but resulting in a large precurser protein that is cleaved into smaller proteins by proteases
mRNA has a poly A tail, HCV RNA has no poly A tail but a 3’ UTR
normal mRNAs
5’ cap
5’ UTR
start codon (AUG)
stop codon (UAA, UGA, UAG)
3’ UTR
usually monocystronic (only contains info for one protein)
translation initiation is cap dependent
ssRNA genome of HCV
no cap but IRES after 5`UTR
polycistronic RNA → individual proteins produced by proteolytic cleavage of large precurser protein
What is an IRES and what is it used for in HCV replication? In molecular biology?
Initiation of translation
mimics the function of the 5’cap of mRNAs In molecular biology?
Allows expression of 2 different proteins (not a fusionprotein) under control of one promotor: promotor- geneX-IRES-geneY.
An IRES (internal ribosomal entry site)
structure within an mRNA molecule that allows the binding of the 40S subunit in the absence of a cap structure
IRES in molecular biology
used to create polycistronic mRNAs
frequently used to coexpress a reporter-gene or resistance-gene together with a gene of interest with only one promotor needed
How can HCV infection be treated?
Nucleoside analogs, protease inhibitors, NS5B- inhibitors
Combination of 2-3 of the following substance classes is used.
Protease inhibitor (…previr)
Polymerase inhibitora (…buvir)
NS5A-Inhibitors (…asvir) (NS5A regulates replication and virus assembly
Ribavirin (change of the equilibrium of the intracellular nucleotide concentration)
Therapy takes 8-12 weeks, then the patient is cured. Due to lack of any persistence mechanism, HCV is completely eradicated from the body after therapy
Why can HCV be eliminated by therapy, but HBV infection cannot?
HCV has no mechanism of persistence. If replication is blocked, the virus is gone. HBV has a mechanism of persistence: ccc-DNA persists lifelong in nuclei of hepatocytes
What gene does the HBV genome encode for?
Zusatz VL2
What is a retrovirus?
What genus does HIV belong to? ZUSATZ
Virus with RNA genome, RT, integrates into host genome
viruses that have a RNA genome
reverse transcribe their genome into DNA
the DNA genome is integrated into the cellular genome → necessary step of replication
HIV belongs to the genus Lentiviruses
Lentiviruses belong to the subfamily of orthoretroviruses containing alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon retroviruses besides Lentiviruses
Sketch the retroviral replication cycle
virus particle with RNA
entry into cell
release of RNA
RT of RNA into cDNA
integration of cDNA into host genome (provirus)
transcription of provirus: translation of viral proteins and transcription of genomic RNA
assembly and packaging
budding at cell membrane
Know the 3 enzymatic activities of reverse transcriptase
RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity (synthesis of 1st DNA strand)
DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity (synthesis of 2nd DNA strand)
Rnase H (heteroduplex exonuclease) activity (degradation of RNA strand)
Know the essential elements of reverse transcription in vivo/in vitro
Know the RT process of HIV in “detail”
RNA genome
tRNA primer bind at PBS
synthesis of first cDNA strand by RT
degradation of RNA in DNA/RNA heteroduplex by RT
synthesis of second cDNA strand using parts of the original RNA template as primer and removal of RNA primer by RT
what is the function of HIV protease
Cleavage of Gag proteins to allow maturation of viral particles
What is the function of HIV Integrase?
Integration of HIV cDNA into host genome
Can compare early and late reverse transcription of HIV/HBV
HIV: RT immediately after infection: gemonic RNA -> cDNA (early).
in HIV: early reverse transcription to DNA, before integration into the host genome // RT early (+) ssRNA genome into cDNA
in HBV late reverse transcription inside of the assembled virus particle// RT late ssRNA genome into dsDNA
Know the difference between productive and latent infection and reactivation
productive infection: provirus is transcriptionally active so that new viral particles are being produced
latent infection: provirus is transcriptionally inactive and no viral particles are being produced
reactivation: switch from latent to productive infection
Are familiar with HIV origin
Zoonitic transmission from chimpanzee (SIVcpz)
What is the pathigenesis of HIV? what are the reasons for this phenomenon?
HIV infects CD4+ T cells, depletion of CD4_t cells over time, after 10 years (on average) AIDS
Depletion of CD4 cells in the intestine (acute phase)
Continuous loss of CD4 cells due to immune activation/depletion anti-HIV CTL apoptosis
High viral load correlates with rapid progression
High immune activation correlates with rapid progression
Rare: long-term nonprogression (control of infection for decades)
Name HIV therapy options
combination therapy of different antiviral substances
RT inhibitors
Integrase inhibitors
protease inhibitors)
Therapy is usually being started with one of these combinations
A combination of 3 NRTI is inferior compared to the above-described combinations.
HIV therapy is always a combination therapy
2 NRTI +1 PI
Start of therapy immediately after positive diagnosis
Before therapy start: genotypic resistance test
PCR to monitor viral load during therapy
Therapy goal: reduction of viral load below detection limit
Duration of therapy: unlimited, no cure possible
Therapy improves immune system (CD4-count in blood increases within months to years to normal values: approx. 1000/ml, CD4-count in intestinal flora increases much slower), prevents AIDS, prevents HAND
Life expectancy under therapy: normal
Why is there no HIV vaccine?
HIV quasispecies with high antigenic diversity
there is no immunity with HIV after infection
superinfections possible even after long time
What is the tropism of HIV
receptor CD4
coreceptor CCR5 or CXCR4
CD4 pos T cells
dentritic cells
⇒ mainly production in activated T helper cells
What genes does HIV express?
retrovirus genes:
gag: encodes capsid and matrix
pol: encodes PR, RT and IN
env: encodes envelope proteins
accessory genes
tat, nef → regulatory proteins
Name properties of HIV clinic and what are results of HIV without proper treatment?
transmission: sexual, parenterally, during birth, breast milk
incubation period: 1-6 weeks
acute phase with general symptoms
symptom free phase for 2-12 years with increased T helper cell loss
without treatment AIDS (100%) and HAND (30%)
VL8 Herpesviruses
What is viral persistence?
The virus (its particles or genomes) remain in the body over a long time or lifelong
What is viral latency? On what level is it controlled?
the virus persists but does not replicate
latency controlled on genome level e.g. circular viral DNA of Herpesvirues or integrated DNA of HIV
Define productive infection
active viral replication
viral particles are formed
Define reactivation
switch from latency back to productive infection
What is clinical latency?
refers to a state „without symptoms“. Not to be confused with virological latency.
Examples: HIV-infection has a period of 1-10 years of „clinical latency“, but with ongoing, productive infection.
Name 4 different types of infection patterns with viral examples
acute infection (influenza, SARS- CoV-2)
chronic infection (HIV, HCV (80%), HBV (5%),
latent infection with episodes of reactivation (herpesviruses)
=> Chronic and latent infections are persistent infections.
slow infection (HIV)
Name the HSV subfamilies and their location of persistence
alpha-herpes in sensible neuroganglia, beta-herpes in lymphocytes/monocytes and kidney and salivary glands, gamma- herpesviruses in B lymphocytes
alpha subfamiliy - persistence in neuroganglia (non neural cells in CNS)
beta subfamily - persistance in lymphocytes/ monocytes in the kideney and salivary glands
gamma subfamily- persistence in B lymphocytes
Disease symptoms caused by HSV-1/2
herpes labialis, herpes genitalis
HSV-1: cold sores
primary infection: stomatitis aphtosa (inflammation mundschleimhaut)
reactivation: mainly herpes labialis but also herpes genitalis
HSV-2: genital ulcer
primary infection: vulvovaginitis herpetica (vaginalentzündung)
reactivation: mainly herpes genitalis but also labialis
VZV: chicken pox or varizell zooster (windpocken, Gürtelrose
Can describe the replication cycle of HSV-1: entry, concept of IE and E and late, genome replication, packaging, egress
attachment to heparane sulfate
binding to HVEM (herpes virus entry mediator) receptor (TNFa superfamily)
membrane fusion mediated by envelope
capsid transport to nucleus
release of HSV-DNA into nucleus via nuclear pore
Concept of IE and E and late:
HSV-1 packaging:
The concatemeric genome is pushed by the terminase protein into an empty capsid
Terminase also cleaves the concatemeric pregenome once a full copy of HSV genome is packed into the capsid
(packaging can be inhibited for the herpesvirus CMV using the drug Letermovir that is being used as CMV prophylaxis after stem cell transplantation
How does HSV-1 packaging take place?
concatemeric genome is pushed by the terminase into an empty capsid
terminase cleaves genome once one full progenome is packed into one capsid
... know the moa (mechanism of action) of aciclovir
nucleoside analog lacking 3’-OH
phospoorylated by alpha-herpes TK (Monophosphate),
phosphorylated by cellular kinases (triphosphate),
incorporation into herpes DNA during DNA replication,
chain termination due to lack of 3’ OH
can describe the mechanism of HSV-latency:
Can describe the mechanism of latency and reactivation: retrograde transport, anterograde transport, LATs; please also learn miRNA and its effect on ICP4 and ICP0
retrograde transport in neurons, HSV DNA as episome in nulceus, LATs are processed into miRNAs; miRNAs suppress transactivators ICP4 and ICP0, switch from immediate early to early genes not possible, virus stays in latency
Latency and reactivation
epithelial cells support productive infection
nerve terminals are infected
axonal (retrograde) transport of the capsid into the cell body in the ganglia
here viral genome delivered to nucleus
viral episome is stably maintained in the neural nucleus
latent infection established
upon reactivation new particles produced and transported by (anterograde) transport back to the epithelium
During latency, 4 latency-associated transcripts (LAT) are transcribed
They are processed into miRNAs that suppress the transactivators ICP4 and ICP0 that normally would activate the transition from IE to E phase.
Which virus can cause mononucleosis (Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber) and what are the symptoms of this disease?
VL4 Zusatz
EBV → name mononucleosis derived from high number of lymphocytes in the blood during EBV infection
similar symptoms as with HIV
swollen lymph nodes
pharyngitis (Entzündung des Rachens)
feeling tired
Rash (Hautauschlag) when treated with antibiotics
EBV infection linked to multiple sclerosis
symptoms of EBV infection
infectious mononucleosis/Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber/kissing disease : fiever, swallen lympg nodes, sore throat, fatigue, skin rash
Main mechanism of herpes genome replication
rolling circle
VL10 Papillomaviruses
Cell cycle Papillomavirus
Tumor suppressor genes
inhibit cell proliferation (S-phase); loss of function can lead to tumors
p53 and Rb inhibit cell proliferation by controlling S phase
(Protooncogenes: activate cell proliferation; overactivation can lead to tumors; M-phase)
warts (HPV1 and other)
condyloma (low risk types HPV 6 and 11 and other)
cervix carcinoma (high risk types HPV 16 and 18 and other)
PPV infection and cervix carcinoma risl
viral persistence (10%) and cancer (0.8%)
when infected with high risk subtype: 10% persistence (integration into cellular genome) and 0.8% cancer formation
How can HPV can cause benign tumors (warts)?
infection of upper epidermal cells
E6 and E7 stimulate cell cycle entry from G0 to G1 in the upper epithelial cells
HPV triggers cell proliferation also in upper layers -The E6 and E7 proteins stimulate cell cycle entry from G0 to G1 in upper epithelial cells. A benign tumor (e.g. wart) forms.
The E6 and E7 proteins stiulate cell cycle entry from G0 to G1 also in basal cells. A malignent tumor (e.g. cervix carcinoma) forms.
HPV E6 and E7 inhibit the tumor-suppressors p53 and Rb. This causes cell proliferation and benign tumors.
How can HPV can cause cancer
infection of epithelial cells and basal cells, E6 E7 expression/proliferation also in basal cells
E6 and E7 proteins stimulate cell cycle entry from G0 to G1 also in basal cells → malignant tumor
E6 and E7 inhibit immune response
infection of basal cells consisting of stem cells
aging skin cells enter the upper layers of the epidermis → virions are released
HPV infects the basal layer that consists of stem cells. Normally, the basal layer is the only zone in the epidermis with cell proliferation. As the aging skin cells enter the upper layers of the epidermis, viral gene expression occurs within them, and virions are released from the upper layers of the epidermis.
...know why HPV integration is key to cancer
episomal genome with unstable mRNA for E6/7, liale E6/7 is formed
moderate inhibition of p53/Rb, no oncogenesis;
integrated genome with stable mRNA for E6/7 due to lack of AUUUA, much E6/7, strong inhibition of p53/Rb, oncogenesis
...know the targets of E6 and E7
E6 → p53
((E6 supports proteosomal degradation of p53 via E6 AP (E6 associated protein → ubiquitin ligasse) this inhibits apoptosis))
E7 → pRb
((Rb usually binds to E2F and inhibits it; if E2F is active it stimulates the expression of S phase specific genes; this inhibits cell cycle progression ))
How can high risk HPV infection can be prevented
high risk HPV infection can be prevented by vaccination; the vaccine does not protect against CC if infection is already persistent because the vaccine does not contain E6/7, no immunity against E6/7 is formed
by vaccination
HVP16 and 18 are responsible for 70% of the cervical carcinomas
vaccine contains protection from these 2 risk groups and additional HPV that cause 90 % of all condylomas and 90% of all cervical carcinomas→ risk significantly reduced´
Can RNA virus genomes be directly translated by the ribosomes?
VL5 Zusatz
Describe an experiment to prove that RNA itself is infectious
..know that isolated +ssRNA genomes are infectious after transfection
Isolate RNA from the virus
add isolated RNA on a cell culture
new virus particles are created
What are essential components of the ssRNA genome for it to be translated?
3’ PolyA tail
5’ Cap
What is the function of SARS-CoV2 receptor ACE2
Zusatz VL5
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
entry receptor that binds to the spike protein
expression in the respiratory epithel of upper airways by Pneumocytes and Alveolarmacrophages, blood vessels and the kidney
cofactor TMPRSS2
What is Vpg (Viral protein genome-linked)?
Example 1
as an exception, in picornaviruses RNA replication is dependent on a primer
Vpg serves as a primer
3CD assembles on CRE element and Vpg binds; Vpg is then uridylylated by 3Dpol which turns it into a primer→ binds to polyA tail
Example 2
in noroviruses or sapoviruses
Vpg serves as a cap replacement
⇒ hier könnte man wenn man Zeit hat noch den genauen Mechanismus verstehen
ss(-) RNA Viruses and ARI in general
What is a (-)ss-RNA virus?
virus with non infectious RNA associated with functional polymerase complex
all enveloped
max 19 kb genome
transcription via sequential stop-start mechanism
What are Mononegavirales?
ssRNA viruses with nonsegmented genomes
Name examples for members and the diseases they cause:
RSV (lower respiratory tract disease)
parainfluenzavirus (respiratory disease)
measles virus (measles)
mumps virus (mumps)
Does the virion contain a RdRp?
What are its minimal transcription activities? Zusatz
require RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase
minimum transcription of Large protein L, Phosphoprotein P and nukleoprotein N or NP
isolated -ssRNA genomes
...know that isolated -ssRNA genomes are non-infectious after transfection
important ARI viruses
...important ARI (acute respiratory infections) viruses:
Name symptoms of ARIs
...symptoms: respiratory tract symptoms include rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia
rhinitis (Nasenschleimhautentzündung)
bronchitis (Entzündung der Schleimhaut in den Bronchien)
pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
What virus causes severe respiratory infections and hospitalization in children under 2 years?
...RSV cause of severe respiratory infections and hospitalization in <2 year old children
seasonality of viruses
winter: influenza, Corona, RSV
summer: coxsackie virus
all year: all others (Adeno, HMPV, PIV, rhino)
apical release:
⇒ local infection
basal release
⇒ systemic infection
Segmented RNA viruses
What are the natural reservoirs of influenza A and B viruses, respectively
A: aquatic birds,
B: humans arte the only host
...influenza antigen drift and shift
point mutations in the genome are called antigen drift;
reassorting is called antigen shift
mechanism of reassertion
influenza genome is segmented;
infection of one cell with two different strains;
Segmented influenza genome gets reassorted (e.g the new virus contains 3 segments of strain X and 5 segments of strain Y)
Incluenza clinic
cause of severe respiratory infections and hospitalization in old people
natural reservoir of influenza A
poultry, pig as “mixing vessel”, spread into human popula%on
natural reservoir of influenza B
humans are the only host
What does H1N1 or H5N1 mean?
Serotypes are determined by H and N antigens.
Different antigen-families exist that can be combined.
HxNy indicates which antigen families are present in a particular strain
Infektion Epidemiology
Definitons of
prevalence, incidence, morbidity, mortality, CFR
prevalence: proportion of infected people in a population
e.g. prevalence of HIV infections in Germany is 0.1%
incedence: number of new infections in a population in a certain time span
e.g. incidence of HIV infections in Germany is 3500 cases per year
morbidity: proportion of people who get sick in a population caused by the the infectious agent
e.g. 24.000 disease cases per 100.000 people
mortality: proportion of people who die in a population caused by the infectious agent
e.g. 120 deaths per 100000 people
CFR (case fatality rate) or lethality: proportion of people who die among people with diagnosed infection
e.g. 9000 deaths per 300000 diagnosed infections =3%
Definitions of endemic, epidemic, pandemic
endemic: normal/usual occurence of a certain infectious disease in a certain population
e.g. influenza/ SARSCoV-2 in 2022
epidemic: unusally stong and temporally limited occurrence(accumulation of a certain infection disease in a certain area
e.g. ebola in west africa in 2014
Pandemic: an endemic of a new pathogen that spans countiers/continents
e.g. SARS-CoV2 in 2019-2020
How to calculate prevalence, mortality, CFR from numbers
Difference of Weekly and cumulative incidence
Weekly incidence: the number of new infections per week is given. If the number of
infections increase over time, weekly incidence increases. If the number of infections
over time declines, weekly incidence decreases.
Cumulative incidence: the number of new infections in each week is added to the
number of infections in the past.. If the number of infec%ons increase over %me, cumulative incidence increases. If the number of infections over time declines, cumulative incidence still increases. If the number of infections over time is 0, cumulative incidence stays on a plateau
weekly incidence shows number of cases per week
cumulative incedence shows total cases over time → adds up number of new cases
at first look more impressive, good to see which proportion of individuums already hat contact with the pathogen
incedence of 0 looks like a horizontal line
What is R0
(and what are R0 values of Measles, polio and SARS?)) Zusatz
basic reproductive number: average number of infections that are caused by 1 infected individual
KNOW THAT there is a seasonal variation of R0 and herd immunity for respiratory infections
R0: baseline reproduction rate
average number of subsequent infections caused by one case of infection in a population that is immunologically naive to the pathogen
usually calculated from increase in incidence numbers in the early weeks of a pandemic or epidemic
e.g. Masern R0=12-18, Polio 5-7, SARS/HIV 2-5
What is herd immunity?
VL 2
Herd immunity is reached if a high-enough amount of people in a population is immune so that the virus can no longer spread in the popultion with a positive R
herd immunity is archived when a sufficiently high proportion of the population has become immune to a pathogen through infection or vaccination so that the incidence of the new infections declines
if reached pathogen can no longer spread
but if herd immunity is reached and the pathogen has enough genetic flexibility, immune escape variants wil emerge
Is there a Seasonal varia%tin of R0 and herd immunity for respiratory infections? What effect does this have on herd immunity?
most respiratory viruses have a higher R0 in winter and a lower R0 in summer
therefore also herd immunity oscillates → R0 reduced in summer compard to winter by 40%
What is achieving herd immunity dependent on? ZUSATZ
archievin herd immunity is dependent on:
contagiousness of the pathogen (R0)
duration of immunity
pathogen variability and its ability to generate immune escape muations
What is R0 and herd immunity? How can you calculate herd immunity from R0?
With an R0 of 5, what proportion of the population has to be vaccinated/infected to achieve herd immunity?
R0-1 / R0
0,8 → 80%
What does the SIR-model do (just very briefly what it does, no math)
Why is it oversimplified?
Mathematical model to predocit numbers of infections in a population
S = Numbr of susceptible
I = Number of Infected
R = number of restistent/ immune people
Susceptible, Infected, resistant model
susceptibe nuber decreases, infectios peak and resistant number increases
oversimplistic but useful model forthe first weeks of an endemic
doesnt respect decreasing immunity
doesnt inculde seasonal variation of R0
does not include changes in behavior of population
does not include effects of microenvironments like kindergardens or eldery homes
no long term predictions possible
SEIR model
better mathematical model to predict numbers of infections in a population:
4 key parameters.
S = number of susceptible,
E= exposed but not yet infectious,
I = numbers of infected,
R: numbers of resistant/Immune people
What are Excess deaths and how to calculate excess deaths
more deaths than usually expected
example: (deaths per week of this year)-(average
number of deaths of the same week of the last 4 years)
how many more people died in a certain week of a year compared to the average number in the same week of the last few years
mostly reference period of last 4 years used
calculation: (number of deaths within a week)- average number of deaths in this week of the past 4 years)
What is RRR, ARR, NNT and
calculation of these values from a 4-field analysis
What is
RRR: relative response rate, good parameter for treatment
.ARR: absolute response rate, good parameter for prophylaxis
NNT: number needed to treat in order to prevent 1 disease case
.NNV: number needed to vaccinate in order to prevent 1 infec%on
4-field analysis: control treatment without disease, control treatment with disease,
ac%ve treatment without disease, ac%ve treatment with disease (example 90%, 10%
versus 98% versus 2%)
Calculations from 4-field analysis:
...RRR: (10%-2%)/10% = treatment reduces risk by 80%
...ARR: 10%-2% = treatment reduces risk by 8%-points
...NNT: 1/ARR = 1/0.08 = 12.5
...NNV: 1/ARR = 1/0.08 = 12.5
event = get sick
RRR= relative response rate: good index for effectiveness when you are already infected
RRR= (0.03-0.05)/0.05= -0.4 → treatment reduces the risk by 40%
ARR=absolute response rate: goog for profilaxe → e.g. malarone → chance to get malaria in germany super low in the first place
ARR=(0.03-0.05)= -0.02 treatment reduces the absolute risk by 2% points
NTT= number needed to treat
NTT= 1/ARR= 1/0.02=50 → 1 of 50 patients profits from treatment
Why is R0 often overestimated at the beginning of a pandemic?
Know that there is a Seasonal variation of R0 and herd immunity for respiratory infections
When is RRR relevant when ARR?
RRR is a good parameter for treatment
ARR is a good parameter for prophylaxis
serial interval
describes the average time between the infection of a patient and the transmission to the next patient
What is “flatten the curve”?
Attempt to slow down infection spread in a population e.g. by wearing masks etc
total number of deaths/illness until herd immunity is reached is not changed, but peak numbers are lower
concept to protect hospitals from overcrowding
VL 11 Antiviral Immunity
What is intrinsic, innate and adaptive immunity?
intrinsic immunity: immune response within a single cell e.g. TLR
Innate immunity: complex immune response directed at specific structures, e.g. NK killing of missing self
adaptiv immune response: complex immune response directed at variable structures e.g. T- and B-cell response
How can receptors form intrinsic immunity recognize foreign structures?
unique ligands or unique loci
Know how receptors from intrinsic immunity can recognize foreign structures (unique ligands or unique loci)
inhibition of transcription
inhibition of 5’ end dependent translation
Inhibition of ER-to Golgi traffic
Syncytium formation
Inhibition of transport of host RNA
Depolymerization of the cytoskeleton
Name the 3 TLRs important for antiviral defense and their ligands
TLR3 ds DNA,
TLR7,8: ssRNA
Tlr3. dsRNA
Tlr7/8: ssRNA
Tlr9 CpG DNA, unmethylated CpG oligonucleotides
⇒ recognize only foreign ligands by only recognizing unique loci or being active at unique locations→ main effector response is interferon and cytokine production
What is the ultimate effect of TLR signaling?
Know that TLR-signaling ultimately results in Interferon I production
interferon 1 production
now that Interferon-alpha can trigger an antiviral state
Assign the different immune responses to innate, intrinsic and adaptive
TLRs, interferon, tetherin, apobec3G, epigenetic silencing, induction apoptosis
cellular components (granulocytes, mactrophages, NK cells)
humoral components (complement, interleukins)
B and T cells
Know about MHCI and MHCII and what they do /molecules they interact with / what is their function
MHCI: presents antigens to CD8+ T cells; present on all nucleated cells of the body
MHCII: presents antigens to CD4+ T cells; present only on antigen-presenting cells
Antigen-presenting cells: dendritic cells, macrophages, B cells
expressed on all nucleated cells (all cels except erys)
presents antigens to CD8+ T cells (CTLs)
predominantly loaded with self antigens that have been expressed in the same cell; alternatively MHC1 can also be loaded with self antigens that have been taken up → cross presentation
loading results in priming of naive CD8+ T cells by unifected APCs or killing of infected MHC-i presenting cell
signals the immune cell. kill me
expressed on APCs (DCs, Macrophages, microglia, B cells, T cells and epithelial cells)
presents antigen to CD4+ T cells(helper T cells)
predominantly loaded with self antigens that have been taken up, alternatively MHC1 can also be loaded with endogenous self antigens → signals helpme
NK cells kill other cells that dont express enough MHC1 (missing self)
MHC1 inhibits the NK cell from killing
killing by perforin and granzymes
many viruses cause downregulation of MHC1
Name examples for intrinsic defense mechanisms and explain them
antiviral state shuts down protein synthesis
tetherin attaches enveloped viruses upon exit
APOBEC3G causes G-> A hypermutation
epigenetic silencing shuts down viral gene expression
apoptosis kills infected cells
antiviral state:
triggered by interferon I
increased cellular concentration of dsRNA-activated protein kinase Pkr in uninfected bystander cells
if these cells become infected with dsRNA viruses, Pkr becomes active and shuts down translation by phosphorylating and thus inhibiting eIF2a
interferon induced
inhibits release of enveloped viruses by sticking into the membrane bilayers
counteracted by HIV-1 vpu protein
APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G)
deaminates C to U in ssDNA → this hypermutation introduces multiple stop codons
HIV-1 vif counteracts APOBEC3G by degradation of A3G
epigenetic silencing
silencing of new DNA in the nucleus by methylation of DNA or deacetylation of histones
infection of cells with virus increases apoptosis rate for many viruses
many viruses counteract this by encoding antiapoptotic proteins
cell surface: production of apoptosis inducing cytokines; alteration of membrane integrity
cytoplasm: translation inhibitiors, modification of cytoskeleton, disruption of signal transduction
Nucleus: DNA damage, altered gene expression, diruption of the cell cycle
Know what „antiviral state“ means
IFNa leads to increased cellular concentrations of dsRNA-activated protein kinase Pkr in uninfected bystander cells
if these cells are infected with dsRNA, Pkr becomes active and shuts down translation by phosphorylating eIF2
Which cytokine can trigger an antiviral state?
Know that Interferon I can trigger an antiviral state
interferon I (alpha and beta); no direct antiviral effect but activation of antiviral pathways; cause flu like symptomes
Know what cross-presentation means
MHCI ist normalerweise mit Antigenen aus der Zelle beladen MHC I mit Antigen außerhalbder Zelle
Cross penetration Ist die Fähigkeitvon Dendritischen Zellen DC MHC I Moleküle mit Antikörper zu beladen welche aufgenommen wurde Cexogeneaus antigens
ability of DCs, macrophages and B cells to load MHC1-molecules with antigens that have been taken up; usually MHC1 is only loaded with antigens that have been expressed in the same cell
this is an important mechanism for the activation of naive CTLs to effector CTLs → only a few viruses infect DCs but all have to be recognized by CTLs
How are B cells activated to produce antibodies?
Know how B cells are activated to produce antibodies (Summary B cell immune response)
viral antigen taken up by naive B cell via BCR
B cell migrates to lymph node and presents antigen via MHC2 effector TH cells
Th cell recognizes antigens presented by MHC2 on B cells and releases activating cytokines
B cell develops into long living plasma cell that initially produces IgM and later IgG
some of these activated B cells develop into long lived memory B cells
Upon a secondary contact with the same virus or a booster vaccina%on, these
memory B cells can quickly develop into new plasma cells (no need for an additional
costimulatory signal from T cells) and produce high-affinity IgG.
How are T cells activated?
Know how T cells are activated (Summary T cell immune response)
A viral antigen is taken-up by dendritic cells
The DC presents parts of this antigen on MHCII and (by cross presentation) on MHCI
The DC migrates to the Lymph node (LN) and presents the antigen to naïve T cells
4.a An antigen-specific naïve CD4+ T cell recognizes the an%gen on MHCII and develops into an effector TH cell
4.b An antigen-specific naïve CD8+ T cell recognizes the an%gen on MHCI and develops into an effector CTL cell
The effector TH and CTL leave the LN and migrate to a site of inflamma%on in the body
The CTL recognizes infected target cells by the antigen presented on MHCI and kills the cell
The TH cell recognizes antigens presented by MHCII on antigen-presenting cells in the tissue (e.g. macrophages that have taken up killed infected cells) and releases ac%va%ng cytokines
Most of the effector CTL and TH cells die acer 2-3 days by ac%va%on-induced apoptosis
Some of these cells survive and become long-lived memory T cells.
Upon a secondary contact with the same virus, these memory cells can quickly develop into new effector cells.
Know the simplified course of an immune response
Every body cell has an intrinsic immunity to viruses or bacteria (part of the innate immune defense).
A viral infection is recognized by dendritic cells (DCs) or macrophages via TLRs (Toll- like receptors).
Activation of the TLRs leads to the release of interferon-alpha (IFNa).
IFNa prepares the surrounding cells for a viral infection ("antiviral state"). Among other things, preparations are made to switch off the cell's protein biosynthesis.
As soon as these cells are also infected, they switch off their protein biosynthesis.
This brings viral replication to a standstill.
In addi%on, apoptosis is triggered in the infected cells.
In addition to interferon-alpha, the virus-actiated DCs also release TNF-a and IL-6. These cytokines trigger the produc%on of prostaglandin-2 (PGE-2) in epithelial cells, for example. PGE-2 triggers fever in the hypothalamus.
Usually, a flu-like infection is over acer 2-3 days.
The virus has been eliminated from the body, the release of PGE-2 decreases and we are healthy again.
Although we have now recovered, the immune system s%ll processes the previous infection over the following weeks: adaptive immunity develops...
VL11 Antiviral vaccines
What are the different classes of antibodies?
VL 11
B cell receptor
serologic signal for fresh infection or reactivation
production after first contact, usually disappears again
important for complement activation
monomeric, late production
important for neutralizing in plasma
titer stay up for long time
enters plazenta
production if antigen is in peripheral lymph nodes
Know that IgGs can label virus-infected cells for killing via ADCC, CDC and ADCP
like IgG active in plasma and monomeric
important for neutralization of mucosa
late production when antigen is presented in mucosal lymph nodes (e.g. peyers patches)
Know about the crucial need for mucosal antigen delivery if an sIgA response is wanted
Know about the 3 main principles of vaccines
live: good CTL response, good antibody response, cannot be used in pregnancy, can cause vaccine disease;
antigen: weak CTL response, good antibody response, can be used in pregnancy, cannot cause vaccine disease;
gene-based: good CTL response, good antibody response, can be used in pregnancy, cannot cause vaccine disease
...what an adjuvant is and why it is needed in some vaccines
substance that activates natural immunity/DCs to trigger an immunogenic immune response.
substances added to vaccine to increase the immunogenicity
activation of inflammasome → proinflammatory, acitvation of TLRs
e.g. aluminium hydroide or Aluminium Phosphate
can increase side effects → fever bone pain, pain at injection site etc.
lipid nanao particles, modified RNa from mRNA vaccines and particles of vector vaccines (e.g. adenoviral particles) have a proinflammatory adjuvant effect
Know how mRNA vaccines work:
proinflammatory LNPs activate DCs,
mRNA is taken-up by cells,
cells translate antigen,
antigen is presented on MHCI and MHCII,
stimulation of CD8-T cells and CD4 T cells and antibody response
What is a neutralizing antibody?
can bind to surface of pathogen and prevent receptor-binding
... the different vaccine types (live, vector, mRNA, dead, protein, conjugate, polysaccharide), their components and their basic mechanism
Live vaccines: replication-competent, attenuated virus;
vector vaccines: replication-incompetent, transgene viral vector encoding for antigen;
RNA-vaccines: mRNA encoding for antigen with proinflammatory LNPs
dead vaccine: inactivated whole virus with adjuvants;
proteint vaccines: recombinant antigen with adjuvants
conjugate vaccine: polysaccharide-antigen coupled to protein, adjuvans (Al(OH)3 oder AlPO4)
polysaccharide vaccine: polysaccharide-antigen, adjuvans (Al(OH)3 oder AlPO4)
Know th meaning of IgG4 for ADCC, CDC and ADCP
dominantly blocks these processes, confers immunological tolerance
...know what a prime/boost scheme means in vaccination and what it does
Prime means first vaccination,
activating the adaptive immune response,
relatively low levels of IgG,
formation of memory cells;
Boost means second (ore more) vaccination,
activation of memory cells,
high levels of IgG
Know what active/passive immunization is:
transfer of antibodies
no long- lasting immunity
no T-cell response
delivery of antigen to the body,
activation of adaptive immune response and memory,
How attenuated vaccines can be produced:
serial passaging of wild-type virus on different cell cultures and culture conditons (e.g. temperature).
Evolution of virus variants that are optimally adapted to cell culture.
Selection of strains that have lost abilities to optimally replicate in the human body.
Caution: It is possible that the attenuated vaccine regains pathogenicity in humans (e.g. live polio vaccine).
What is the function of vaccination?
VL 11 Zusatz
create an immunological memory that prevents sympotoms upon the first infection
ss(+) RNA Viruses
Lecture 5
Name examples for (+) RNA viruses and the disease they cause:
SARS-CoV-2: Covid19
Rhinoviruses: common cold
HAV: hepatitis
HCV: hepatitis
Name features that are specific for (+) ssRNA viruses and explain these features:
RNA genome is infectious because it can directly be translated at the ribosome
replication involves dsRNA because +RNA replication requires a -RNA template strand
homologous recombination: template switching after coinfection
Define (+) RNA
can directly be translated at the ribosome into proteins
what differentiates eucaryotic mRNAs from genomic RNA of (+) ssRNA viruses?
mRNA: cap, UTR, ORF, UTR, poly A
viral +ssRNA: often no cap, but: VPg/FAD and IRES, sometimes no poly A
What is the function of VPg or FAD in the life cycle of certain viruses?
exmples for viruses that require VPg or FAD
Substitute for mRNA-cap
examples for viruses that require VPg (picornaviridae, caliciviridae) or FAD (flaviviridae)
viral protein genome-linked (VPg)
What is the function of the furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2?
Cellular furin proteases cleave S2 protein
+ssRNA-viruses need RdRp:
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for replication, but it’s not part of the virion particle (in contrast to -ssRNA viruses) because it can be directly translated from +ssRNA genome
SARS-CoV2 receptor
Childhood diseases
Lecture 9
variants of a virus that are genetically similar; they cluster in a phylogenetic tree
variants of a virus that can be controlled by the same immune response
(scenario lifelong immunity: if there is only 1 serotype, you get the disease only 1x in your life. If there are 2 serotypes, you can get the disease 2x in your life)
...know the ”big 7” viral causes of Childhood Diseases:
mumps (mumps virus)
measles/Masern (measles virus),
rubella/Röteln (rubella virus)
chickenpox/Windpocken (VZV)
Exanthema subitem/Dreitagefieber (HHV6 and HHV7)
erythema infectiosum/Ringelröteln (PB19)
Hand-Foot-Mouth-disease/HandFussMundkrankheit (enterovirus group A)
...know what defines a “childhood disease”:
highly contagious
life-long immunity
...know the dissemination of measles virus in the body:
infection via tonsils and pharyngeal lymph nodes
systemic infection
infection of the lungs
release of virus via aerosols
...childhood diseases during pregnancy or birth:
VZV, PB19, rubella can harm the unborn child
Symptoms of VZV
primary infect causes chickenpox (Windpocken), reactivation causes herpes Zoster(Gürtelrose)
SIR Model
Mathematical model to predict numbers of infections in a populationon:
3 key parameters.
S = number of susceptible ,
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