How can you measure the economic activity and what are the specific key measure for every approach
Product approach:
measures value added by summing up all final goods and services at markt value
key measure: GDP (Gros Domestic Product = BIP)
Income approach:
measures distttribution of factor income to owners of the factors of production
key measure: GNI (Gross National Income = Brutto National Einkommen)
Expenditure approach:
measures final use of goods and services by spending categories
aggregate measure: GNE (goss national Expediture = Bruttonationaleinkaufsvolumen)
How do you calculate GNE
GNE = C + I + G
C: personal consumption
I: private domestic investment
G: government consumption and investment
Name the relation between GNE GDP GNI in
Closed economy
Open economy
Closed economy:
Open economy:
GNE =/= GDP =/= GNI
=> because we must account for cross border flows
Name the different cross border flows In the open economy
How do you calculate the GDP in an open economy and when do you have a trade surplus and when do you have a trade deficit?
How do you calculate the GNI in the open economy
Übersetzung für NFIA > 0: Ein Land verdient mehr, indem es nationale Inputfaktoren im Ausland beschäftigt, als indem es im Inland ausländische Faktoren nutzt und dafür bezahlt
What is the GNDI and how do you calculate it, what is the current account (CA) in this formula?
What does it mean if in the GNDI the CA is > or < 0?
How are the national saving (S) defined?
What is equal to the savings in the closed economy
What’s equal to savings (S) in the open economy?
S = I + CA
Durch umstellen: CA = S - I
How do you calculate the private savings and the government savings
National saving consists of:
Calculate the CA with the private and the government savings, what does it mean if CA < / > 0?
What is the Financial account?
Financial Account (FA): records all cross - border transactions of financial assets (currencies / bank deposits / bonds / loans)
How do you calculate the Financial Account (FA) and what does FA > / < 0 mean?
What does the KA (Capital account) cover?
Covers two remaining areas of asset movement:
Capital transfer (gift of assets): forgiveness of debts
Acquisition and disposal of non financial assets
What is the balance of payments
Balance of payments is record of all cross - border payments in international trade and financial transaction
What does the balance of payments comprise (umfassen)?
it comprises the current account (CA), the financial account (FA) and the capital account (KA)
=> CA + FA + KA = 0
What does it mean if the current account (CA) is positive in the balance of payments?
Dispose = verfügt
What does it mean if the Current account (CA) is negative in the balance of payments?
What is the NIIP (net international investment position)
A country’s wealth (NIIP) is defined as the sum of all foreign assets (A) owned by the home country minus all of the domestic assets owned by foreigners (L (liabilities))
NIIP = ?
NIIP > / < 0?
NIIP = A - L
Explain the correlation between NIIP and the Financial Account
How do you calculate the changes in NIIP
VE = valuation Effects => due to:
Asset price affects
Exchange rate effects
What happens to the NIIP if CA is < / > 0?
Last changed2 years ago