Civilizing hexagon?
Civilizing hexagon
Monopoly of aggression: disarmament of citizens
Culture of conflict: resolving disagreements in a constructive way, tolerating multicultural society
Constitutional state system: needed to mske sure monopoly of aggression is not abused in a despotic way
Democratic participation
Control of emotions
Social justice
Types of violence and peace
Personal violence: direct violence, visible as behaviour
Structual violence: result of social structures that prevent people from meeting their basic needs (hunger)
Negative peace: absence of direct violence
Positive peace: presence of social justice, absence of direct violence, absence of structual violence
Causes of inequalities
Natural: lack of ressources, geographical position, natural catastrophes
Exogenous: colonialism, pol. instability, dictatorships, exploitation by former colonial powers
Endogenous: high population growth (limited ressources), lack of investments, poor infrastructure, corruption, bad hygiene, low life expectancy
Gdp-gross domestic product: market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time
Hdi -human development index
More international engagement?
Con: dangerous, expensive, bad equipment, pacifistic view
Pro: germany leading role in nato,eu -> bad spot, permanent member of un security council, can save lifes/help to get a better pol. structure, signed principles ->duty
Monetarism: focus on money supply/control how much money is in circulation
Keynesianism: focus on government spending artificial demand, increase when weak economic situation
Econ: creation of European Econ. Community, ensuring econ. progress
Social: liberty of economies, harmonious development
security": strengthem the safeguards of peace, justice, liberty; maintain/build peace among members
cultural/histor: preserve european identity/diversity, promulgate the values
Foreign policy: reestablish europe ad force relying on common policy in crises, overcome ww2/regain intern. power
Democracy deficit:
Failed to bring voters closer to european project
major decisions made by European council (consisting of national leaders)
Too many presidents which makes it difficult for the people to comprehend the system
Not the eu institutions do most of the bargaining for difficult decisions but the national governments (some countries too powerful: germany)
-> transfer more power to parliament
-> directives should only be tested by national parliament (are costs higher than benefits?)
Last changed2 years ago