What are the assumptions and problems of the agency relationship?
Information asymmetry -> Goals conflict and Principal cannot verify the work of the agent
Risk sharing -> Principal and agent have different attitudes towards risk
Explain Moral Hazard as one type of agency problem with respect to assumptions, time of occurence, problem domain and contracting problem
Explain Adverse Selection as one type of agency problem with respect to assumptions, time of occurence, problem domain and contracting problem
Describe the “Adverse Selection” with the credit market as an example
Banks cannot know if the firm, who is asking for a loan, is a good or bad firm (Pooled Market). If loans are to expensive, good firms will leave the market. The fraction of bad firms in the credit markt increases and with them the interest rate. Even more good firms will leave the market due to the rise of interest rate. In the end only bad firms remain in the credit market.
Describe the “Adverse Selection” with the equity market as an example
Shareholder cannot differ between good and bad shares (Pooled Market). Therefore shares of good firms are undervalued and the manager wont issue new equity to the market, because this implies to transfer the wealth of old shareholders to new shareholders.
Shares of bad firms are overvalued and the manager uses the capital market for his own good and will issue even more new equity. As a result, the market can collapse becues only overvalued stocks are offered
What are the solutions for the adverse selection problem?
Self selection
What is the Moral Hazard between Manager and Shareholder
Managers are not 100% owner of the firm. Therefore they deviate from the Shareholder value principal and Managers pursuit their own interset, but does not bear the full costs of their behavior. (Financial and non financial benefits)
What is the Moral Hazard betwen Shareholder and Bondholder.
Shareholder -> maximize shareholder value
Bondholder -> invest in safe project
After the debt has been granted, the shareholder wants to invest in riskier projects. Downside risk is borne by Bondholder. Upside potential is only a benefit for the shareholder.
-> Risk shifting/Asset substition
What are the Solutions for the moral hazard problem? State examples and theier problems
Principals controls the agent
Example: Use Bank loans instead of Bonds, financial analysts
But: Produce monitoring Costs
Contractual clauses
Example: Use of secured debt, bond covenants
But: Produces bonding costs
clauses to align the interes of principal and agent for example with stock options
What are market solutions for the adverse selection problem and please explain them?
Financial intermediaries
Banks reduce information asymmetries
Banks produces information
Banks monitors and control the borrowers
Indirect financing is more important than direct financing. Only large established firms have access to capital markets
Collateral and equity
Reduce the risk for lenders
Reduce the incentives for borrowers to take large risks
Collateral is included in standrad loan
Please describe the “rational apathy” and why does it happen?
Managers have more information than investor
Its not possible to make complete contracts where all rules of the game are determined, therefore shareholder have to gather information and control the manager.
With diversified shareholder, a free rider problems accour the incentives to monitor the manager are low because the costs are not justifying their own benefit.
What is the Narrower definition of corporate governance (Shleifer and Vishny, 1997)
It is a set of Method to ensure that investors get a return of their money. It is a straighfoward agency perspective that is referred to as separation of ownership and Conrtol
What are the Broader definition of corporate governance?
Tirole, 2001
Design institutions to make mangers internalize the welfare of stakeholders
Schmalenbach, 1925
Not focusin on the interests of the provider of capital, but rather on how firms establish their social productivity
How can we asses the goals of the stakeholder and shareholder to maximize the firml value
Jensens (2001) proposes an elightened stakeholder approach
Maximization of shareholder Value = Maximazation of overall welfare. But Stakeholders interests are inclueded through binding covenants
Name some of the Corporate governance mechanism
Board of directors
Monetary incetives
Financial leverage
Accounting standards and auditing
Employee representation on the board
What are the differences between Marked-Based System and Bank-Based System for the corporate governance mechanism with respect of
Decision and Control Board
Ownership Structure
Capital Market
Market for corporate control
Remuneration system
Product market
How is the Ownership Structure in Market-Based Countries and in Bank-Based Europe?
Bank-Based Europe
Ownership is concentrated -> large Shareholders and cannot easily sell
Market-Based Countires
Firm is widely dispersed or in hand of financial intermediareis
What is the difference in concentrated und dispeard capital in terms of debt financing?
State the differnece between the Germany and US Banks
In concentrated markets, firms prefer bank loans instead of bonds
German Bank
House Banks or relationship banking
US Bank
Transaction based bank, each loan is a single deal (Portfolio oriented)
What is the problem of majority shareloder (La Porta et al. 1999)
The problem is not the separation of control and ownership, but the expropriation of minority interest by large shareholders.
Which influnce do investment companies have on the corporate governance of a firm and what is the reason?
Investment companies are often holding a large stake of the firm. Large stakes are difficult to sale on the market, therefore the goal of the stake is a high peformance of the firm. To Monitor the firm peformance, a large stake is needed.
Describe the Board Structure in Germany
The supervisory board is divided by inside vs outside. There is a formal separation of responsibilites. But often the separation is bypassed
What are the Determinants of Board Structure
Board Size
Independence of Board
Director experience
What is the assumption for management incentives?
The Stock Price reflects his efforts
What are the problems of the stock option incentive and what are the solutions?
External Crashes
Windfall profits
Over compensation
Share repruchase
possibile price manipulations
Possible Solutions
Measure the peformance relative ot a benchmark
Construct long-term options
Describe Self selection as a solution for adverse selction and name an example
Principle confronts the Agent with a decision and he can infer the qualities from his choice.
Secured Loans for example
Describe Signaling as a solution for adverse selction. What is the role of financing in signaling? Please also name an example
Agent reveals his qualites by sending a signal. But that singal is only trustworthy if its costly.
Exapmle: Funds from VC
Indirect financing is important because only large and established firms have access to capital markets
Describe Screening as a solution for adverse selction
Principal is aquiering information from the agent. For example through rating agencies oder analysts.
What is the underinvestment problem by Myers (1984)?
Managers with high leveraged firms tend to not invest in profitable projects beacause most of the cash would flow to the debtholder.
What are the Market Solution for the Moral Hazard Problem?
What are the results?
Borrowers tend to take to too high risks
Monitoring or restrictive covenants
Financial Intermediares have advantages in monitoring
Stocks are not most import source to finance a company
Bonds are not most import to source debt
Indirect finance is more important thand direct finance
Banks are the best external source of financing
Describe the relationship of fringe benefits and firm value in the model of Jensen and Meckling (1976)
100% Owner Manager will make decision to maximize his utlity. His utilty is not only financial driven but also non financial.
He also bears all the costs of Consumption from non financial benefits, which will decrease the Values Firm.
It is Possible, that the Benefits from Consumption exceed the loss of Valuation
Explain the Ageny Problem from the Jensen and Meckling (1976)
The 100% Manager-Owner wants to sell a percentge of his share, without voting rights. He now only bears the const of consumption (1-a). Due to the Reason he can get benefits for teh price of 1-a instead of 1, he will consume more. As a result the Firm Value will decrease and the Naiive Investore paid a higher price.
A Rational investor is anticipating such a behaivior and is decreasing the price to purchase a % percantage of the share.
What are the Agency Costs in the Model of Jensen and Mecking (1976)
Agency Costs are the loss of Utility for the Manager Owner. They are caused by the seperation of ownership and control of the firm.
What should an investor with control rights do in the Jensen-Meckling Problem
Constrains, so the manager owner is limited in consumpiton
Monitoring Costs, because both of them have to bear them.
Which Problem do arise due to the separation of ownerhsip and control
Agency Costs because if the owner sells a portion of his ownership, he is not fully bearing the costs for his action.
Manager do benefit also with non financial benefits, if they pursuit their own interest. A conflict of interst could arise
What are the major agency problems?
Decreasing Mangerial Ownership (Jensen and Meckling, 1967)
Decreasing Ownership Concentration (Stiglitz, 1985)
How is the Board Structure in the US and UK?
State pro and cons for this board structure.
Shareholder elect directors and have to tely on them. It is a one-tier board structure with managing and non managing directors.
Flow of Information is decision is faster and more efficient.
Mgmt. determines who becomes nominated for the board, therefore it is doubtful that the board is independent
What is the entrenchment hypothesis from Stulz (1988). How does it apply to moral hazard
A Purchase of shares by the management through leverage, could lead to direct the efforts fo the firms performance. Manager would have the same interest as shareholder
If the purchase of Shares is leverage financed, Management would become Risk Avers.
What explains the increased salary of the manager?
How is the growth in salary perceived?
Stock Option and the massive shift to variable remuneration
Salary with stock options bears more risk for the manager than a fixed salary, therfore some argue their salary is overestimated
Which Problem can come up with the Valuation of Stock Optiom of Manager?
Also explain the meaning of Value-Cost-Wedge
The Valuation of stock options are calculated with the Black-Scholes Formula. This assumes a diversified Portfolio, but a Manger do often not diversify well.
Stock Options mostly have a lock-up period, therefore manager will value the options subjectviely (Value-Cost-Wedge)
How is the relationship between increase of stock option as an incentive and shareholder concentration?
Value of granted Stock-Options increases while shareholder concentration decreases
What is the Market for Corporate Control?
What is the evidence of Manne (1965)
It is an imaginary market for Share of Control firms, in which the manager is not following the market value oriented corporate policy. It is a mechanisim for discipline
Manne (1965)
The lower the stock price, compares to what an efficient manager could realize, the more attractive is a takeover
How could be a low takeover frequency in the market for corporate control interpreted?
It does not have to mean a shortcoming in transactions activities
German market is not common for example, because of the ownership strucutre (concentrated)
However, many control transactions can ve observed
Positive effect on firm performance is not observed
What is the toehold and what is the relationship between a toehold and a Raider
A toehold is a small but significant position. It does not exceed 5% of the outstanding shares. But for this % it is not necessary for the buyer to report such a purchase.
It is the only (small) profit that remains to the raider.
Describe the degree of seperation for the arms-lenghts system?
State the Goal.
Investor do not interfere, if there are no major governance deficits
Intervention mostly happens when the manager deviates form the shareholder maximation policies
Maximum gain of everey transaction
Describe the degree of seperation for the control-oriented system
Managerial discretion and wealth transfer at the expenses of Shareholder arelimited
But conflict between major and minoritiy owner (private benefits of control)
Control and Influence, Maximum gain for the lung run
Describe Moral Hazard on general. Please also explain hidden actions
Principal is unable to observe and verify the behavior of the agent. The output is correlated with the activites from the agent but there are also external factors so its difficult to seperate them from the output.
The agent also pursue his own interest, therfore it would be not optimal to stick on the agreement with the principal so he will deviate his behavior (hidden action)
How can an investor limit the non financial benefits from the manager? (Jensen, Meckling)
Monitoring -> costs of monitoring are also paid by the manager-owner
Bonding -> constrain the non financial consumptions
What different kind of strategies could be followed in a market-based ownership?
Exit if they are unsatisfied
Monitor and actively intervene with managers
behave passive without interest in exerting control (Portfolio Approach)
What is the problem by the corporate governance by investment companies?
Investment companies like pension funds and hedge funds are the one, who often hold a large stake of a firm. They are mostly responisble for the corporate governance.
But those investment companies are mostly vehicles with highly dispered ownership, so who monitors the monitor?
Explain the role of bank representative
Banks often hold a large stake of other companies
They can use the voting rights of their investment management companies
They often use their account voting right
What is the empirical evidence for the explanation of increased salaries
There is no correlation between stock option allotmend and firm performance.
Explain the compesation according to a reference group and what could result from that?
Companies will pay the managers at or above the median salary from a reference group
If all companies behave like that it would push the salaries further up (Ratchet effect). Managers also want to manipulate the reference group
Explain the weak control system. What are possible factors?
Difference in the quality of corporate governance also explains the the difference in salaries
Shareholder Structure
Structure of supervisory board
Competitive position on the market
What are major differences between arms-lenght and control oriented fincancial system?
What problem does arise for the market of corporate control and please describe it
The problem is the free rider problem.
Takeover wants to buy a major share and pay the exisiting shareholder a takeover premium. Shareholder decides whether they sell or not. The are behaving automastic and can influence the takeover success.
Raider has to make an offer what is below the value he can achieve, so he still remain a gain
On the other hand existing shareholder do not realize their effect and want to capture the highest possible value
The only profit that remain for the raider is the toehold
What could be solution for the free rider problem and how are their perceived?
Raider pays a high salary to himself
Sell assets to firm under his contorl
They are often perceived as bad but the can be good for existing shareholder because they break the free rder problem
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