Define neonatal ARDS.
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is caused by impaired synthesis and secretion of surfactant
List risk factors.
Premature birth
Maternal diabetes mellitus: leads to ↑ fetal insulin, which inhibits surfactant synthesis
Cesarean delivery: results in lower levels of fetal glucocorticoids than vaginal delivery, in which higher levels are released as a response to stress from uterine contractions
Hydrops fetalis
Multifetal pregnancies
Male sex
Describe the incidence.
1% of all newborns
10% of all preterm babies
How big is the risk?
The risk of developing NRDS depends on gestational age.
< 28 weeks of gestation: > 50%
> 37 weeks of gestation: < 5%
Last changed2 years ago