What is K0?
The solubility of CO2 in seawater (dependent on temperature and salinity)
When temperature/salinity go up K0 goes down -> solubility decreases
What is the percentage of the different carbon species in seawater?
HCO3-: 88.6%
CO32-: 10.9%
CO2 (aq): 0.5%
Explain the Bjerrum plot below:
Shows the concentration of the different carbon species in seawater relative to pH at equilibrium.
pK1*: [CO2*] = [HCO3-]
pK2*: [HCO3-] = [CO32-]
pKa = -log(Ka)
What is the difference between K and K*?
K = thermodynamic equilibrium constant = f (T,p) -> freshwater
K* = stoichiometric equilibrium constant = f (T, S, p) -> seawater
K* reflects non-ideal behavior of ions in seawater by making the activity constants yi part of the equilibrium constant
(activity) = y x [concentration]
What is ionic strength?
A function of concentration (ci) and charge (zi) of all dissolved species
what are the four measureable parameters of the marine CO2 system?
pCO2 = [CO2*]/K0 <-Henry’s Law (governs air-sea equilibrium and exchange
DIC = {CO2*] + [HCO3-] + [CO32-] (carbon book-keeping)
TA = [HCO3-] + [CO32-] + [B(OH)4-] -> acid binding capacity…let’s leave it at that for now
pH = -log(H+) (acidity of seawater)
How is practical alkalinity (PA) composed?
(T=20°C, S=35, DIC=2000µmol/kg, TA=2300 µmol/kg)
Dominated by carbonate alkalinity (=2205.2 µmol/kg) <- HCO3- and CO32-
phosphate contributes to 100% to alaklinity and silicate to 5%
Why do differentw ater types have different CO2 uptakes?
pure water
river water
It is determined by alkalinity or rather the CO32- concentration as CO2 + CO32- + H2O —> 2HCO3-
How does CO2 buffering work in seawater?
CO32- drives the buffer capacity
for given pCO2 change in the atmosphere DIC change in tropical water is twice as high as in polar waters
counterintuitive: solubility for CO2 increases with decreasing temperature
explanation: [CO32-] is higher at high temperatures because of temp.-dependence of K2
Explain the Revelle factor
relates the fractional change in pCO2 to the fractional change of DIC (at constant TA)
range is is about 8-15 for the modern surface ocean and inversely proportional to temperature
for R = 10, at a 10% increase in pCO2 is associated to a 1% increase in DIC
high R stands for a low CO2 buffering capacity
Why are we talking about Carbon PUMPS?
DIC and TA increase with depth. The physical and the biological and the carbonate counter pump transport DIC as well as TA to depth, pumping against the gradient.
What corepgraphs the “dance of the phytoplankton”?
-> light and nutrients
-> usually PP growth is max. where light and nutrient availability are balanced (co-limitation)
-> grazing by zooplankton
Why is P concentration in surface ocean low in tropics but high in temperate zones?
High surface temperature in tropics and subtropics -> strong thermocline -> low exchange with deep water -> low nutrient supply to surface layer
What are Zooplankton size classes?
Pico: 0.2-2µm
Nano: 2-20µm
Micro: 20-200µm
How do grazing rates change with changing primary production throughout the year in different size classes? Where do we find the most dominant scenarios?
Pico-/nanophytoplankton -> grazing increases with primary production
Microphytoplankton -> grazing can’t keep up with primary production
1 is found in oligotrophic systems e.g. North Atlantic gyre whilst 2 is found in nutrient rich regions e.g. upwelling zones/temperate climates
What is the transfer efficiency between trophic levels?
10% -> 1t of phytoplankton results in 10g of biomass after 6 trophic levels
What determines the number of trophic levels?
Size of the primary producers because of transfer efficiency
what effect does the amount of nutrient supply have on the export of a system?
low nutrient supply -> pico-/nanophytoplankton -> unicellualar microzooplankton -> low export
high nutrient supply -> microphytoplankton -> large multicellular zooplankton -> efficient export
How will the biological carbon pumps change in the future?
Tropics: reduced vertical mixing -> reduced nutrient supply -> reduced productivity
High latitides: reduced mixing depth -> increased light intensity -> higher productivity
Ocean warming:
-> higher metabolic rates
-> increased remineralization
->reduced export
What are new and regenerated production?
New production: supported by external nutrient input; N in form of NO3
Regenerated production: recycling ofnutrients in the euphotic zone; N in the form of NH4
What is the f-ratio? What are typical values for different systems?
f-ratio = new production / total primary production
0 < f-ratio <1
oligotrophic areas = 0.01 - 0.3
eutrophic areas = 0.4 - 0.8
in a steady state ocean: new production = export production
How is the euphotic zone defined?
depth where there is at least 1% of light (upper 30-120m)
How is light absorbed in the ocean?
shorter wavelengths penetrate deeper than longer wavelengths
80% is absorbed in the upper 10m
What is phytoplankton stoichiometry?
The ratio of C, N and P in phytoplankton tissue (typically C124N16P1)
Where are major differences in the phytoplankton stoichiometry found?
in the two major superfamilies of eukaryotic phytoplankton (red and green)
red: Dino, Prymn, Diatoms
green: Prasino, Chloro
growth strategy (Bloomer/Survivalist)
Bloomer: growth machinery with low N:P ratio (<10), adapted for exponential growth, high proportion of growth machinery (nucleic acids: C10H12O7N4P)
Survivalist: Resource acquisition machinery with high N:P ratio (>30). Sustains growth under low nutrients. Lots of pigmentsand proteins (proteins: C4H6ON -> NO P)
Is N:P constant/uniform?
What are sources and sinks for Nitrogen?
Denitrification (sink)
Nitrogen fixation (source)
PO4 (DIP) availability limits N2 fixation -> N cycle is controlled by P cycle
What is N*/P*?
nitrate deficiency -> NO3 - 16PO4 + 2.9mmol/m3
phosphate deficiency -> 16PO4 - NO3
The common ratio of N:P is 16:1 which also resembles the phytoplankton stoichiometry
If the concentrations in a certain region differ from this ratio there is either a P or N deficit (P*/N*)
depending on the different concentartions N* and P* can be calculated using the equation
the 2.9mmol/m3 are the global offset that needs to be corrected in order to have a balanced equation
What are OMZs?
Oxygen Minimum Zones are regions in the oceans that are O2 deprived. This happens due to high productivity in the surface layer resulting in high export rates and subsequently in low oxygen concnetration due to take up by respiration
What does N levels look like in OMZs?
-> OMZs show an N deficit
-> denitrification and anammox result in N deficiency (used as oxidizers as O2 levels are low)
-> anoxic sediments release P and Fe
-> N loss and P release cause low N:P
-> yields negative N* values (N deficit)
What does the global distribution of nitrogen fixation look like and why?
-> High N-fixation rates by aolian Fe input e.g. dust from the Sahara
How are N-fixation, iron supply and phosphate depletion interconnected?
N2 fixation biochemistry requires circa 10.100 times more Fe per cell than algae growing on NO3 or NH3
high Fe supply from Sahara dustt input permitts high N2 fixtion by Trichodesmium
this rapidly depletes the available supply of phosphate
-> leads to N:P anomaly in the Atlantic
How does the carbonate cycle work on geologicl time scales?
Metamorphism and volcanism release CO2
CaCO3 +SiO2 -> CaSiO3 + CO2
Weathering consumes CO2
CaSiO3 + 2CO2 + H2O -> Ca2+ +2HCO3- + SiO2
—> Weathering feedback stabilizes atmospheric pCO2 at timescales of >1.000.000 years
How does the short term carbonate cycle work?
Calcification releases CO2
Ca2+ + 2HCO3- -> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
CaCO3 dissolution consumes CO2
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -> Ca2+ + 2HCO3-
What is the rain ratio?
Ratio of CaCO3 to organic carbon in the flux of particulate matter to depth
Determines the biogenic CO2 sink/source term between ocean and atmosphere
How do neritic and oceanic carbonate budgets differ from each other?
Neritic environments:
benthic production predominates
mainly aragonite and high-magnesium calcite
production rates 40-4000g/m2/yr
Oceanic environments
pelagic production predominates
mainly calcite
production several orders of magnitude lower than neritic production (compensated by larger area)
Who are the main pelagic calcifying groups in the ocean?
mineral form
generation time
What are the most important characteristics of coccolithophores?
caclcifying phytoplankton
evolved 225 M years ago
about 250 extant species
haplo-diplontic life cycle (diploid phase is the most common one, phases differ in tterms of their coccoliths)
how long did it take to form the white cliffs of Dover?
10M years as 500m were deposited and then compacted to 100m of chalk (all coccos btw)
Wha is the role of coccolithophores?
Contribute about half to total calcite in holocene sediments
Contribute to both organic carbon pump and carbonate counter pump
Why do coccolithophores calcify?
Accelerated photosyntthesis (CO2 transfer from Coccolith vesicle)
Photodamage protection (PAR and UV sunshade and energy dissipation)
Armor protection against infection, selective grazing and non selective grazing
Give the chemical reactions of calcification and carbonate dissolution
Which one is more soluble, calcite or aragonite?
Aragonite is aboutt 40% more soluble than calcite
What is Ω ? What has the biggest effect on Ω ?
Ω is the saturation state of CaCO3. When Ω > 1 CaCO3 is stable and when Ω is < 1 CaCO3 tends to dissolve.
-> Ω is mostly controlled by [CO32-]
How does Ω chnge with depth?
[CO32-] decreases with depth, therefore the solubility of calcite and aragonite increase witth depth
The saturation horizon is the depth where Ω = 1
the saturation horizon in the North Pacific is shallower than in the North Atlantic
What is the carbonate compensation depth (CCD)?
depth below ehich sediments are carbonate free
What is the lysocline?
Horizon seperatting well preserved from poorly preserved assemblages (is between saturation horizon and CCD)
How does the saturation depth change in the global ocean?
More CO2 -> shallower satuarion depth
The older the deep water masses in the amoc the more CO2 due to respiration -> the shallower the saturation horizon
How do the equilibration kinetics differ between seawater and freshwater?
The different buffering capacities of seawater and freshwater lead to vastly different equilibration timescales:
freshwater: 1 month
seawater: 1 year
How much anthropogenic CO2 is already in the air? How much can we still add before things get out of control? And how much do we emitt every year? How long can we continue doing that?
3000 Gt CO2 is the 2°C limit
we already added ~ 2200 Gt CO2 ~ 75%
800 Gt CO2 are left
We add 36 Gt CO2 every year
Therfore we have another 20 years if we keep going like this
What are the different climate intervention technologies?
Stratospheric aerosols
Increased cloud albedo
Increased surface albedo
Air capture
Nutrient addition
Enhanced Upwelling
Enhanced Downwelling
Carbonate addition
What are the different ocean based NETs?
TErrestrial biomass dumping
Marine biomass farming (Sargassum)
Artificial Upwelling
CO2 removal from SW using CCS
Bioenergy with CCS
What are the possible side effects of ocean fertilization?
Changes in community compositioin
Possible shift in food web structure
Risk of harmful algal blooms
Enhances deep water acidification and deoxygenation
Risk of higher production of climate relevant gases (e.g. N2O)
Downstream effects on nutrient availability
-> reduced nutrients in equatorial and upwelling areas
What are the pros for artificial upwelling?
fertilize algae (capture CO2)
pump down CO2
produce dimethyl sulphide, the precurser of nuclei that form sunlight reflecting clouds
What is the difference between OAE and EW?
OAE is in the ocean and EW is on land
Why can’t you just dump CaCO3 into the ocean to do OAE?
Omega is well above one in the open surface ocean, thus CaCO3 wouldnt dissolve and just sink out
What does the London Convention from 1972 say?
All dumping into the ocean is prohibited
What does the Paris agreement from 2020 say?
Keep warming below 2°C -> 1.5°C
Rich countries must provide 100 billion dollars from 2020 as a floor
Developed countries have to take the lead
Aim for greehouse gases to peak as soon as possible
Review of progress every four years
What is the role of phytoplankton in determining ocean N:P?
N:P of 16:1 is an average over all phytoplankton taxa
bacterial processes cause a continuous loss of N
Diazotrophic cyanobacteria fill up the N deficit
Last changed2 years ago