What are the Assumptions of M&M Proposition 1?
Capital Markets are frictionlesse
Borrow and lend money at risk free rate
There are not taxes
Firms are in the same risk class
Firms only issue risk free debt or risky equity
What is the main M&M Proposition 2?
How does leverage affect the firms and shareholders wealth?
Cost of Equity is a positive linear function of leverage
Leverage, or Debt, does not affect the firms and shareholders wealth
What is the conclusion of the “Pie Theory of Capital Structure”?
It does not matter how you slice up the pie.
How is the value of a firm determined by the Pie Theory?
Value is determined on the left hand site of a balance sheet
We need a bigger pie if a firm should be more valuable
Shareholder has to invest in positive NPV to generate Vaule
Is there a difference in M&M, if a project is debt or equity financed?
No, the shareholder are indifferent
Are M&M results realistic?
No these are just benchmarks, but not results under realistic assumptions.
Which agency costs do arise between Bondholder and Shareholder?
Bondholder Wealth Expropriation
Risk Shifting / Asset Substitution
Underinvestment Problem
Which agency costs do arise between Shareholder and Manger?
Free Cash Flow theory
Describe the Bondholder Wealth expropriation
Shareholders issue new debt to finance their own purchases of equity. Current Bondholders are in a risky position -> loss of wealth because there is only a partial claim to the asset of teh firm. The Bondholder are in a risky position because they are unable to charge more.
The Wealth shifted from the Bondholder to the Shareholder.
Is it possible, that the wealth from the Shareholder could be swapped to the bondholder? How could it be interpreted?
If the management dont add convenants and does not issue new debt. Bondholder fear if the management is issuing new debt, but if the dont issue new debt, bondholder would pay a price below the true value.
In this case, the firm would have to much debt
How does the variance distribution affect the shareholders behavior? How does it also effect the relationship between equity-holder und bondholder?
Higher Variance has a higher probability to leave equity holdes “in the money”. They tend to deviate from the NPV-Rule to pursuit higher varaince projects.
If bonds are issuer before the risky investment, equity-holder can exploit bondholder. They use the debt to finance theier risky projects. Bondholders want to prtoect themself and demand higher interest rate or covenants
How should Bondholder protect themself, to restrict the shareholder ability to dispose assets
Firm is restricted to rearrange assets. Bondholdes will price protect
But: It is costly, because rearange assets could be beneficial. It could be useful to issue Callable Bonds
Convertible Bonds
What problem could arise for a firm with too much debt?
The Uniderinvestment Problem could arise. If a Firm has to much debt, it could lead to a debt overhang problem. This could discourage the management to invest in good projects because most of the benefits would go to the creditors.
It would be not enough if the Investment Project has a NPV>0. Rather the Value of the Invesment has to be positive after the Invesment Costs + Debt Costs
What is the FCF-Problem? (Jensen 1968)
What does a Low FCF implies and what is the relationship between the FCF and Dividends?
The FCF helps to finance expenditures that lead to agency costs outside of equity.
A low FCF implies more control of the capital market -> Firms are forced to issue debt or equity to growth
Managers could announce permanent dividends increase, but this is not really credible because the are in charge of all FCF
What could be a Solution to the FCF Problem? (Jensen 1968)
A Solution could be to issue more debt.
Debt forces Managers to increase the FCF to match up with the interest payments
Can add Value to Cash-Cow firm whom overinvest money. -> Reduces investment in bad projects.
What is Ross (1977) assumption about active signaling?
In asymmetric information, changes in capital structure can change the expectation from the market for the return stream of a firm.
Risky capital structure could be a sing for an confident management.
Is it possible for an unsuccuessful Firm to signal, that they could be more Debt than what an unsuccessful firm could?
If he would Singal confidenc (D>D*) the firm would go bankrupt
Which credible signs about the firm quality can a firm send on general?
What is Leland and Pyle (1977) statement about leverage?
Financial Variables like
dividen policy
Leland and Pyle (1977) state that increase of leverage could be a sign of confidence
When should a unsuccesful manager signal that the firm is unsuccessful?
If the payoff of telling the truth is greater. than lying.
The Marginal gain from a false signal weighted by the Management Share < Bankruptcy Costs
What is the Main intuition of the Myers-Mailuf analysis?
Do not give away information when its most valuable to you
If there is no new project and the market knew it, issuing equity was a signal that the market can use the inside information
Postive NPV (good news) through issuing equity (bad news) financing is a mixed signal. Market cannot separate information and weather the firm is over or undervalued
Is there an optimal debt-equity mix in the pecking order theory?
No, because:
Equity is on top and at the bottom of the pecking order
Leverage. changes when there is an imbalance between internal financing and new investment opportunities
Financial flexibility is valuable but also too dangerous for missmanagment
State the approaches to empirical test capital structure models
Cross sectional regressions involving accounting data
Time series regresions involving the flow deficit
Survey Evidence
Explain the influence of Personal and Corporate Tax for bond and shareholder.
How does corporate tax influence the capital structure?
If the Coporate Tax is higher than the Personal tax, it would be better to go debt (Increase of the debt-equity ratio). If Personal Tax is higher it would be better to hold Shares of the firm (Decrease of debt-equitsy ratio)
It influence teh debt to quity ratio, but not the firm value
What can Bondholder ex-ante do, to protect themself from Bondholder wealth expropriation
Charge a Rate of Return to compesate theier risk ex ante
Restrict the actions of the shareholder
Is the Bondholder wealth exporpriation problem (shifing values from bondholders to shareholder) always possible?
No, if the default probabilty is zero.
Describe the Decision rule of the Myers-Majluf analysis
In a fair market, securites can always be sold at a fair price
Regardless which finance tool is being used, accept every NPV > 0
How will Managers with inside information behave in the The Myers-Majluf analysis?
If Manager have inside information and behaves in the interst of old shareholder, he will not issue more shares even if its a good investment
In a good state, cost to old shareholder for issuing shares will outweight the NPV
Decision to not issue new shares is a positive signal (Firm is undervalued), while issuing new shares would signal the firm is overvalued
How should the follwing table be interpreted for abnormal returns?
Abnormal Returns for Equity are negative, but common stocks are absoulte large than preffered stocks or debt
Converitable are absolut larger thant straight bonds
Describe the Pecking order theory
Information asymmetry leads to mispricing (adverse selection)
Stock decreases prices after announcing an equity issue
There is a pecking order of corporate finance
there is no optimal debt equity mix
How is the pecking order of coporate financing (Myers, 1984)?
Firms prefer internal financing
Issue cheapest security, then hybrid securities
Issueing Equity is the last resort
If we violate from the M&M assumptions, how can corporate financing affect the firm value?
if the affect corporate and personal tax obligations
they affect the probability and the associated costs of financial distress
affect management incentive to follow the value-maximizing rule
What covenants should bondholder define to restrict the issueing of new debt?
Subordinbated debt so bonds with a longer run-time are not less important than shorter ones. Therefore the issue of shorter bonds should be restricted
Bonds puttable, or Increasing the cash-flows if the rating of the Bond is downgraded-
What is the optimal capital structure in Myers (1977)?
low debt level, becasue shareholders investment decision is not affected by the underinvestment problem
As the FV of debt rises, the loss of firm values becomes significant (Debt Overhang Problem)
Describe the agency costs and optimal capital stucture from the prospective shareholders and debtholders perspective.
Explain the phrase “choice of debt becomes a singal"?
If D* is the maximum amount of debt an unsuccesful firm can carry without going bankcrupt, D > D* the market will say the firm is peforming well
Which type of debt can a firm issue and what are the consequences?
Risk free debt -> it is like cash and therfore no underinvestment problem
Risky debt -> underinvestment problem
Describe the costs of adverse selection in the pecking order theory
Firms avoid capital market discipline -> issuing equity as a last resort
Firms wants to finance in reverse order of adverse selection, this means they want to finance themself with at least risk as possible
Inverse relationshipf of leverage and profitability
What are the factors which are correlated with leverage in the cross sectional regression
Describe tangabilty as factor which correlates with leverage in the cross sectional regression
Higher recovery rate in case of bankruptcy, because their are collateral
Describe size as factor which correlates with leverage in the cross sectional regression
Large frim are better diversified
Direct cost of issuing equity is lower for large firms
Size is an indicator for asymmetric information
Describe growth as factor which correlates with leverage in the cross sectional regression
Growth frims face higher probability of bankruptcy
Grwoth companies suffer imbalance between internal financing and investment opportunities, but issuing equity is avoided because pecking order theory
Describe profitablity as factor which correlates with leverage in the cross sectional regression
Prefers internal funds rather than debt
Debt Obliagates Manager to return free cash flow to its investors
Low costs of financial distress and use tax shields
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