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Why were there tensions and conflicts between European countries?
Because of the colonization of Africa (economical advantage)
Resulted in Arms race between the powers
Which two powers started the arms race?
Britain and Germany started the Naval arms race, which led to other colonial powers joining
Conflict extended
What was the trigger for the Kruger Telegram and the dailey telegraph affair?
A lack of diplomatic skills by William II (emperor of Germany) —> worsened the tension
What was the Kruger Telegram?
(1896): A Telegram from William II to an african leader to congrat him about fighting british forces (Provocation from German Empire)
What were the two blocks of power, who faced each other?
Triple Entente: Great Britain, France and Russia
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
What were the impacts of the tensions in Balkans?
Bosnian crisis:
Anexxation of Bosnia by Austia-Hungary in 1908
Balkan Wars:
Two military conflicts that deprived the Ottoman Empire of almost all its remaining territory in Europe (1912-13)
What was Germany’s situation like, directly before the first World War?
German Situation: Isolated and threatened by encirclement of hostile nations ; Austria-Hungary was a weak ally
July Crisis
28 June 1914:
Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot by serb assassin
Blank cheque on 6 July:
Germany declared suppport for AH to deter Russia from interfering
23 July:
AH officially blamed Serbia for the assassination
25 July:
Russia announced her support for Serbia — Serbia rejected ultimatum from AH
28 July:
Austria declared war on Serbia — began with bombardment of Belgrad
31 July:
Russia began to mobilize troops to aid Serbia
1 August:
Germany declared war on Russia
3 August:
Germany invaded neutral belgium and declared war on France
Schlieffen Plan
German plan on how to prevent a 2-front-war
How it was planned:
German qould march through Belgium
Quickly defeating France within 42 days
Russia would take this time to mobilize their troops
How it went:
Britain protected Belgium and declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914
They didnt defeat France
Russia was faster than expected
plan didnt work out and worsened the situation
Triple Entente was at war with central powers
Course of War
enthusiasm for war (industrialization, new weapons, new experiences)
affection of citizens
—> economy suffered, mass destruction, etc.
Germany didnt manage to defeat France as planned (stalemate situation)
Most used war strategy: trench warfare and war of attrition
Germany against Russia: war of attrition
turkey and bulgaria entered war for central power ; Romania for allied powers
USA entered the war in 1917 —> advantage for allies
bad relation between germany and USA —> reason for their entry
German war aims
Annexionist: wanted to gain territory from war
Supporters of the idea of Central Europe (indirect rule over continent by unions, economic interdependence and financial dependence)
—> aims became more and more unrealistic
1917: majority of Reichstag wanted peace based on compromise
—> didnt work out because foreign policy and military wasnt under control
—> victory peace was wanted
war aims of allies:
political and economic weakening of Germany; on continent and as colonial power
reintegration of Alsace-Lorraine into France (Teile des Rheinlands / Territorium)
restoration of Belgian sovereignty
idea of river Rhine forming possible border from France and Germany
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 1918, Soviet Union ended war with Central powers
Why was the war for Germany unwinnable?
Us-involvement caused failure of the last German offensive
—> soldiers didn’t want to fight anymore (they knew they were defeated)
14 August 1918, OHL (Oberste Heeresleitung) declared war to be unwinnable
Armistice was declared on …?
On 11 November 1918 in Compiegne
Treaty of Versailles
Established by the “Big Three”: George Clemenceau (France), David Lloyed George (Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (USA)
discussed that Germany takes the full blame for all damages of WW1
—> they have to pay all reperation costs
—> German coal mines are given to France and Saar Basin is not governed anymore
—> Alsace-Lorraine is given to France
—> Germany loses all colonies
—> Demilitarization (army is only for securing their territory)
—> no German fortifications among Rhine
—> It resulted in the Foundation of the League of Nations (precursor of United Nations)
14 Points by Woodrow Wilson (USA)
Aims of the USA for the Negotiations after the war:
open covenants; diplomacy
Alsace-Lorraine should be freed; in interest of all
Impartial adjustments of colonies
Armaments in Germany are reduced; only for domestic safety
Germany should have a place of equality if they want to
Countries that are supposed to get support for building their country up: Russia, Belgium, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Poland
Foundation of association of nations for guarantees of independence (=League of nations)
Theory as to why Germany lost the war:
The German people didn’t put enough trust into the German army anymore
German politics stopped supporting the German army
There was no discipline left in the German military
Socialists were undermining the spirit
—> Responsible for Germany’s defeat: the socialists, not the German army
Consequences of war
Russia: revolution changed the state system (from autocracy to democracy/communism = Soviet Union)
Germany: had to take thesole guilt
Austria-Hungary: Disolution into several smaller states, right to self-determination
—> paved way for new conflicts
—> Anschluss to Germany from Austria was forbidden
Italy: change of government; facist regime
Spain: change of government
Ottoman Empire is dissolved
Question of war guilt
The Fischer Thesis (Fritz Fischer)
Germany wanted a war to expand territory and become a global power
war was planned and Germany was prepared
Germany triggered the war in order to achieve their aims (e.g. the Chancellor did)
Reading history backwards
—> only Germany’s fault
Christopher Clark
“sleepwalkers”: they did it unconsciously, didn’t really know what they were doing
in every European country, there were crises
tensions between European countries
everyone had their interests in mind
we shouldn’t blame one single country
there is no right or wrong party
if you want to find one guilty party, you only focus on all that happened within that party and try find hints
you need to watch the whole situation in relation
there is not one single guilty party, all parties played a part
really complex
—> no single party to be blamed, everyone played their part
Last changed2 years ago