List subtypes of uveitis.
Subtype: intermediate uveitis
Definition: inflammation of the vitreous body (vitritis)
Etiology and clinical features: see “Posterior uveitis”
Slit-lamp examination: absent or very weak irritation of the anterior chamber
Vitritis with numerous cells in the vitreous body (spherical or star-shaped bodies)
Often posterior vitreous detachment
Possibly vasculitis
Possibly macular edema
Describe the treatment.
Initial treatment
Topical route in anterior uveitis
Periocular or intraocular route in posterior uveitis
Cycloplegics (e.g., atropine, scopolamine)
Analgesics (e.g., NSAIDs)
Close followup examinations
Infectious uveitis: antibiotic or antiviral therapy
Severe cases or those resistant to initial treatment
Systemic glucocorticoids
Immunosuppressants (e.g., azathioprine, cyclosporin, infliximab)
What should be remembered?
Uveitis is often associated with HLA-B27 syndromes, such as Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and reactive arthritis.
Posterior uveitis does not manifest with pain (unlike painful anterior uveitis), because the choroid is not innervated by sensory nerves.
Last changed2 years ago