Should the British monarchy be abolished - YES
No real political power = functions are mainly formal, and could easily be taken over by other political bodies or an elected president
Herediatary monarchy = successor to the throne will take the Crown regardless of his suitability, character, previous scandals, etc.
In a modern Democratic state, the people should also be able to exercise Democratic control of the head of the executive. This includes both electing the head of the state as well it's instruments to check or even impeach him. None of this applies if the head of state is a hereditary monarch
Why don't you would not work as a kind of constitution of barrier against dictatorship. The monarchy simply would not have the political power to stop a potential dictator (or may not even want to, King might be sympathetic to a dictator King Edward VIII - hitler)
The British sovereign is the most expensive monarch in Europe (£40 million per year)
Coast of the monarchy rises, if you include hidden costs like Royal security
They are still receiving public funding. Public funding also includes less important relatives of the King
Although many members of the royal family head charities, they do not really engage in practical work for those charities, but rather serve as a kind of figurehead
Should the British monarchy be abolished - NO
all the prime minister since 1950s have valued the weekly audiences with the Queen is a unique opportunity to discuss government measures outside a party environment with a person who can draw on wealth of experience and political knowledge.
The monarch is seen as someone who stands above party, politics, and Candice act as a real representative of the country, regardless of short-term political interests and strategies
As a consequence, the monarch is seen as non-political figures, symbolising, Britishness and national values
The British monarchy has shown that it is able to reform itself and adapt to modern times (the late Queen and King Charles have been paying taxas since 1993, King Charles was allowed to marry a divorced woman)
The king may be the most expensive monarch in Europe, but this does not mean that the president would come any cheaper. The most expensive head of state in Europe is the French president with £103.5 million - more than twice as expensive as the British monarchy
The positive image of the British monarchy around the world, helps to secure trade deals, especially when they are made in the wake of a royal visit
With the new generation of Prince, William and Kate and babies, Georgia and Charlotte, the monarchy has gathered new momentum and enjoys widespread sympathy in Britain
The members of the royal family have important functions, heading all kinds of charities their image and popularity, help charities to continue their good work
Attract tourists, create workspace, tradition, tabloids
Coronation Highlights
The protest against monarchy
coronations high price tag - royal argue that the event will provide a boost to the economy
Outdated and problematic
6 people arrested
Princes Anne returned back to the palace on horseback - kings personal bodyguard - gold-stick-in-waiting
Prince George - one of the pages of honour
Prince Harry, attended alone, as a guest in the third row - seated behind princess Anne - obscured by the red plumage on her hat
Last changed2 years ago